View Full Version : update on samy

02-04-2006, 11:45 AM
Hi everyone! I took Samy for a grooming check-up and he got an A! They said he seemed very healthy. I was concerned because he has been constanly picking/pulling on his feet, especially the right foot. The manager pointed out a scratch on his right foot and that might be itchin him. He is still picking at his foot though and I'm wonderin if this is alos due to stress. Does anyone else have this happening to their birdies? Is this a normal thing? My other question is I have tried various foods to give him ande he only seems to want to eat the seed mixture I give to him. He does not seem interested in the millet that I got him. I have also tried apple, banana, and peach. i read that you should put it in a seperate bowl. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I have not tried vegatables yet because the store recommended fruit for him. Thanks, Howard

02-04-2006, 11:58 AM
Did you take Samy to see an avian vet and did the vet do any testing? Lovebirds will clean their feet by preening them. Did he suggest what to do about the scratch? You might try putting a bit of Neosporin on it to help it heal. If the picking/biting continues, I would have a few tests run to see what the cause might be.

Lovebirds are not usually big fruit eaters so that could be part of the problem. Some of the lovies here, especially BarbieH's flock, love bananas but I think she offers them very, very ripe and in small pieces. Size can make a big difference. I have my best success with homemade cornbread and veggies. You may want to check out Birdie Cooking and Recipes. There are some yummie treats in that forum! My lovies absolutely adore shredded carrots and pieces of broccoli. While Samy may not show any interest in anything else but seed, you need to keep offering. You can have a separate dish but I just put my fresh food right on top of the regular food. It's never there very long!

02-04-2006, 04:16 PM
Hi Howard,

First I was going to ask you if this check up was done by and avian vet. Second, I was going to advise you to try veggies instead of fruit. Linda has covered it all, above! :D

I don't remember if you said how old Sammy is but I want to share this with you about my older lovie. I've had him for over 2 years and he's somewhere between 8 and 10 years old. He was a 100% seed eater when I adopted him. I worked for three straight weeks to get him to try raw broccoli. He finally did and eats it almost every day. But, here is the really good news....just in the last few days he is eating cooked brown rice topped with broccoli florets and chopped raw carrots!!!! The key to this was that I added two more lovies in July and they will eat lots of things so he finally broke down (got curious enough, :D) and joined them!!! I put it in a shallow bowl on top of Oliver's cage and let the other two boys join him. There is no doubt that "monkey see, monkey do" applies in this situation. I jumped up and down and clapped when I saw brown rice all over Oliver's beak! Made my day! :D

02-05-2006, 11:28 AM
Hi Linda! Thanks for the advice. Maybe he is preening his feet. I'm not sure. Can you please describe the process of peening and how often this is done? I notice him preening his feathers but he spends a lot more time on his feet.