View Full Version : General Lovebird Insanity

02-13-2006, 04:57 PM
Here's the story that goes along with my questions:

This lovebird is my family's first hand-raised bird, a plain-old coloration Peach Face, who smelled strangely of wet crackers when wet, so aptly named, "Crackers". Well, as we aquired more birds, sold or gave away birds, et cetera, Crackers didn't get that much attention. Well, lately (The past month or so), I've decided to take Crackers under my.....wing, and try to make him more personable.

Anyways, to the meat of the thread.

Crackers has progressed alot (I've done the same in the past with a very moody parrotlet), and has gone from completely unhandlable to being nice about enjoying alittle time on my shoulder. The question(s) is:

Is there any good way to condition him not to keep TWEETing so loudly? I know, it comes with the territory, but no matter where I take little crackers, he's always chirping for the breeding pair in the living room (Kurt & Goldy).

Secondly, though the whole pecking order routine is working quite fine (Not letting him get on my head or higher than me, laddering), he still has quite big britches for a little bird. Anyone have any other ideas about some good ways to establish the pecking order?

(P.S. Two little notes of interest: That's Crackers in my avatar, sitting on my shoulder. Also, the breeding pair of peach faced lovebirds [Kurt & goldy] have offspring with - get this - Multicolored feet. )

02-13-2006, 05:49 PM
Is there any good way to condition him not to keep TWEETing so loudly? I know, it comes with the territory, but no matter where I take little crackers, he's always chirping for the breeding pair in the living room (Kurt & Goldy).

A great distraction from tweeting (or stopping them from doing anything you dislike, really) is to feed them their favourite food. For pretty much all my birds, that food would have to be spray millet. When mine sit on my shoulder, they generally don't tweet nonstop, but if they do, out comes the millet in my lap. Once they see it, they immediately crawl down to get it. No more screaming. :)

Secondly, though the whole pecking order routine is working quite fine (Not letting him get on my head or higher than me, laddering), he still has quite big britches for a little bird. Anyone have any other ideas about some good ways to establish the pecking order?

You can't use force with a bird. Does Crackers know how to step up? If not, definitely teach him how. Especially if his wings are clipped, he'll need to rely on you to bring him places/save him when he's flown to the floor etc. He'll become more dependent on you, instead of thinking he's 'top birdy'. If that doesn't work...I'd try the food again! When he's on top of your head, or not listening, whip out that favourite food! But make him come down to your lap, or a lower level then your head.

(P.S. Two little notes of interest: That's Crackers in my avatar, sitting on my shoulder. Also, the breeding pair of peach faced lovebirds [Kurt & goldy] have offspring with - get this - Multicolored feet. )

Crackers is very beautiful. :) And the reason the babies have multicoloured feet is probably because they're pied.

Buy A Paper Doll
02-13-2006, 06:07 PM

How cute!! Milo should probably be named "Rover" then because he smells like wet dog when he's wet!

I suspect Crackers is making contact calls to the pair in the other room. He hears other birdies of his own kind and is calling to let them know where he is. I think if you were to move his cage to where he can see the other lovies, he might quiet down a bit.

The comment about him having big britches for such a little bird cracked me up! They definitely are big birds trapped in a little bird's body! My solution doesn't work for everyone - I just let them think they're in charge.

02-13-2006, 07:14 PM
I think it is very cool that you have taken Cracker on as your "pet project" so to speak! Sounds like you've come a long way with him in a short amount of time!!!!

I don't have a bit of advice for you with either question but wanted to say welcome! Can't imagine how to stop contact calls. I sure can't! :D