View Full Version : Looks like I might have...

01-28-2006, 04:44 PM
a velcro baby birdie on my hands! After I feed miso, she crawls under the blanket on my lap. I try to put her back in her cage and she flies to the side nearest to me and stares at me. If I bring her back out, she just wants to be under my blanket and on my lap (or in my shirt) hehe. She's laying here right now on me and peeping at the same time. Does this mean she/he will be a velcro lovie and has bonded to me already? Or is just because of her/his age?

01-28-2006, 05:01 PM
I could be wrong, but from my experience with my lovie when i first got her at 6 and a half weeks, not quite completely weened (i had to hand feed a couple times a day) she was a complete sappy suck too. She would lay on me and sleep for hours and just snuggle and just want to be with me (it was great by the way ;) ). I think it has a lot to do with the age, but also i think he/she already knows you are his/her mommy and wants to be close and safe. My advice is to savor this time. Once Kameko decided she was too grown up and busy she didn't want to snuggle like that with em any more. It is a whole new kind of fun and snuggley time. But nothing replaces the baby snuggles :D . So cherish it, and hope that maybe Miso will stay a sucky mama's bird ;) .

01-28-2006, 09:21 PM
Ditto has always been like that. He's almost 3 now and he's a total snuggle bug. I think he gets more snuggly by the day! So maybe Miso will stay that way. :cool:

01-29-2006, 04:07 PM
I sure hope Miso stays like this!!!! omg its so sweet and I just LOVE it! She's now almost 6 weeks old so we'll see how her behavior changes as she grows. Is there anything I can do as she does grow to hopefully keep her this tame? hehehe

01-31-2006, 07:29 AM
I got my lovie at 3 m0nths and he was just like that.He is 4 months and does not like the restraint of sleeping in my hands now but loves to nap on my shoulder .He is still very tame but has a temper now...he is definately a velcro birdy still and insists on being with us at all times, particularly the kids, which can drive them crazy cuz they can't read or do homework without him trying to chew it up and he won't let them pass him off to me.
One big advantage to having him nap on you {besides the pleasure} is that it makes potty training easy! as soon as he wakes up he will poop so just hold him over a piece of paper towel and say go poop.As soon as he does praise him like crazy and maybe give him a treat. It took less than a day for my bird to catch on..But now he is in his terrible twos and refuses most of the time...lol...i have hopes that if i leave it for awhile ....one can hope

01-31-2006, 11:29 AM
years ago i had a lovie who was like that even when he was older. if he was on my shoulder, he would climb down and want to snuggle in my sports bra. then poke his head out when he heard another bird then snuggle back in again. he was a real mummies boy! hope it lasts for you because it is so adorable!

01-31-2006, 11:55 AM
I have one lovie who's somewhat of a velcro birdie. I must say, I love the velcros! I'm thinking Trixie will me a velcro, too. :cool:

I hope Miso stays a velcro. Who doesn't love a birdie stuck to them 24/7. :D