View Full Version : Should I clip Peaches wings?? HELP!

02-07-2006, 12:38 AM
Hi everyone,

Tomorrow is Peaches yearly check up. I keep going back and forth about getting his wings clipped. We don't have any kids or pets in the house...just me and hubby. He loves to fly around the house....Peaches especially loves to fly upstairs and surprise his daddy!!

I'm so anxious right now....I really don't know what to do. When we clipped his wings a year ago January, Peaches was so sad! I didn't have the heart to clip them again. However, I know his vet will bring it up during the exam.

My concern.....a few weeks ago, I had to go to work and was trying to get him in the cage. He didn't want to go......so he started flying crazy all over the house, he bumped into the wall that goes into the kitchen. Luckily, he was okay....but, that scared me!! He usually his very calm about going back in the cage...he is usually out so long....

Any advice? Lisa :(

02-07-2006, 07:00 AM

I had the same debate a few months ago. Blu was flying away from us, being defiant and trying to show us who was the alpha in the house. I ended up clipping 4 feathers on each side. Believe it or not,she can still lift off the ground, go where she wants but she needs to do it in stages.
She cannot fly from her cage directly to the bedroom. She has to make two stops. Her distance ability is limited, therefore we still have control.
Maybe you could give her a partial clip? Kind of a compromise? She still gets her freedom but it's limited, and you still have some sort of control.
I believe that a clip is the safe thing to do. But the bird doesn't have to be impaired by it. And it also depends on the bird itself. With my little Sam, never would have I clipped her feathers. She was too tame for that and would fly to me on command. With Blu, we are not there yet. :2cents:

Hope that helps a little,

02-07-2006, 07:05 AM
Hey Lisa,

Good to hear from you, hope all is well.

I agree with Elle. Four to five flight feathers clipped will still allow Peaches to fly, just take away a little height and speed. You could actually have the vet clip 3-4, and show you how to clip more if Peaches still has too much speed. I myself have four clipped and this seems to be good for us, but Peaches may have more flight ability since he's been flighted for so long.

Let us know how the visit goes.

02-07-2006, 07:10 AM
Lisa, I really like Elle's suggestion of a modified clip. :) When I got my two boys, the breeder gave them a "baby" clip. They could still go from the ground UP, about 5 feet. In my case that was too much lift off so I did have them clipped more because I found out that two of them together can get into twice as much trouble as one. :D My "Shy" boy has flown into a wall once and into the french doors off the bird room once. He is fearless and when he want to get somewhere he doesn't hesitate to go if he can fly. I have a feeling that I will always have to keep them clipped for their own safety. My older lovie, Oliver, is very bonded to me and also calm so it's not as much of an issue with him but still, he is safer when he's clipped. It is a personal choice so you have to decide what's best for Peaches in your household. A modified clip might be the perfect answer for both of you. :) I don't envy you, having to make this decision. I never look forward to having any of mine clipped.

02-07-2006, 03:21 PM
HI everyone!!

Thanks for the advice! However, I just couldn't bring myself to clip Peaches wings. I had a long talk with Dr. Speers about the pros/cons....Peaches is never out unsupervised. He is on me or hubby 99% of the time. Usually only flying to me or Kevin. Although right now he is on top of the kitchen cabinets...lol....
Anywho, I hope I made the right decision.

Peaches had a great exam!! He is up to 49 grams. All muscle per the doctor ;)
His feathers look wonderful, the doctor said he is a very strong birdie with a calm demeanor...everyone loved my little lovie!! He is a charmer!
He even did well when the doctor drew his blood! I should have the results at the end of the week!!

Let me know if you think I did the right thing!!
Thanks again :) Hugs, Lisa

02-07-2006, 03:43 PM
Do birds sulk? I think so! Mikey did act strange after the clip a month or so ago. He was calm and quiet and didn't really move around the play gym immediately afterwards. He was just.... there. When I picked him up, he pooped on me! :x Yeah, pay back. Maybe it was all planned from the beginning??

Someone on another forum said he kept clipping one feather on each side, until he was sure his lovie couldn't get enough lift to flutter away during taming.

