View Full Version : Bummed out :(

01-29-2006, 03:18 PM
As you guys may know I've been looking for a cage mate for my Pidget. Thinking about the suggestions I got at the board, I've been looking for a youngish female or male (I've finally decided that whatever sex we get it will be okay). If it's a female, then I was thinking about getting another mask, but if it's a male, then either a mask, a Fischer, or a black cheek if I were lucky enough to find one, would be really welcome. The main requirement I had is that the birdie be at least as socialised as Pidget, because after dealing with Nemo's change of life from nearly wild breeder bird to house pet, I don't think I have the bravery to go through that adjustment period once again. It hasn't been easy, but today I found an ad on the internet about a female blue mask, born in November 2005, to what seemed really good breeders, and at a reasonable price. I was even more excited when I read that the birdie (her name was Mimo) had been weaned on veggies and fruits and that she was hand tame. She looked in a word perfect.

So as fast as I could I sent a message to the breeder and waited impatiently for an answer, but in my mind I was already planning where to keep her under quarantine, the questions I would ask at the board about introducing a baby female to an older female who's alwasy been head of the flock well, I guess as the saying goes, I was counting my eggs before they were laid >o . So imagine my disappointment when the breeder replied telling me that Miso had already been sold :(. She did tell me that Miso's parent's were currently sitting on new eggs and that if I could wait about three more months she could let me know when the new babies were ready to leave the nest. I thanked her and I did sign me up for the new batch, but I can't help feeling disappointed. I was so happy for Pidget, I thought I had found just the right one for him :(. *sigh*


01-29-2006, 03:25 PM
Hugs Gloria. I know that feeling vey well. I can understand you wanting a tame lovebird. Patience is the hardest thing sometimes. I hope you find the bird for you and your family.


01-29-2006, 04:46 PM

To look on the bright side, maybe when the new little ones arrive you can make arrangements to go and socialize with the baby that you pick out? I know alot of breeders will allow this, and even encourage it, so maybe that is something you can also ask her about.

Three months will pass quickly, and Pidget will have a bird friend, until then he has you and Chris:)

Oooooohhhhh, I'm eggcited for you:D

01-29-2006, 08:21 PM
Aww, I'm sorry to hear that. I know it's hard to be patient (I had to wait around three months, as well, for my first two lovies) but, you can do it! I know you'll give the new baby a good home, and a friend for Pidget. :)

01-30-2006, 07:12 AM
Thanks for your words :). I've been trying to apply the philosophy I learned as a child growing up in a conservative Catholic country for resigning yourself to things that don't go like you wish they would: Whatever happens is always for the best. I don't really know if I agree with it or not, but at least it's a way to put a positive spin on things :). So I'll tell myself that Mimo (not Miso, I must've been thinking about Gina's little sweetie) and Pidget would maybe not get along as well as I had hoped *gives one last regretful sigh and arms herself with patience*.


ETA: Thanks for your suggestion Lori. I'll get in touch with the breeder and see what she has to say.

01-30-2006, 07:41 AM
Awwww, I am sorry, Gloria! This did sound like the perfect little lovie but I'll bet you there is another perfect little one out there, waiting for you and your flock! Even if it hasn't been born yet, it will be and as Lori mentioned, 3 months isn't that far off. When I finally found "the" little WF Violet that made me realize I DID need another parrot, it turned out it was a hen. I was so disappointed but decided that I'd waited that long so I would stick to my plan of only adding males and 3 1/2 months later, Shy came home with me....with his brother, Big Boi! :D Both were so worth the wait. :) Hang in there, you'll find just the right one, I know it! :)

01-30-2006, 03:15 PM
Yes Heather!! Do send one of those little beauties over, she'll be more than welcome here :). Seriously though, if you ever want to oh, say, go to sleep a bit earlier for a month or two, feel free to send as many as you want over here. I would take good care of them for you, while feasting my eyes and indulging my love for masks :).


01-30-2006, 06:38 PM
Yes Heather!! Do send one of those little beauties over, she'll be more than welcome here :). Seriously though, if you ever want to oh, say, go to sleep a bit earlier for a month or two, feel free to send as many as you want over here. I would take good care of them for you, while feasting my eyes and indulging my love for masks :).


Send one here too! Maybe Ditto can teach him to snuggle and he can teach Ditto to be a lovebird. :rofl:

01-30-2006, 11:21 PM
Oooh Gloria,
Check with the breeder!!! If the parents are already on eggs that would be less than 20 days til hatch and then 21 days til they would be 3 weeks old...If they would let you begin socializing a baby then 45 days is 1/2 the three months. Do they hand feed their babies? This might be an opportunity for you to learn to handfeed too.
The right birdie will be at your door before Pidget knows it:happy:

02-26-2006, 01:21 PM
I just got a mail from the breeder. The first baby was born yesterday and the second one today, and there are still more eggs to be hatched. I'm second in the waiting list so there's a big chance Pidget's future mate/buddy has already been born :D. It will be a blue mask too, which I'm very happy about having only green ones up to this point. A little variation never hurts :). She'll be sending pictures of the babies in a few days, when they're a bit bigger, and there's a chance we'll be able to work out a socializing schedule for the baby (they live a ways outside my city, but we'll see).

I'm really excited about this. OHHH my Pidget :happy: . Hopefully he'll soon have a better object for his affection than Chris's toes >o.


02-26-2006, 01:43 PM
Oooh, Congratulations. This is going to be a exciting time!!:rofl: They grow so quickly in three weeks!!!

02-26-2006, 02:14 PM

I am sooooo happy for you and Pidget, and of course Chris's toes;)

Post those pics of Buddy when you get them:D

02-26-2006, 08:08 PM
Gloria, YIPEE!!!! And if that doesn't work out, *I* have a bird I can send you......long story! I think Big Boi has decided to bond with Oliver and I may have a spare.....aka, Shy! :lol (not that I would ever let Shy go as he has the same mean streak that I have...:rofl:)

Anyway, I sure do hope one of these new little ones will end up with you and Pidget. If it's a very lucky little one, it will! :)

02-27-2006, 06:59 AM
Well Janie, you know that any little purple birdy would always be very welcome here :). It does sound though as if something big is going over at your house if Big Boi and Shy are on the outs :omg:. And Oliver liking another bird, that sounds even more difficult.

I was actually thinking about that yesterday, what if the new birdy prefers Nemo or Pontus and then I end up with two more declared enemies a la Pidget and Nemo :(. Anyway, since there's not much I can do if it does turn out that way, I figured I might as well wait and see how things went before I started stressing a whole lot about it.

Anyway, thanks for your good wishes everyone. Here's hoping everything turns out well :).


02-28-2006, 02:11 AM
Send one here too! Maybe Ditto can teach him to snuggle and he can teach Ditto to be a lovebird. :rofl:

I have better idea Dave, maybe it can teach YOU how to be a lovebird :lol :lol :lol

02-28-2006, 08:15 AM
I have better idea Dave, maybe it can teach YOU how to be a lovebird :lol :lol :lol

Ditto is already working on that. :rofl:

02-28-2006, 11:22 AM
Ditto is already working on that. :rofl:

:rofl: :lol :rofl: :lol :rofl:

02-28-2006, 12:42 PM
How neat Gloria that you will get a chance to socialize before your new baby comes home! I know you are very excited, this is a wonderful feeling knowing you are getting a new family member.

Of course as always..... share the pictures!
