View Full Version : Finny News

02-09-2006, 09:11 PM
Well it "may" be that our amorous little boy is actually a girl. Finny went to the vet to have his nails, wings and beak done today and I thought...hmmmm maybe I should have him DNA tested before I pay a couple hundred dollars for his girlfriend (I found a bird that we are really interested in that has not been dna sex tested yet).

Anyway, here we were so sure Mr. swishy swishy humpy butt was a boy but the vet says hmmmm I think we have us a little girl here. Of course we will not know for sure until the results of test come back in ten business days. They did have me feel his/her pelvic bones and they were quite wide. I am anxiously awaiting the results so we can purchase a mate for our little lovie. I still hope Finny is a boy because I have been calling him pretty boy for 6 months now.

So if it turns out Finny is a girl it appears I have a gender confused lovie lol because Finny does not shred, Finny makes spit balls, sits with legs close together and does swishy swishy like a boy.

I just hope the breeder I am in touch with has a girl and a boy "Milo Birdie" because I really had my heart set on one. I just won't know which to get until we find out for sure the sex of Finny.

ohhhhh. One last thing for those involved in the tree discussion. I took a couple different cuttings from the fake tree I bought Finny to the vet today and she said she think it is fine for him to play on. The bad thing is now that Finny's wings have been clipped he can barely get up to it :cry:

That’s all for now,

02-10-2006, 06:12 AM
haha.. .the Pied I just bought...that the woman so adimently thought was a male.... layed an egg in its water dish!!! :) so I call him the gender confused male that wants to have a baby duck!!!!

I hope that Finny is a boy so you can get your "milo" female..but im sure no matter what... Finny will always be your baby :)

02-10-2006, 08:42 AM
I think I read somewhere once that pelvic testing is 50% accurate... Of course, so is deciding a lovebird's sex by throwing darts at cards marked male and female....

02-10-2006, 09:35 AM
So if it turns out Finny is a girl it appears I have a gender confused lovie lol because Finny does not shred, Finny makes spit balls, sits with legs close together and does swishy swishy like a boy.

:rofl: Don't worry about them being confused. I still call my Molly a 'girl" when Molly is actually a boy. But the name's stayin' cause he answers to it and doesn't care in the least. I guess I should change the spelling to "Maulie", huh? :rofl:

02-10-2006, 09:44 AM
I think I read somewhere once that pelvic testing is 50% accurate... Of course, so is deciding a lovebird's sex by throwing darts at cards marked male and female....

:D.....yep, that's what I've heard, too! It just floors me to hear a breeder at a bird fair tell someone what the sex of the bird is w/o DNA testing. Jackie and I stepped in one time and told the buyer that the breeder was only making a 50% guess. :D

Finnysmommie, he will always be your pretty "boy!" Bet ya no DNA will change that! That MILO birdie sure has been responsible for upping the lovie population on this forum! Yep, *I* just had to have a Milo birdie, too! :D WF Violet should be changed to "Milo! :)

02-10-2006, 11:35 AM
The vet did say that nothing is for sure until we get the results back. It wont matter if Finny is a girl or a boy, I will still adore him/her just as much. I will just have to learn to say and type her instead of him..lol

Has anyone else experienced their lovie being a bit mad at them after a wing clip? Finny is acting like I took him/her in for a torture and now he/she is acting pouty. He/she is not their same as always happy self. I have never had his wings or beak done before and am wondering if this is normal behavior. He/she was quite the little flyer before yesterday and I am wondering if the lack of flying ability is the main reason for the mopey attitude. I sure hope the silent treatment ends soon... Last time Finny was sad I went overboard and bought him/her a new cage, toys, etc... He/She now has 3 cages and more toys than he can possibly play with! So he needs to snap out of his sadness I cant afford it!!!!!! :lol

02-10-2006, 11:43 AM
Has anyone else experienced their lovie being a bit mad at them after a wing clip?

:D.....I think that answer to that would be almost a one hundred percent, YES from everyone here! My older bird is very laid back but he sure doesn't like a wing clip and does sulk a little for a day or two afterwards. I try to give him extra attention and plenty of beak/head rubs to make him feel better and know that I'm sorry I had to have that done to him. :)

02-10-2006, 05:24 PM
Yikes he is really making me feel bad...
If I would have known he would be so sad about his wings I would have thought twice about it before doing it. I dont know who is suffering more right now Finny or me.

