View Full Version : In the corner

02-04-2006, 11:55 PM
I have noticed lately that Kameko is hanging around in one corner of her cage. She's not sick or anything so i am not concerned with her staying on the bottom of her cage (she still spends a lot of time on her perches). It is just that when i walk in sometimes she is just hanging out in the one corner. She stands there, sings, cleans, and today noticed her trying to get at the paper under the grate. Is she trying to nest with the absence of nesting material, or is she just hanging out? She always looks a little guilty when i walk in if she is down there. Its like she is plotting an escape :lol .

02-05-2006, 12:39 AM
She could be trying to nest! Especially if she's trying to reach the paper beneath her grate.

My lovies stay on the bottom of their cages when they see something they want outside of the cage ie. I've left a piece of spray millet out in view, and they go nuts trying to get it! And once they realize they can't, they sit there looking at it very sadly. Also, when I brought my budgie in from quarantine, the two youngest lovies would sit in the corner of the cage closest to the budgie, either watching him, or trying to get to him.

Or maybe Kameko is staying on the bottom of the cage just because. You sure she isn't sick?

02-05-2006, 08:45 AM
Sounds like Kameko has found her nesty corner. Lacey has one corner she goes to, and she will also try and get the paper beneath the grate. She will flap her wings and try to make the paper move and then try to grab it. Nesty hens are very resourceful:rolleyes:

I would say this is what Kameko is doing,but as always watch for signs of illness. Puffed up, lethargic, abnormal poopins, etc.....

02-05-2006, 01:06 PM
I was thinking that she found a nesty corner :cool: . I am sure she isn't sick. Her poops are normal, she plays with all her toys, climbs all over the place, sings like crazy, and acts her normal self when she is out, but i will keep a close eye on her just in case. She just sits in the corner, sometimes trying to get the paper on the bottom (which looks really funny by the way because she lays on her belly trying to shove her beak under the grate :lol ). She'll hang out there for a while, maybe clean and sing and flap then go back to tormenting her favorite toys. She has been getting very resourceful at finding things to make a nest with. She tries to stick draw-strings off my clothes in her feathers or anything she can find to stick in there. Just delaying the inevitable right now i guess. 2 more months and she will be a year and i won't care as much if she lays an egg.

02-05-2006, 02:25 PM
The best thing to do to prevent Kameko from laying just now is to rearrange her cage, including her perches, toys and swings. It would also help if you could move the cage placement. I've even put a small perch in the corner to prevent lovies from standing in their chosen area.

Good luck8)