View Full Version : The party is winding down

02-14-2006, 11:40 PM
I just wanted to thank all the birdies who came over to partake in the fourth annual Birdday Bash and Flapstravaganza for Danae, Nereus, and Calais.

As always, everyone had a romping good time, lots of friends were made, and no toes were bitten. A few of the birdies will be staying over for a couple more days, as the weather here in Canada is getting chilly, and not even wooly down bloomers will suffice for a long flight. So, if any of you couldn't make the party, you were surely missed, and perhaps you can attend next year.

Thank you to all the birdies that brought presents, and an extra big thanks to everyone for not pooping in the buffet. We hope you all liked your party favors, and we will see you on the cruise.

For anyone who missed the invitation, it was as follows. Please mark your calendars for next year, so you can be sure to join us.


Thanks again.

02-15-2006, 12:13 AM
Dear Aunty Shy,

I was planning on coming and even found a way to get there through the underground lovie railroad, and then I realized that daddy wouldnt have me around on hearts day and I didnt want him to be sad because he said I had his heart, and if I wasnt there he wouldnt have a heart on heart's day, SO, I stayed with daddy BUT I was with you in spirit and we even had a small party to coincide with yours, so in a way I was with you cause your special.

Trixie Bunny :)

02-15-2006, 01:13 AM
I am sorry i am not there. Although you are only in the next province over, i think i would freeze by birdie butt off on the flight over. Plus mom would miss me too much. I wish i could be there, it would be nice to meet some new friends since my one friend in the mirror really isn't very much fun, she keeps copying me, its really getting old (i'm just too nice to tell her). Its too bad, i would have been a shoe in for the poop sculpting, i have been practicing. I hope you have lots of fun, and i will try to make it next year.
*flap flap*
~Kameko :whistle:

02-15-2006, 01:26 AM
Happy 4th birdday to Danae, Nereus, and Calais!!!!

Sorry we had to miss the party, but mommy couldn't take off work to come to Canada!! Maybe next year....we've never been to Canada!!
Also, I would love to make some lovie friends!! Mommy and daddy are great, but ya know, they can't do cool stuff....like flying....and they have to use funny things called spoons and forks to eat their food....what's up with that???

CHIRPPPPPPP.....Peaches.....typed by mommy, Lisa :)

02-15-2006, 08:12 AM
Hi Auntie Shy, Oliver here! :)

Big Boi and I really wanted to send Shy to your party and came so close to getting the job done. We managed to tie him up, put him in a nice little "padded" envelope (with ONE air hole cause we wouldn't want him to suffocate ;)), found momma's address book and her stamps. It wasn't easy but together, we managed to fly him down to the mail box and lifted the little handle for out-going mail. Wouldn't you just know it, we did not put enough postage on the envelope and 4 days later, he came back!!!! :mad: Oh well, four days was a nice break for both of us! Shy, on the other hand is still sulking! :whistle: We'll try again next year and add extra postage to be sure he makes it there. Please don't send him back.....thank you, Oliver

02-15-2006, 03:51 PM
My Dearest Danae(Oh, and those other birds):rolleyes:

I am so sorry I missed your big day. You know I was there with you in my heart though, and if I had of been there, I would have played kissy face with you the entire time, cause I am a kissin kinda guy, I am.

I am glad you all had a good party. If what my Mom says about your Mom is true, then I know ya'll had one melluva shingdig, at least I think that's what my Mama calls what your Mom calls a "Big Honkin Party":lol

Till we meet again in my dreams sweet Danae. J'Adore Tu Mon Amour;)

Your Fella,
