View Full Version : Thinking of getting second birdie

02-05-2006, 02:06 AM
I could really use some advice on this.
As some of you may remember I did get a second bird from Petsmart a few months back and unfortunately it was not a healthy bird and it died 3 days later. This made me very sad and also very leary.
But now I am thinking maybe I am ready to try again (not going back to Petsmart). The thing is this, I have several questions.

I spend several hours per day with Finny and he does not seem lonely or anything but I think it would be nice if he had a friend of his own species. I have heard that if I get a second bird he wont love me as much. Is this true?
Also I dont know if Finny is actually a boy even though we say and think he is (he is so stubborn sometimes how can he not be a boy?) :rofl:
If I get another bird does it have to be a girl? If it is a girl does that automatically mean they will have babies? I dont think I want any grandbirdiebabies at this point in time. Also If it is a girl does it have to be the same kind of lovebird as Finny? I would really like to have a yellow one they are so pretty but Finny is a peach face. If they are different kinds will they try and mate still?

Also, since Petsmart is out of the question and the only other bird pet store in town has only wild lovies that do not look very healthy, where would I find a yellow one like I want? What are the yellow ones called anyway?

I appreciate all the help and look forward to your responses.


02-05-2006, 08:34 AM
Hi Finnysmommie,

I'm sorry to ask this if you have already posted this before, but how long have you had Finny? I'm asking because if he's been with you for about a year or so, it's difficult to say if you have a he for sure, unless you do a DNA test. Many lovie hens will begin acting nesty and wanting to lay eggs at about 1 year of age, but some lovie hens, specially if they're single, have been known to wait up to three years before laying their first egg :eek:. So the safest bet is to do a DNA test to know what sex Finny is. And this could be important if Finny is in fact a hen, because then it would be safest and best if your new lovie were a male. If Finny is a male, then you have more options, because you could get either a female or another male, and it could still work out well.

As for colours, you can perfectly well get any colour mutation that you wish, even if Finny is a normal peachface :). The all yellow mutation of a peachface is called lutino (the beautiful bright yellow ones with peachfaces), or creamino (the soft creamy yellow ones that look like little angels), but there are also pied mutations, in which the birdie has a lot of yellow mixed in with his other colours, and they are also beautiful. In the picture forum you can see several of the board members lovies, in all colours of the rainbow, and if you want to see a lutino and a creamino, you can look for Bellarains' (Lori) posts, because her avatar shows her lutino and creamino couple.

There are a lot of things to consider when getting a new lovie, so it's very good that you're thinking about it before you take the plunge and I'm sure you'll get a lot of good advice at the board regarding how to get in touch with a reputable breeder, the quarantine period, the introduction period, etc. I do think it's very good for birds, really for any creature, to have companionship of its own kind, so I do believe Finny would appreciate having another birdie around :).

Good luck,

02-05-2006, 09:16 AM
Gloria has answered everything but I'm still going to add my :2cents: :D

I bought two DNA'd brothers when they were about 9 1/2 weeks old. My plan was that they would be bonded to each other and my mate, Oliver, would continue to have me all to himself. I was hopeful that I'd be able to interact with them some but that most of their time would be spent with each other. The best laid plans......:lol They BOTH want on me all the time! Oliver doesn't really like them although they will bathe and eat fresh food together on top of his cage (and Oliver is eating MUCH better since I got them) so I can't have all three on my shoulder together which seems unfair to Oliver since he was here long before them and has lived on my shoulder for a couple of years. I do want to mention that these two brothers were hand fed and tame from day one. They are bonded to each other but I can assure you, they love human interaction and would drop each other in a heart beat to get to me. They do get time on me but it is limited because of Oliver but they get at least one to two hours of out of cage time every day.

I would suggest that you do DNA Finny and if he IS a he and you don't want babies, I'd buy a male. No guarantees that they will bond but odds are far more in favor of a male/male bond than a female/female bond. After having two in the same cage together, my future will always be two instead of a single bird who is 100% bonded to me. They have such a blast playing and I never feel guilty if they're left alone since they always have each other. If I ever have to board them, two in the same cage is another plus and I'd feel less guilt over that. I would never board Oliver. If someone can't be home when I've planned a trip, I don't go. He's too old to deal with that and after years of neglect, he deserves better so boarding him is not an option.

Whatever you do decide to do, just give it lots of thought and be prepared to cage them separately in case they do not get along. If you can find a good breeder in your area, I'd also recommend buying that way instead of from a retail store. Good luck! :)

Buy A Paper Doll
02-05-2006, 09:33 AM
Gloria and Janie covered everything but you know I have to add my 2 cents! :lol

"I have heard that if I get a second bird he wont love me as much. Is this true?"