02-10-2006, 05:52 PM
Yep, they can be a little pouty for awhile after a clip. How many flights did they cut? If it's just a partial or modified clip, Finny can most likely still fly short distances, he just hasn't figured it out yet. If a it's a full clip, it will be awhile, and you will become a chaufeur:lol

If it was a modified clip, you can try the "Fly to Mama game". I do this where they can have a soft landing so they don't hit the floor. What I do is stand on one side of the bed, and put them on the far side and say, "Fly to Mama" while holding a hand up to fly to. If Finny can fly a little, this will show him he can:)

All else failing, get the check book out:happy:

02-10-2006, 06:38 PM
Millet....lots of millet and other treats to make Finny forget his/her wing clip. It might even make you feel better too. ;) They are very good at the guilt trip when a wing clip happens.

02-10-2006, 07:04 PM
They cut 5 feathers on each side. I am not sure if this is a full or a partial. To make it worse. They cut the middle nail down far (for blood sample) and his other nails were all filed down. I know he/she feels like they have no flight or balance. I feel miserable and even my husband is suffering from the guilts. Finny keeps (grooming?) his feathers and puffing up. He does not appear to be plucking or anything but he is into his/her feathers alot.

Makes you wish life had a restore option like Windows XP.

02-10-2006, 08:44 PM
You are having a very tough time with this and I am sorry. I don't blame you a bit for feeling bad but the good news is, like a kid, he'll get over it and probably sooner than later. I had Oliver's nails clipped one time. Every single one of them bled! This was not a tech doing the clip, it was a board certified vet! She did mark his chart, "file only" after that episode.

They are a little off balance after a clip but much of that is because they aren't sure what they can manage as far as flight goes. I think you'll see improvement in the next day or two at the most. Hang in there, he'll be fine. As MJ said.....millet, millet, millet! :)

02-10-2006, 11:16 PM
i took my first 6 birdies to the vet in 2004 for their wings clipped. they were so mad at me for at least one week, i lost the trust of 2 babies and i am still working to gain back. i did ask the vet whether he could do a modify clip but he said "you cannot be half pregnant, right?". after reading the posts on this board i know it can be done but he's just not doing it. that was the only and the last time i took my birdies for a wing clip.

Buy A Paper Doll
02-11-2006, 09:47 AM
Oh yes, mine snub me after the vet clips their wings. One thought though, next time, I would recommend clipping either wings or toenails but not both at the same time. In my opinion (for whatever it's worth) it takes away too much of birdy's mobility all at one time.

By the way, I understand the guilt trip all too well. After Milo's first shot, I went out and blew $30 in toys.

Don't worry. Finny will be all right. And so will you, I promise. :)

02-11-2006, 12:30 PM
i did ask the vet whether he could do a modify clip but he said "you cannot be half pregnant, right?".

What a terrible analogy.

I had to clip Sunny's wings while I was still gaining his trust. He really did not like that, and still doesn't really let me touch him as much (Penny was put in with him awhile after that, so that's part of the problem). It is sad to clip any birdies wings, but sometimes it just needs to be done. Finny should get over it soon enough.

02-11-2006, 01:49 PM
We are getting a snow storm today so last night we had to go to the grocery store to get some basics we may need. By about the 4th isle my husband says to me.. "honey did we come to get milk and egs or ease your guilt trip". I said "honey what do you mean". He said well look in the basket. I did and I had 4 different dried fruits, fresh broccoli (birdie size), All natural popcorn, animal crackers and two different kinds of birdie treats. I would say yes that was a guilt induced shopping trip. I do now know I will not do all of his clippings/filings at the same time. My little baby has lost his sense of balance, flight and his little spirit is feeling crushed right now. It is two whole days now and he is still very unhappy with me. I have tried all the normal things that make him happy, playing his favoraite songs, telling him pretty bird, playing talking game, dodge bird (he likes to try and bite fingers while in cage as we poke fingers through bars). He has 3 cages through out the house and when we are down stairs he likes to hang out with us and watch TV... He wont even chirp along to TV right now.

How long is too long for him to pout? I am a bit worried and of course sad and feeling guilty. Is it possible he will be like this for weeks?

02-11-2006, 02:16 PM
No, he will not be like that for weeks! It might be another day or two but eventually, he's going to "cave" and forgive. I understand how upset you are and especially about the lack of chirping. Once when Oliver was really under the weather, after his yearly physical (but NO wing or nail clip) he threw up and did not make a single sound for hours. I was freaked out. He always answers my contact calls but not a single peep came out of him for the entire afternoon. I did not take my eyes off him, either sitting by his cage or by having him on my shoulder. In his case, I think the trip to the vet simply wore him out because he is an older bird. It is always scary and hard on us when they are not acting there usual chirpie selves. If Finny's poops are normal and he's eating well, he will be fine and I think he'll forgive you very soon. :)

02-11-2006, 02:44 PM
I think most of us know how you feel. That first wing clip can be a bugger, and they do play it for all it's worth. Hey, if you were getting attention lavished on you, treat after treat, new stuff, and overall, just being adored, you'd pout a few days too I'm betting;) .

