View Full Version : Plant Chewing

Luckys mom
01-27-2006, 08:45 AM
Before I got my lovebird I had (and still have some) beautiful large houseplants. Since she came into the family, they are pretty ratty looking plants (trees). I did check and they are safe plants for her, BUT.....is there any way to deter her from chewing on the leaves. You gotta know that this bird is VERY SPOILED and has complete run of the house while I am home and have a bird room to put her in when I go away. The only time she goes in her cage is when she sleeps. Anyone got any suggestions for my little lumberjack?:confused:

01-27-2006, 10:27 AM
No! :lol Seriously, I don't, not if your lovie has the run of the house. My older bird doesn't have a curious bone in his little body so when I read about all the things, plants included, that other lovies go into, I just could not imagine. Well, the two that I added last summer DO get into everything. I have a hanging plant over my kitchen sink and had Big Boi and Shy on my shoulder, standing in front of the sink. In just about a second, Big Boi reached up (stretched that little neck) and chomped at two leaves on that plant! It is on the safe list but still, I was stunned at what they'll get into! Nothing is off limits in their opinion! :D

So, other than physically removing him from the plant, I have no suggestions for you. :) They really are like a toddler who never grows up! :lol

01-27-2006, 11:49 AM
Just make sure the plants she is chewing on are safe. There is a list of safe plants listed in the Resource Library on the board.

If you don't want her chewing on the plants, the only way to stop it is remove them. A determined lovie will not be stopped. :rofl:

01-27-2006, 07:22 PM
One thing I found was that if Gonzo could reach the plant while hanging from furniture or his cage....he would chew it. Now I keep my plants out of his reach from any areas he perches. He seems to leave them alone now. And of course all are bird safe, because I am sure that if I had one that wasn't he would find a way to chew on it.

Buy A Paper Doll
01-27-2006, 10:07 PM
Wish I could help. My pair "pruned" a beautiful miniature rose bush that my mother had gotten me for Christmas. There was an iron (cold and not plugged in) on the table; Melody scaled the electrical cord to get to the table, then jumped on the back of the chair, then to the counter where the plant was. She bit off large sections at the base and dropped them to the floor for Milo to run with them. I had been out of the room for less than 2 minutes.

01-28-2006, 09:23 PM
Wish I could help. My pair "pruned" a beautiful miniature rose bush that my mother had gotten me for Christmas. There was an iron (cold and not plugged in) on the table; Melody scaled the electrical cord to get to the table, then jumped on the back of the chair, then to the counter where the plant was. She bit off large sections at the base and dropped them to the floor for Milo to run with them. I had been out of the room for less than 2 minutes.

Sorry but that's funny! :lol