Nope! About 4 months after I got Milo, I got Melody specifically to keep Milo company. Milo and Melody are very much bonded to each other, but they are very friendly and tame. I found that the 60 day quarantine period was a perfect opportunity for Melody and me to get to know each other. So by the time I introduced them to each other, they were each bonded to me. Now, instead of having one velcro birdy climbing all over me, I have two!

02-05-2006, 10:12 AM

I have a lutino and a creamino, Bela and Lacey. I did have Bela for almost two years before I got Lacey, and have to say, it's the best thing I ever did. I not only kept my relationship with Bela, but I also have one with Lacey.

I will say that Bela is not as clingy as he was before, but that's a good thing. He still loves his Mommy, but he also has a wonderful, loving, birdie relationship. I love to watch them cuddle and preen. It makes me happy that he has a companion of his own. It is my personal opinion, but I believe he deserved love with his own kind, and they still have plenty to share with me:)

Introductions are best made slowly, but this also gives you time to bond with a new lovie, so that you can have a relationship with both. Some birds will take to each other quickly, others can take weeks to months. It is important that you know Finny may never accept another bird, but proper introduction is key. You will want to get either another male that is not too young, or a female that is close to one year of age, or keep them seperated until the female reaches that age. This is to avoid them mating before she is mature to avoid any health issues.

To find a breeder, you can look online for breeders in or near you, and you can also look in the back of a BirdTalk magazine. You can also tell us where you are exactly, and maybe someone here is near you, or knows someone near you, and can suggest a breeder.

OK, there's my :2cents: Let us know how it goes.

02-05-2006, 01:17 PM
I have the same situation as Janie. I bought Molly (male) at 4 wks of age and he bonded to me very quickly. When Molly was about 9 mths old, I bought Daisy (female). Well...the two have NEVER gotten along. So much for companionship :p I bought Piper (male) when Daisy was about 5 or 6 mths old and then I bought Olivia (female) in December at 7 mths old. Piper and Olivia are the same age. NONE of my birds ever bonded to each other. Daisy used to play with Piper until I got Olivia. I do have to say that Daisy & Olivia can stay in the same cage, but not for more than a day at a time. Daisy likes her "alone" time. All my birds are velcro birds. Molly gets the raw end of the deal cause he doesn't like any of the other three - they chase hime relentlessly. The other three think I'm a playgym and a food table. They play and eat on me. Heck, they do everything on me. VELCRO!!! *sigh* >o

02-05-2006, 05:17 PM
Ok I will pop on too. Even though I have same answer..lol. I have two lovebirds(who are grooming me as I type). They are mother and child but both are bonded to me.It depends on the bird. Many here have only one lovey and they are happy. it is more up to you. I would get your bird sexed first to be sure. Just becareful. they are addicting.lol.


02-05-2006, 06:26 PM
I think we are all going with the he's a boy thing now after my other questions have been answered... lol (see the post quick question).
I was positive that I would really want a little yellow one for Finny's new best friend but then I saw pictures of Milo.. so now it is time I guess to look up breeders. So the yellows are lupinos? and the light yellows are creamsomethings? What are the Milo's called?

02-05-2006, 06:44 PM

The one with the red head in my avitar is a lutino, the other pale yellow bird, Lacey is a creamino. Milo is a violet lovedbird. I think Milo is a double dark factor, and he is a beauty isn't he.

So many colors, so little space:lol

Buy A Paper Doll
02-05-2006, 06:45 PM
I was positive that I would really want a little yellow one for Finny's new best friend but then I saw pictures of Milo.. so now it is time I guess to look up breeders. So the yellows are lupinos? and the light yellows are creamsomethings? What are the Milo's called?

:lol Milo is a whitefaced double violet with 1 dark factor, but on this board, somehow that mutation has become known as the Milo Birdy... :whistle:

02-05-2006, 08:25 PM
Jennifer, is Melly a little velcro birdy now? :) You sure have come a long way with her! It was just about a year ago when you got her, wasn't it?

02-06-2006, 02:15 PM
:lol Milo is a whitefaced double violet with 1 dark factor, but on this board, somehow that mutation has become known as the Milo Birdy... :whistle:

That's what I call 'em. Milo Birdies! If I ever see one of those when I go for Ditto food I'm taking him home!

02-06-2006, 02:38 PM
That's what I call 'em. Milo Birdies! If I ever see one of those when I go for Ditto food I'm taking him home!

We'll believe it when we see it Dave! :lol

Once Dave retires (or hits the lottery big), I foresee a big house full o' birdies!

Buy A Paper Doll
02-06-2006, 06:38 PM
Jennifer, is Melly a little velcro birdy now? :) You sure have come a long way with her! It was just about a year ago when you got her, wasn't it?
Yes! It was Super Bowl Sunday when I got her .... and she's peeking out of the neck of my shirt as I type this! :D