View Full Version : she is getting nasty!

02-06-2006, 04:51 AM
i have had 2 lovies in the same cage for about 2 months, but practically overnight rodreigo has turned into the devil! everytime she sees me she does this certain whistle, then when i go over to her she drops onto the bottom of the cage, fluffs her feathers and then tries to turn my fingers into bloody stumps! im just wondering how to stop this behaviour as i cant change the water without fearing for my fingers safety. she has never ever bitten me before this, so im wondering could she be into the nesting stage and will she grow out of it???? please help.:cry: :cry: :cry: i miss my baby!!!!!:(

02-06-2006, 08:12 AM
This is very normal behavior for a hen who is nesty. They often get territorial and bite when people/birds/etc. get near an area theyt deem as theirs'. Your sweet baby is not being mean, she is just being a good mamma, and most all hens will stop biting and fluffing up once away from their cage.

If your lovie knows the step-up command, I would suggest taking a day to teach her to step-up onto a stick or dowel. This way, you can remove your lovie from the cage area and she will likely stop biting. Howevever, be careful because she will continue to be bitey once she's back at her cage. I've also had hens who like to nest in my shirt and when in there they will bite. Just continue to be aware of when and where your lovie bites so you can make adjustments.

One last suggestion is to rearrange your lovies' cage. Move all perches, toys, etc. around as well as moving the cage to another location in the room. This will often put off nesty behavior but not always.

Good Luck. This can be a trying time for those of us who adore our nesty bitey hens:D

Buy A Paper Doll
02-06-2006, 07:42 PM
I've also had hens who like to nest in my shirt and when in there they will bite.

This explains a lot!! It is darned near impossible to get Melody out of my shirt (or out from behind the computer monitor) without her drawing blood.

02-06-2006, 08:38 PM
I switched one of my nesty hens to a whole new cage... I know this isnt always an option but it has helped out a lot... its almost humbled her...shes still not the sweetie that she was but at least now she doesnt run around trying to attack me :)

Buy A Paper Doll
02-07-2006, 05:57 PM
Melody is going through a nasty phase, too, as I said, but my concern is that she is being particularly nasty toward her mate. I've got them in side by side cages during the day and I let them play together only in a neutral area when someone is watching. Even then, Melody is being so nasty and aggressive toward Milo that he physically runs away from her! :evil:

I hate to have to separate them but she doesn't leave me much choice.

02-10-2006, 10:55 AM
:rofl: A lovie running away? I'm counting my lucky stars that Mikey's never drawn blood. I guess loviebird PMS isn't a once a month thing? :lol