View Full Version : Plucking for DNA

02-08-2006, 10:46 PM
As I really didn't want to prick Trixie to get a blood sample, I resorted to plucking feathers. Poor baby, she (as that's what gender I was told she was and I'll stick with it, for now) was sooo good while I did it. Trixie is the Edged Dilute I got a few weeks ago, and has become a lot more calmer since she's been here. She wasn't bad to begin with, but she actually let me pluck the feathers while she sat on my arm. At first I held her while I did it, and she didn't bite at all for the first five or so feathers. One must have really hurt, because she chomped down, drawing blood. I think she related the pain/irritation to the tweezers, and not myself, for the most part. Of course she was a little aggravated with me, but I sat with her for a long while after the whole event to make up. She's SUCH a sweet bird for being neglected in a petstore for nearly two years. I was almost in tears during the process, but she didn't make a sound the entire time.

02-08-2006, 10:55 PM

I always hated getting blood samples too...but after a few feather tests came back "inconclusive" because not enough of the feather shaft beneath the skin was contained on the samples, I resorted to clipping a toenail a wee bit shorter, and squeezing out a droplet of blood. Not only were those inconclusive tests inconvenient time-wise, but I also had to pay to re-submit a new feather sample for re-testing !!!! I learned quickly that blood is the much preferred way to DNA. The company I use is healthgene, just incase you're wondering. I havent used avianbiotech as of yet, simply because its' on the other side of the continent for me....
Let me know how stuff goes for you...good luck !!

02-08-2006, 11:07 PM
Oh, really? I know I have at least one blood feather, nicely intact, plus twelve (non blood) feathers, shafts somewhat intact, so I hope that's good enough...

I was looking into HealthGene, but the vet clinic I work at told me about VitaTech, so I probably will end up going with them. I'll let you know how it goes, and thanks. :)

02-08-2006, 11:13 PM
I checked out VitaTech, and I like their site:) I can't find pricing though, and I remember healthgene is 22.00 plus GST...(ontario/canada) Any idea if VitaTech is comparable in price??

02-08-2006, 11:20 PM
I was trying to find prices earlier, but didn't see any, either. At least I know I'm not blind. ;p My vet said that they think it's $22, but they haven't done it for awhile. But I'll be finding out for sure tomorrow. I doubt it will be cheaper (I'm hoping it's not going to be more expensive) than HealthGene, but if it is, I'll let ya know.

02-17-2006, 12:24 AM
Well, I ended up using HealthGene, and Trixie is female! Either the Petstore actually knew this, or it was a lucky guess. Anyhow, I'm just glad to know for certain. Now I have to find an Edged Dilute for her. :cool:

02-17-2006, 01:32 AM
You only need to take 2 flights feathers for DNA, if you do happen to get a blood feather, you only need to send in 1.

02-17-2006, 12:32 PM
Oh, they told me to pluck feathers from the chest area...so that's what I had done.

02-17-2006, 09:11 PM
Really? All the DNA sexing places here only take flight feathers from small birds like finches - lovebirds. bigger birds like macaws can have feathers taken from the back or chest.
I guess everyone is different

02-17-2006, 09:32 PM
Yep, healthgene just wants fresh plucked breast feathers (including the pulp from under the skin)
Did you ever get a price or more info on the other company you were thinking of using, VitaTech??
Congrats on the girl...I'll send you a mega-box of bandaids for those hormonal days LOLOL


02-18-2006, 01:15 AM
Really? All the DNA sexing places here only take flight feathers from small birds like finches - lovebirds. bigger birds like macaws can have feathers taken from the back or chest.
I guess everyone is different

Yeah, both Vita-Tech and Healthgene requested feathers from the chest area. I think Vita-Tech recommended something like 10-15 feathers! Although quality over quantity, obviously.

Did you ever get a price or more info on the other company you were thinking of using, VitaTech??
Congrats on the girl...I'll send you a mega-box of bandaids for those hormonal days LOLOL

Lol, amazingly enough, Trixie doesn't bite NEARLY as hard as my other female, Etna. In fact, both Trixie and her sister don't bite as hard as Etna. Trixie bites the least hardest of all my lovebirds, which is nice. I wish the rest would learn from her. ;)

I unfortunately wasn't unable to get much more information on VitaTech, including the price. I've just sent them an email asking for a price, so I'll let you know what they say once I've received their reply.