View Full Version : New Additions to my Flock

01-26-2006, 03:58 PM
I don't know if you remember the story of how I was introduced to Tango and Gypsy, they were given to my care because they had been given to my sisters sister in-law by her mother in-law becasue the mother in-law who had 8 lovies (Tango, Gypsy and thier parents) had gotten really sick and couldn't care for all of the lovies, so she gave the youngest pair to her daughter in-law. The daughter in-law couldn't care for them either...so my sister called me to ask if I would like to have a pair of lovebirds...
Now the mother in-law is really sick and expected to pass any day:cry: , she was released from the hospital this morning to spend the rest of her time with her family. She had willed her remaining flock to her daughter in-law, who as you know can't care for them, so my sister called 20 min ago to ask me if I would be able to take in the lovies after their owner passes.
Of course I agreed:whistle: as you know I have been bitten by the lovie bug. I am sad that they would be coming to me by such a sorrowful circumstances :cry: ...but I can't help being excited about increasing my flock:whistle: .
3 lovies are possibly coming to live with me, Tango's father died about 6 months ago, Tango's mother has bonded very stongly to her owner after her mates death, so I don't think her transition to my house will be as smooth as Tango and Gypsy's. I haven't been told much about Gypsy's parents...
I guess I'll find out more in the days to come...

01-26-2006, 05:22 PM
I think you're doing a very kind thing by agreeing to give these new lovies a new home, like you did before when you took Tango and Gipsy into your life. I'm sorry that these new additions to your flock come because of such a sad event like the original owner's passing away, but I'm sure you're giving both her and her family much needed peace of mind :). So congratulations on the new additions to your flock and best of luck with the transition period.


01-26-2006, 05:44 PM
Angela, good for you.....I agree with Gloria! You're taking them in and while it might be an adjustment, they will have a GOOD home! :D

Now, since these birds were all together before (is that right?), you don't have to quarantine! That is a real plus!!! Good luck to you and you new "flock" and keep us posted! :)

01-26-2006, 11:23 PM
I'm sorry about the sad news, but I'm glad you've agreed to take in these lovies. They'll still be able to have a good home. :)

01-26-2006, 11:57 PM
Thats great that you are taking these lovies. I am sorry that it is such sad circumstances but your new additions will help you through the tough time i am sure. Actually i am sure you will be helping eachother. I hope all goes well with the new lovies and i am very sorry to hear about your mother in law (((Hugs))). The new additions are very lucky to be going to such a great home.

01-27-2006, 09:22 AM
The lady who is ill is not my mother in-law, she is my sisters, sister in-law's mother in-law....:confused: confusing I know:rolleyes:

I was wondering about quarantine, the lovies were all together once, but Tango and Gypsy have been away from the rest of the flock for a couple of months, should I still quarantine?

01-27-2006, 09:34 AM
After thinking about this for a few minutes, you have no other birds and there are no other birds, other than the lovebirds, where your 2 came from. Since there have been no new additions in either place, I think you can probably get away without quarantining. If the lovebirds in either place had been exposed to "outside" (not wild) parrots, then I would say quarantine.

01-27-2006, 10:09 AM
Tango and Gypsy have been away from the rest of the flock for a couple of months,

Wow! Has it been that long???? Time does fly and I was thinking you'd only had Tango and Gypsy for about a month!

My thinking about quarantine was just what Linda said. :D Since they were together and if they have not been exposed to other birds, they have all shared the same birdie germs. If they all get along, that would be a real plus! Wish my three did! :roll:

01-28-2006, 08:01 AM
Wow! Has it been that long???? Time does fly and I was thinking you'd only had Tango and Gypsy for about a month!

You are right Tango and Gypsy have been with me just over a month, but they were with the origianl owners daughter in-law for about a month before the came to me.
But I am glad that I won't have to quarantine them!