OK, maybe it's just me, but hey,whatever works:lol

Did you try having Finny fly a short distance to you? If not, try that, and also, while it doesn't sound very nice, hold him over the bed or couch a couple of feet, and let him drop, he'll figure out he can still fly a little that way. Also, you can hold him on your finger and drop your arm down a little fast so that he will flutter his wings. This will get him started, and of course exercise his little wingies too.

02-11-2006, 03:01 PM
Hi Finnysmom!

I've been following this thread for the past couple of days. I'm sorry Finny is sad about the wing clip. One of my lovies, Nemo, was a wildlike breeder bird before my friend got him as a buddy for her lovie, Pontus. My friend had to go on a long trip just a month or so after getting Nemo, so the introduction period was in my care, and fearing that he would hurt himself, I took him for a wing clip a week after he came to live with us. He didn't eat or vocalise for three days after that (at least not if I was there), and I guess you could say I was eaten up by guilt. But like everyone here has told you, eventually even my wild little Nemo got over it, and I did manage to teach him to step up during the time his flight was impaired, so something good came out of all the drama. So I'm sure Finny will get over it too, and sooner rather than later, you'll see :). Just hang in there and this too will pass :).


02-11-2006, 03:27 PM
Lori's idea is a great one. I did this with Molly when he was "learning" to fly and it worked like a charm. Helps build their confidence and in no time they will figure out they can fly. I use to put Molly on the couch and I'd sit a few inches away and coax him to fly onto me. It always worked. Good Luck! :)

02-11-2006, 03:46 PM
I actually tried the bed thing with Finny this afternoon. He looked at me like first you cut my wings, beak and nails and now you try and kill me? I was almost in tears. I decided to take him down stairs for a while to watch the olympics and he is now talking again <sigh of relief>. I think he is just excited to play with the dogs (he thinks they are playing). He sits and chirps and they go nuts and that just eggs Finny on to chirp more :-).
I don't think he is any closer to forgiving me yet but it is nice to see that he is indeed ok and at least happy with some of the beings in this household.
I already knew I loved this birdie like crazy but let me tell you when they are upset with you like he is now it really makes you realize just how crazy about them you really are.

Someone asked if he got a partial or full clip...what is a partial and what is a full? If this is a partial he will be a flyer from now on.. If it is a full maybe we can try the partial next time. (Finny had 5 feathers on each side cut).

As always, you guys are great... I am so very happy I found this site and so greatful for all I have learned and am learning from you all. I bet as much as I appreciate it, Finny does even more :-)


02-11-2006, 05:17 PM
Cindy, 5 is not the max. I think some people go 6 or 7 but it always depends on the individual lovie. Maybe next time (yeah, I know, you don't even want to think about "next time") you could have 3 or 4 clipped. That wouldn't even slow mine down but again, they're all different so you kind of have to experiment. When I got Big Boi and Shy, their breeder gave them a "baby" clip. They could still go UP, about 5 or 6 feet which was a little too much lift to suite me. The two of them, together, is like having 2 yr. old twin boys! :omg:. I'm glad Finny is "talkin'" to someone, even if it's only the dogs! :D It's a start.....:)

Buy A Paper Doll
02-11-2006, 07:13 PM
At my vet's office, if they're not sure how many to clip, they start with a few on each side, then let the bird fly to see how far he gets. Then they clip one or two more on each side, and try again, until they have just enough clipped to keep birdy from flying.

Janie's right about each bird being different. Both of mine have 8 primary flights clipped and they can find their way to the top of the refrigerator. :rolleyes:

02-11-2006, 09:56 PM
Finny has decided that he loves me again (yipppeeee). Although certainly not his normal self he is now talking to me as well as climbing all over me again. I am so happy about this! The dogs on the other hand are like "whats the big deal about the little green thing"?

I think Finny now knows he can get around a little better and that is boosting his confidence. He is still having a bit of trouble due to the really short middle toe nail (the one used to get the blood). I think he also figures he has tortured us enough :-)

Thanks to all who helped us through our first wing clip!

Finny and Cindy (next post I get to be first, but today he gets first billing).

Buy A Paper Doll
02-11-2006, 09:59 PM
Yay! I'm glad to hear that you have been forgiven. :happy: