View Full Version : Sushi decided to modify her ladder :D

01-20-2006, 08:58 AM
I have a long wodden ladder in sushi's cage that went from the top down to a big perch. Well sushi decided that she wanted to pull it off the perch so now its hanging straight down in the cage and its her newest swing toy! She grabs the side of the cage, swings the ladder, then jumps on for the ride back and forth! Its so hilarious! She even does acrobat stunt on the ladder now that its in this position, while its swinging she will loop herself upside down and go rung to rung around each one upside down hahaha. Its too cute, I dont have the heart now to "fix" it back diagonal to the perch. She loves her new swing so much!

Just wanted to share as I think its so cute!

01-20-2006, 09:17 AM
Sushi sound like a very playful little one :). Is she the blue mask in your avatar? I have a soft spot for masks myself, and one of the things I specially love about them is how active and playful they are. I'm sure all other lovie species are playful as well, but there's something in the way masks put their whole being into having fun that makes them so entertaining, at least to me :).

Thanks for sharing,

01-20-2006, 09:27 AM
she is so extremely playful and yep she's the masked in my pic :) She's so pretty and has the funniest attitude with playing. She playes alllll the time and will chirp the entire time, even when she's chillin in her hut she talks to herself. Too bad she wont play with me! She just wants to run from me or bite me :( I

01-20-2006, 09:41 AM
:lol You have a smart little girl there! Sounds like she wanted to be a swinger ;)

01-20-2006, 03:29 PM
She sounds like a real character! :D I love to watch my two play and spend way too much time doing just that! :lol Having had a NON player for two year before getting these two was like having a real lovie(s) for the very first time. They are in to everything and I am forever telling my husband that THIS is what lovebirds are supposed to be like. :D Oliver is afraid of toys and especially any moving toy but Big Boi and Shy are game for anything and the hamster wheel is next! :D

01-29-2006, 04:12 PM
ohhhh new news.. Sushi has decided that she can do something that her mommy cant even do. one of her ring toys has a keyring type ring at the top then connected to the hook to the cage. i found her earlier twisting the keyring until she got it completely removed from both the toy and the hook thing! I cant even take keys off of a flipping keyring and somehow Sushi can remove one from anything! I want to take it from her for safety reasons but right now I am watching her carry the keyring around her cage in her beak and now "playing" music with it by scraping it along the bars of her cage! I love how smart these lovies are! She's SO excited about this silly keyring and taking it everywhere and making music with it lol. I am going to take it away from her as I am affraid she could hurt herself but is there anything I can give her to play with that is safer that this? She's enjoying it so much lol

01-29-2006, 09:16 PM
Hahah, she's a smarty!

Etna and Laharl would rather destroy their ladders. They usually have two in their cage. One of them they deem is in a fine spot, but the other ladder in another spot must be destroyed. :evil:

02-14-2006, 09:50 AM
Sushi also loves to take baths in her "too small" water dish... SOOOO Mommy decided to go out and buy her/him a big expensive bird bath for inside the cage. Its been in there now for a week and so far Sushi has been drinking out of it thats it. She/he is STILl bathing in the small water dish! urgh!!!

I think he's beginning his first molt (he's around 5 months old or so) I keep finding small blue and white feathers on teh bottom of the cage. Heck I figure at this time he would LOVE to take a bath in the real and delux new bird bath.. but NOOOOOO!

Oh and he's now started taking a nap while on his ladder, while its swinging.. all the while chirping in his sleep. He's insane!

02-14-2006, 02:05 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Sushi sure sounds like a character!!! Must keep you on your toes everyday. You have to love their little personalities.