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02-06-2006, 01:18 PM
I'll be out of pocket for a little while with some shoulder surgery, so wanted to give you an update on the birdies.

Midget and Mollie are currently hatching their second too-soon clutch. So far one baby split the egg this morning and there is a lot of beak grinding and soft chirping encouragement going on in the nest box. Midget comes out and puffs up that little green chest of his....so cute! :rofl: Four more eggs to go. By the time they are two weeks old, I'll should be ready to start handfeeding the babies.

Sophia and Zipper are still in quarantine and are singing to each other from side by side bedrooms. Their music can get pretty loud! :happy: Their vet checks were A+. Zipper has escaped his cage a couple of times and finds his way to the kitchen. Gracie, the australian shepard, has been herding him under the kitchen table and then yips for me to come get him. :lol (She is trained to herd chickens and cows, so a little precocious birdie is nothing new for her...she knows not to touch the birds.) Sophia is so sweet, takes sunflower seeds from fingers, but won't touch millet.

Still have the three babies from Midget and Mollie's first clutch. Cutie is turning into a little acrobat with her little tootsies missing (DNA tests prove she is a female, so we dropped hubby's name Trooper.). Sunshine is all queen bee...she rules the cage. The last green birdie has no name yet...I'm trying not to get attached. Chances are it's a male and I am really trying to find a good home...especially with the new clutch hatching out. The green birdies sleep in one cozey and Sunshine has one to herself....she won't let anything in there with her...I have a feeling she may end up being a spinster if she doesn't have a change of heart. I'm still leaning towards a lutino mate for her or maybe one from Zipper and Sophia's first clutch.

Will try to post some new pictures soon.:happy:

02-06-2006, 04:17 PM
Kathryn, good luck with that shoulder surgery and thanks for the update! You have a lot of lovie stuff going on! :D Hope you're up and about soon after the surgery and feeling no pain! :)

02-06-2006, 05:43 PM

I hope all goes well with the shoulder surgery. Let us know how you are doing when you can.

Oh, and as soon as you can click some pics of the new little ones, post us some of those. I just loooooove the babies:D

I'd wish you luck on not getting attached to the little no name greenie, but I know how they can steal your heart in a second, so I'm guessing it won't help;)

02-17-2006, 06:54 PM
Shoulder surgery is the pits. :x Had to have a reconstruction on a rotator cuff and some other procedures that probably got the doctor a new set of golf clubs.
Really at my age, getting new parts should set me up for the next 50 years. :rofl:
At least the drugs were good!! :D Therapy is time consuming and :omg: the torture chair they sent me home with has been a 6 hour a day time consuming process made better only by setting it up in the room with my lovies. Thier antics have been most pleasurable...clouded by pain meds ...did that bird really do that!!
The new babies are just now getting their downy feathers so I should soon be able to tell what mutations we have.
Hubby has been so sweet...really a 10!
Glad to be getting back in the swing of things and have enjoyed reading the notes every day or so. You folks have kept me smiling:lol

Buy A Paper Doll
02-17-2006, 07:18 PM
Glad to hear you made it thru the surgery OK. Orthopaedic surgery is no fun at all. The physical therapy that follows is even worse! I have had reconstructive surgery on both knees so I feel your pain - literally! Hopefully things will heal quickly and without incident.

02-17-2006, 07:38 PM
Kathryn, I'm so glad for you that it's OVER!!!!!! You're post really cracked me up (those pain med's must be very good, :D) and especially the line about the new golf clubs!!!! Surgery is the pits and getting old is even "pitter!" :lol. Good to hear that your husband is taking good care of you! :)

02-17-2006, 09:43 PM
I'm glad to hear you're recovering nicely...surgery of any kind is never easy. I love the fact that you set up your chair in the bird area...i bet you find it amazing how time 'flies' in there hehehe..
Best wishes for a continued quick recovery.

02-18-2006, 01:19 AM
I hope all goes well with your recovery. Sounds like the lovie babies are doing swell, which is lovely. Definitely get us lots of pictures!

02-18-2006, 12:34 PM
Hi Kathryn!

I'm really glad your surgery went well and I hope your recovery is fast and as painless as possible :). I think also it's a great idea to have your chair in the bird room. Watching them is in itself so entertaining, and you might get a bit of gentle excercise in the process what with all the things lovies get into during a day's work :rolleyes:.

Good luck with your shoulder and glad to see you back so soon.
