View Full Version : Zebra Finch Eggs!

02-13-2006, 02:37 PM
Okay, this morning I was checking up on my newly adopted ( plucked nearly bald ) zebra finch trio. I've had them for about three weeks and the feathers are coming back. Only the female has a bald nape. I think one of her roommates are plucking her still. :cry:

Anyway, I saw an egg on the floor of the cage! :omg: The female attempted to build some-what of a nest on the cage floor using the wheat grass I gave them. I bought a twig nest and placed the egg/nest inside.
They must really like living with me. :D I dunno if it's fertile... and I think the daddy is my heavily pied male. She's always sitting next to him in the nest and the other normal Zebra male is always by himself at night.

I've never had eggs or babies before... I've seen Zebra finch turn cannibal and I'm worried about the extra male being in the same cage as my new couple. Any advice? I'm also looking for a larger flight cage... 'cause I think I'll need it.

02-13-2006, 03:41 PM
I don't know a thing about finches, sorry. Well, except that thye can breed prolifically.....worse than my lovies! :lol

02-15-2006, 04:25 PM
Three eggs this morning! I'm so excited! I'm going to print off some finch breeding website facts. Anyway, any suggestions about over crowding? All three zebra's are sleeping in the closed twig nest with the eggs. I'm scared that once all the eggs are laid, they may not support the weight of all three finch. I've tried putting another wicker nest, but they won't use it!:mad:

02-15-2006, 05:16 PM
Hey! I don't know a thing about them but you might want to call The Aviarium and ask them. They sell so many and since they are a specialty store, surely one of the managers would be able to advise you. While I don't think most of the helpers at the PetSmart/PetCo's know much, the Aviarium does have more qualified people working there. Good luck! It is exciting!

02-15-2006, 07:09 PM
Zebra Finches are truly amazing little birds! Do you have any photos that you can share of the nest that they are using? I've bred Zebras and nest size can make a difference, although it sounds like it's too late to do anything for this clutch. Closed nests are what you need, as they tend to either jump out or fall out of the open, saucer type ones. It's funny to watch them build their nesting area, I've seen them try to take millet stems that are considerably bigger than they are inside!

Give me some photos/information about your Zebras and I'll see what I can tell you about them.

02-15-2006, 08:03 PM
I would love to see photos too. I have no advice to give >o , but i think finches are great and i would love to have some one day when i have the space and the money. I would just love to see yours and the little eggies. That will be so greta when you have some babies. Are you able to handle any of them or are they mainly on their own in their aviary?

02-15-2006, 08:17 PM
One of the secrets to raising finches is extra protein in the diet while there are youngsters in the nest. Live protein is best but CeDe Egg Food is good, as are dried insects that you can buy at pet shops.

02-18-2006, 10:31 AM
:cry: Found out the eggs aren't fertile... I held all six up to my LED light flashlight last night. I took out the small twig nest. I put in a large enclosed finch nest so everyone can sleep together. I doubt my female is being bred, she's just eating up the cuttlebone and egg food and laying dud eggs. I'm not trying to breed them, but having atleast one clutch hatch would be nice!

I don't have a camera... but I do have a camera phone! I'll see if I can't post pics from my phone here.