View Full Version : Neck spasms

01-22-2006, 08:30 AM
Help! I just joined but before I can do introductions I need to ask a questions. Our lovebird, Lucy, woke up this morning and she is having spasms where she is moving her head up and down uncontrolably for a few seconds and then it stops. I'm concerned because I have no clue what is wrong with her. Any thoughts?

01-22-2006, 09:09 AM
Hi Mazz,

This action is called gacking. This is Lucy trying to feed. If Lucy is a single lovie, she will feed objects rather than another bird. If she had a mate, she would gack for him.

A few things that may help us be more helpful would be, how old is Lucy? Did you just get Lucy? Has Lucy had a well bird exam? If she has not had a well bird exam, you will want to find an avian vet, and set an appointment to insure Lucy's health. There is a link in the Lovebird Resource Library to help you locate one, if you don't have one already.

I am fairly certain this is what Lucy is doing, but as always if you see signs of illness, take her to your avian vet. Signs of illness can be, disorientation,going to the bottom of the cage, staying puffed up, off balance, wet nares on a continuous basis, and reguritation in excess.

If you have not had Lucy DNA sexed, you may want to. It is not a rule that females gack, but the males primarily do this. Unless you have a sex linked mutation of lovebird, the only way to know the sex is to have them DNA'd or if in time Lucy lays eggs;)

Welcome to the board:D

01-25-2006, 09:51 PM
the first time when my lovies gack i thought they were choking >o

01-30-2006, 02:51 PM
When in her favorite place, one of my kitchen drawers, Peachie does this thing where she opens her beak really wide, while touching the object, which is usually something shiny.

She doesn't move her head up and down like she's gacking, but she appears to me to be "dry heaving". Could this be a similar behavior?

I think she may have "fed" the can opener once, or I missed a spot when I cleaned it :eek:

01-30-2006, 03:03 PM
Cooper has fairly recently started gacking while I hold her - I feel so loved! :blush:
Also Cooper will head bob after being woken up.

04-14-2006, 11:34 PM
u definently should still keep an eye on your bird just in case. if u see ur bird isn't breathing when the spasms happen definently take ur bird to a vet, cuz it may be seizures or there might be something wrong. it's gacking if u see ur bird eating the food in its mouth