Just remember... feathers come back faster than you think they do. You may have a fully flighted parrot in just four months. :blush:

02-07-2006, 03:48 PM
Lisa, each bird is different and all we can do as their owners is do what is best for each one. Most of my "pets" are clipped 4-6 flights, but I do have a few that are not clipped. Reasons vary from one with splayed legs who needs his flight for balance to George, who is always supervised when out and doesn't get into any trouble. I also could never bring myself to clip him more than 2 flights since he flew into my life with those beautiful wings.
Glad to hear the vet visit went well and Peaches in is great health. :)

02-07-2006, 04:25 PM
Do birds sulk? I think so!

:lol, yep, I think they do! Even Oliver who is so even tempered sulks a little after a wing clip.

Lisa, nobody knows what's best for your bird better than you and I think you've made the right decision for Peaches. Again, it's all about how many people are in and out of the house (like my kids leaving a door open, :eek:) and knowing that your bird is supervised when he's out. You and your husband obviously do keep a careful and close watch over him! :) This is a decision that you can change, in the future, if you think it would be best but for now it's working for you and I'm glad! :) Like MJ said, it is the best choice for some but not for all. :)

Now....go get that fat little bird off the top of those cabinets! :rofl:
Glad to hear that his weight is good and that the vet check went well! :)

02-07-2006, 05:30 PM
Hello again,

Yes, I think I made the right decision. Only me and hubby live here and Peaches is our only kid....so, he is watched closely...and spoiled!!

When I had his wings clipped last year, he was so sad. He sulked and preened his feathers for a long long time that day. Then,he even feel asleep early....I was besides myself with worry! He was okay in a couple of days...and he was flying low from his cage to the chair and then to me (if I was in the kitchen). So, he adapted quickly!! In the end, I think I was more traumatized...:cry:

Is 49 grams big for a lovebird. He went up from 46 grams to 49 grams in the past year!!

Thanks for all the wonderful advice and stories!! You guys are awesome!
Hugs, A relieved lovie mommy! ;)

Buy A Paper Doll
02-07-2006, 05:35 PM
Is 49 grams big for a lovebird. He went up from 46 grams to 49 grams in the past year!!

Milo weighed 49 grams at his last vet visit (last week). The vet said it's a good weight for a lovebird. I think some folks on the board have lovie hens as big as 60 grams :omg: that are perfectly healthy so there's some variance involved.

02-07-2006, 06:02 PM
I have a heifer for a lovie, Miss Cinny steadily weighs in at 62grams:eek:
The two babies I'm working with right now are 53 and 52 grams respectively. Dutchess is a 48 gram loviegirl.
My other peachies are generally around 50grams.
So 49 is a veryyyyy respectable non-heifer size LOLOLOL

02-07-2006, 06:19 PM
I don't clip Ditto's wings either. I live alone and he's always supervised when he's out (he insists on it since he's glued to me the whole time :rofl: ).

Really the only time he flies is to get to me or back to his cage for a snack or drink (or to beat up a toy he spotted misbehaving :lol ).

He had a really bad wing clip 2 years ago when he came here and just dropped like a rock if he tried to fly. So I vowed not to put him through another clip unless it became necessary. If he got too wild or became a danger to himself I'd do it but he's been a little angle for 2 years so his wings will stay.

02-08-2006, 01:26 AM
I'm glad Peaches is a healthy weight!! :) I'm shocked he is not much bigger considering how much he eats!!

I'd love to see a picture of Miss Cinny!! I bet she is a cutie!!

Dave...yep, Peaches is always glued to me or hubby. Although when Peaches first gets out of his cage he usually takes a little tour of the house to make sure everything is okay... ;)

Hugs, Lisa

02-08-2006, 11:22 AM
I'm glad Peaches is a healthy weight!! :) I'm shocked he is not much bigger considering how much he eats!!

I'd love to see a picture of Miss Cinny!! I bet she is a cutie!!

Dave...yep, Peaches is always glued to me or hubby. Although when Peaches first gets out of his cage he usually takes a little tour of the house to make sure everything is okay... ;)

Hugs, Lisa

The Only way I can get Ditto to fly is to run from him so he has to chase me.:happy: