View Full Version : I want to rescue these lovies :(

02-08-2006, 03:24 PM
I was browsing on the dutch version of ebay today, as I always do daily and I came accross a sad sad group of 3 lovebirds for sale. Kept in a TINY TINY looking cage and I want to buy them and rehome them in better homes/cages. Its the "rescue" side of me since I did cockatiel rescue back in the states. My hubby looked at the pic of these little guys and said "awww thats sad, wish we could help". But I am just so frusterated, there are no bird rescues here or nothing and people just dont understand how to care for them properly. Parrots and birds in general are very very inexpensive here (I mean cheap, you'd freak if you know how much lovies go for) and there are many breeders so just about everyone I know has some kind of birds. Anyway, here are the pics from the site, should I buy them and help find them good homes? Thoughts? What would you do?


02-08-2006, 03:36 PM
Gina, if you can buy them and your husband is also in agreement, I'd say "go for it". I know you (or none of us) can save every bird but if this is something that you can do and it's not a financial burden, you have a place for quarantine, etc. then yes, I would. I'm sure they'd need vet checks, not that it's likely they've every had one before, but that is another expense to think about. I almost didn't look at the photo at all....knew it would make me sad and it does. Sad and mad Keep us posted on what you decide.

02-08-2006, 04:26 PM
I agree with Janie is your husband says yes go for it. Those poor babies. Looks like the one is a hybrid too. I to know the feeling about wanting to give them a better home.


02-08-2006, 04:46 PM
Actually, they look like they are in fairly good shape to me. Of course, I'm a sucker for yellow birds, so with a lutino, creamino and what looks like a Fisher to me, I'd have a hard time passing them up. If you feel you can do it, go ahead; however it's fairly easy to become overwhelmed with multiple lovies quickly, so you might want to think about that. Quarantine, lovies hollering at each other from another room, etc...also most lovies can reproduce rather quickly and it's very common to go from 1 or 2 lovies to a dozen....FAST! :lol

With all that said.....they are cute....I'd be very tempted.

02-08-2006, 04:51 PM
I am very tempted maybe I can get them and find new, more suitable homes for them (or keep them myself). My husband isnt so sure yet, he feels bad for them but not sure about getting them yet. I feel horrible for the birdies in that small cage and they are selling them for ~30 bucks for everything. I have the space to quarantine them in my spare bedroom, but would have to get a bigger cage for them as soon as possible I cant keep them in that cage.

02-08-2006, 05:29 PM
First things first. I agree that they look pretty good but looks can be deceiving..... I would probably get them, too! (Done the "rescue" thing too many times before!) The cage is small, yes, but the biggest offense is that it's round. Listen to your heart.

02-08-2006, 05:44 PM
Gina, something that I wonder about is that there are three of them in the same cage. I've always heard that "3" don't work together. Maybe you could find out how long they been together, in the same cage? While I personally don't believe in re-homing for my birds, I do think it's a GREAT solution in a rescue situation and, come to think about it, if Oliver's previous owner had not believed in it, I would not have him today. I guess the only way to rescue is to have re-homing in mind (or end up with a houseful! :D). My breeder recently took in a bird that I called her about and asked her to re-home. He was totally neglected and needed a buddy of some kind so she took it but told the previous owners that she might very well and probably would re-home him after she decides what's what with him. He's doing very well, btw, and I think she has found a good home for him. :) Personally, I don't think I could do rescue and would not know where to start, looking to find a bird a home that would suit my specifications, not to mention the time and $ involved but Lord knows, I admire people so much who do it. A ticket straight to heaven, IMHO! My sister has rescued and fostered dogs and cats for years. So, if you end up taking them, my hats off to you but if you don't, I could certainly understand that decision, too.

Linda's reply came while I was typing so I just now read it. Great advice...listen to your heart! :)

02-08-2006, 06:23 PM
I really cant say much here.... Linda and Janie pretty much sumed it up :) plus... I have 2 pitbulls and 3 cats due to rescue situations.... im probably not the best voice of reason :)

ps... I would get them hehehehe...

02-08-2006, 06:29 PM
urgh! I think (no I am sure) that I want to get them but now how to convince the hubby ;) I keep running it through my head "but honey they are only 30 bucks and we would be helping them so much with a new home and dont worry, I will buy the new cage!" How's that sound? He keeps looking at the listing like he wants to get them too but won't admit it :)

lol heather I had 3 cockatiels, 4 dogs, 3 lizards, 1 snake, turtles and many fish and many tanks back home before moving here. Now have my 1 doggy and 2 lovies ;) I can handle these 3 lovies! (yes I know I will probably end up keeping them too just like my other rescues back in the states I had)

02-08-2006, 06:29 PM
so as a side question, what mutations are they? I know the one is a fischers but what are the other 2?

02-08-2006, 06:34 PM
Guess the only other thing I can add is that in November we "rescued" 3 lovies that were in (believe it or not) a smaller cage than that one. It was about 12 x 12 x 12. The woman had no idea what mutations they were and aksed me to tell her. One was a WF Creamino, one a OF Green and the other a Heavy Pied OF. Poor darlings looked rough and the cage was filthy. She pretty much said "thanks for the info, do you want them, $30 for all three and the cage?"
$30 later and they are all fine (still living as a group of three in a much larger cage as they are happy like that) getting fat and healthy. So I'm no help really! LOL

02-08-2006, 06:35 PM
Actually, they look like they are in fairly good shape to me. Of course, I'm a sucker for yellow birds, so with a lutino, creamino and what looks like a Fisher to me

That was MJ's above post and it looks right to me, too.

Gina, every time I get into "one more thing" with my birds, my husband asks me to explain to him one more time exactly HOW Oliver was a "free" bird! :rofl: When I got Big Boi and Shy, he asked me what I paid for them and I told him "nothing compared to what their first vet visit would cost!" He didn't ask me anything else after that! :D Seriously, he has been wonderful about this bird addiction of mine and he is very good to them, too. :)

02-08-2006, 06:47 PM
ok I emailed the seller! Good thing jacco is asleep! teeehee I asked in my email how old they were and how long they have been caged together, just out of curiousity. I would love to help them out. If he does agree I will get them ASAP, they are in Amsterdam about 20 minutes away. I will then buy them a new cage in a week or two, I assume they would be fine (not my best scenerio but I may not have the cash for the cage for a week or so).

02-08-2006, 07:35 PM
Make the purchase and tell DH "Look who's come to live with us!" It always worked for me....... :eek: Kind of hard to get rid of them once they are already there! :lol

02-08-2006, 07:52 PM
:whistle: thats the same approach I use!!!!

Make the purchase and tell DH "Look who's come to live with us!" It always worked for me....... :eek: Kind of hard to get rid of them once they are already there! :lol

02-08-2006, 08:03 PM

I could learn a trick or two here.....so that's how you do it, Linda and Heather? :D I like that...I like that approach very much!

Come to think of it, my hubby was out of town when I got Oliver and with Big Boi and Shy, I brought them in the front door and had them upstairs, in quarantine, before he knew I was home! :whistle:

02-08-2006, 08:13 PM
I can remember when I was married to my ex-husband, I would take x number of birds to a show. When I got home, my ex would ask me how many I took and how many came home! There were times that more came back than went......... On a couple of occasions, I took all lovebirds and came back with something completely different. That's how Alex (BFA) came into my life! :lol

Yup, yup! That's how it's done!

02-08-2006, 08:18 PM
go for it. my heart aches :( when i look at the pictures. keep us posted.

02-08-2006, 08:25 PM

Kevin is saying im a bad influence and that you shouldnt listen to me hahahhaa... (hes shaking his head as he reads this post)


I could learn a trick or two here.....so that's how you do it, Linda and Heather? :D I like that...I like that approach very much!

Come to think of it, my hubby was out of town when I got Oliver and with Big Boi and Shy, I brought them in the front door and had them upstairs, in quarantine, before he knew I was home! :whistle:

02-08-2006, 08:28 PM

No doubt at all. You get those babies. The two yeller birdies are just like mine, so I do have a soft spot:) .

Oh, and the round cage will be a good plant holder. Obviously this person has not done her research on owing lovies, and they will be very lucky to come live with you:D

02-09-2006, 07:36 AM

Kevin is saying im a bad influence and that you shouldnt listen to me hahahhaa... (hes shaking his head as he reads this post)

Heather, you are a bad influence. :lol I fear for Jackie if you two get together at the bird fair! :D Believe it or not, I am pretty strong about saying (and meaning) I don't need or want another lovie! Well....I do kinda want about 10 more but I know better and it wouldn't work for me. I entertained the idea of getting one or two more for a year before I did it and probably wouldn't have done it when I did if Jackie hadn't said, "Janie, come over here and look at this "Milo" birdie!" Yep, Jennifer's Milo is the official name for all violets! :D Lori told me about how Cappie picked her out but I am so careful when I go to a bird fair and don't make any eye contact with the birds and don't hold them either! 'Cept for Jeanette's violet! Yep, hold 'em, cuddle 'em and you'll end up with another bird....or two! :D

02-09-2006, 02:15 PM
Make the purchase and tell DH "Look who's come to live with us!" It always worked for me....... :eek: Kind of hard to get rid of them once they are already there! :lol

:omg: Does that really work?...my heart still aches over that pair of Groffin cockatoo's...they were still there when I went back to the pet store last week...:whistle:

02-09-2006, 03:49 PM
no word yet on my email sent to the seller urghhh. I am ready to get them NOW!