View Full Version : H5N1 in hong kong

02-19-2006, 06:05 PM
i read on the newpaper that in order to control the outspread of H5N1 in hong kong all household raised chickens would have to be hand over to the health department to have them killed. some of them are raised as pet and the owners are so sad about it, some owners killed their chickens themselves instead of handing them over.
i was talking to my friends about this yesterday, they don't understand how attached you can be to your pets, i asked what if there is a dog or cat flu would you give them up?? it's not a way to treat diseases, it's like a human flu, do you kill them all?? i am afraid one day they might want all birds killed as well.
i don't mean to offend anybody, it's just me opinion >:

02-19-2006, 06:15 PM
It is sad that so many birds need to be killed, and we do all realize that owners love their pets regardless of what they are, chickens, horses, ducks...

When a government is looking at the potential deaths of millions of people, the rashest solutions come to mind, and they are certainly not always the best solutions. Kulling millions of chickens will not stop the mutation of this disease, and there should be better ways of controlling it than coming into people's homes and killing their pets. Sadly, there is no good way as of yet. As long as people put the needs of other people before the welfare of animals, this will continue.

02-19-2006, 10:45 PM
When I hear about news such as this, I tend to get extremely angry. I couldn't imagine giving up any of my babies, and would fight for all it's worth. At times, the human race makes me sick.