View Full Version : Busy Busy...

01-23-2006, 09:30 AM
Just a quick post to let everyone know that yes, I'm still here and no, I haven't abandoned the lovebird maddness world. I've simply been busy with work, birds and family, so my internet time has suffered the last few weeks.

On the lovebird fromt, all are doing well. Aeyu (female Dutch Blue Creamino) and Shadow (Olive) have three chicks (oldest will be 3 weeks old on Wednesday). I am excited for these chicks, as they will all have one dark factor (so will be Jades), all will be split for blue, and all the males will be split for Ino. SO many possible matches for future pairings... :D

Obi is STILL wearing his sattelite dish because he is STILL plucking if given the opportunity (nothing physically wrong, he just wants to be bald, it seems). This is becoming especially frustrating, as Anna is now sitting on 3 confirmed fertile eggs and 1 unconfirmed egg, the last egg having been laid on the morning of 1/20. Once those chicks hatch and age a few weeks, he is going to want to feed them, and he cannot get into his nestbox with his e-collar on his neck, To that end, he has started working on the hole of the nestbox, working on it every day and trying to enlarge it so that he can get inside while wearing his collar. It would be kind of funny if he weren't so pathetically anxious about the whole thing. It got so bad that I had to seperate them on days that Anna was due to lay because on her first egg, Obi blocked Anna from getting into her nest with his body and just would not let her inside - and it caused her to drop her egg outside her nestbox from the exertions, which resulted in a shattered Opaline egg on the bottom of the cage. I wasn't so worried about it at the time, thinking there was NO WAY she could have fertile eggs because of the mechanics that would be needed for them to sucessfully couple with Obi wearing his collar, but just for Anna's mental and physical well-being I decided Obi needed seperate quarters on egg-laying days - which was even MORE dramatic, as the two mates called back and forth to each other all day long until the egg was laid.

Anyway, while Anna and Aeyu took to the nest, none of the other couples have, so I guess I can be thankful for thet. Roxie and Skie have shown no signs of wanting to have another clutch, although Roxie DID desperately want a nestbox when she saw Anna getting one. I'll try to get pics of everyone posted to the website as soon as possible.

Catch you all later -


01-23-2006, 10:08 AM
Hey Eric,

That makes two us that has been busy. Work sucks!!!!:lol

Poor Obi, and poor Anna. I know Ellen here has been trying the Pluck No More, maybe you could give that a try with Obi, although she says the results have not been that good:( .

C-ya round:D

01-23-2006, 10:17 AM
Glad to hear from ya. I look forward to seeing lots 'n lots of pics. :D

01-24-2006, 08:23 AM
. It got so bad that I had to seperate them on days that Anna was due to lay because on her first egg, Obi blocked Anna from getting into her nest with his body and just would not let her inside - and it caused her to drop her egg outside her nestbox from the exertions, which resulted in a shattered Opaline egg on the bottom of the cage.

Has anyone explained to Obi that the nestbox belongs to the hen?:lol I don't know if I should applaud him for standing up to a hen or if I should call him crazy!:rofl:

Anyways. Glad to hear that all is well. THe funny thing for me is I have more time to spend on this website at work then I do at home. Something's wrong:lol

01-24-2006, 11:01 AM
Eric: It's good to hear from you. I have been wondering where you been. Sorry life is so busy! And I'm really sorry to hear about Obi. It sounds as if he's having a really rough time of it. I'm not surprised that he doesn't want Anna in the box where he can't get. Bonded pairs are just that: bonded! They will not give up trying to be with one another if separated.

Hope life slows down for you soon:D

01-24-2006, 01:00 PM
Eric, good to hear from you. I was worried you were buried up to your neck in eggs and chicks and couldn't get to the computer. :lol
Obi and that plucking....darn birds. I know how frustrating it can be....tell him I said to quit already!
Good luck with the new eggs/chicks! Take care and take a deep breath and a break once in a while!

01-24-2006, 10:56 PM
Did anyone ever tell you that you are a good story-teller?:whistle:
I can just picture poor Obi whitling away at that nestbox hole and frustrated little Anna trying to get inside!:omg:
Pictures soon!!