View Full Version : Beware of Crazy Hen!

Buy A Paper Doll
02-19-2006, 08:38 PM
Melody is in rare form today! I bought them a new seed treat and put some in a tiny little treat cup on the side of the cage. She wouldn't let Milo anywhere near it so I had to get a second cup with the same stuff in it for the other side of the cage. She pulled that one off the cage and threw it on the floor, scattering seed everywhere. Still wouldn't let Milo near the first one. Then she took a ceramic crock that was on the bottom of the cage (broccoli treat), picked it up in her beak, and slammed it down a couple of times. Then she hung sideways on the side of the cage and beat the tar out of her toys. Also - she is constantly trying to make her way into shirt sleeves, pants legs, anyplace where she can burrow and hide. This wouldn't be so bad except that SHE BITES. :eek:

My guess is that hormones are to blame. I wonder how long it will take to get this out of her little system? Or maybe :eek: this is her adult personality?

02-19-2006, 08:43 PM
Yikes!!!! Maybe Ditto got her sweetness yoo, might explain why he's so darn happy and snuggly. He likes to crawl in sleeves to nap.

02-19-2006, 09:19 PM
Sounds like Miss Melly had a hissy fit. :rolleyes:

I wonder if she is getting a little bit hormonal. If it were Gracie not sharing her seed dishes, I would say no ... she shares nicely with George when the *is* nesty. But for run-of-the-mill hormones, she doesn't share, tips seed dishes, and generally raises havoc.

02-19-2006, 10:33 PM
Aww, poor little Milo. I think we know who's boss in that house. ;)

None of mine have acted quite like your Melly...yet.

02-19-2006, 11:01 PM
Isn't it amazing how much those little boys will put up with, from the ones they love.

Poor Milo, no wonder he pulls all his feathers out.:(

02-19-2006, 11:03 PM
I LOVE me a nesty hen! You got to admire their spunk:D :D . Miss Melly sounds as if she is just tooo cute!

Jennifer: How old is Miss Melly? Most of my hens are crazy bitey and all hormonal until they hit one year old or so.

02-19-2006, 11:55 PM
Melly's behaviour sure sounds familiar...... oh thats right... i am living it too :eek: !!! Sounds like hormones to me because that is what i was told is what is happening with my Kameko. She too throws hissy fits. She gets put back in her cage when she isn't ready to go back, she'll let you know :evil: . One, she will bite your hand to stay on, two, she will attack and beat the snot out of all of her toys. She actually once picked up a wooden bead that was on her cage floor and threw it at my boyfriend, Sean when he put her back. I am hoping too that this isn't Kameko's adult personality. At least i feel your pain and you are not alone and lets hope both Melly and Kameko grow out of it soon :rolleyes: .

02-20-2006, 01:33 PM
Not that this is what you want to hear, but I have two nasty, nesty hens that hen peck and abuse their mates...always. Always bitey, cranky and vocal. Melly might grow out of it or she might have grown into it. I love nasty hens.....that's why I have extra tough skin on my fingers now. ;)

02-20-2006, 01:42 PM
I know how you feel, Gypsy has her sweet moments...but in general she is very very nesty:rolleyes: , I give Tango extra treats whenever I have him out by alone beacuse Gypsy takes her Queen's share of everything I put in their dishes and still expects Tango to feed her:rolleyes:
It's a Hens life!;)

Buy A Paper Doll
02-20-2006, 01:42 PM
I was talking to the lady in the bird store the other day, now that they have a sign behind the checkout area that says, "We offer no guarantees on temperment!" I had to laugh because pretty much all of us have seen a lovebird go from sweet to psycho in a split second. :rolleyes: Whether she settles down after a while, or stays nasty, I will love her just the same.

02-20-2006, 02:06 PM
I will love her just the same Of course you will! She's still a good bird. :D

02-20-2006, 02:48 PM
With the plethora of babies hatching in our house these day, I decided to move two of the fertile eggs into Cuddlybunny's nestbox. For those of you who don't remember CuddlyBunny is my mean and crazy creamino hen who beats up on her mate, other birds, and us humans when she's gets testy. Anyway, she has these two babies she's raising and I swear she's gotten sweeter by the day. She lets me come into her nestbox and hold her babies and she perches on my finger and I give her kisses. She's also been nicer to her mate BirdyBoots. Of course, I don't know if this sweetness will last but I'm hoping it does.

So yes, I'm saying that maybe Melly needs some babies to take care of to calm her down :whistle: :whistle:

02-20-2006, 03:46 PM

I like the sweet to psycho. My hubby has another way of saying it, but yep, that's me in my moments as I call them. Ms. Melly sounds like she's having a moment:rolleyes: