View Full Version : Parrot Owners Panic.!!!

02-22-2006, 03:11 AM
Has some may have Heard the news, they have found the bird flu in France.
Just on our news now, People are dumping their parrots to a Parrot rescue centre. They are scared that they will catch the flu or their children.
They showed 1 beautiful Cocatoo who was found last night outside the Rescue centre with a note saying" Please look after me" then note goes on to say. "we have 2 children and we dont them to get the bird flu."
The parrot expert who was interviewed explained that there is no risk to our Parrots. He also holds no hope of this Cocatoo surviving as he is already showing signs of pining away for his owners.
I wonder if this "Bird Flu" could just be an excuse to get rid of a Bird they can no longer look after. Either way People Must not Panic as Our birds are not in danger. Lot of bird owners here have taken great steps to protect their Birds and have now Brought them in.
But what gets me is, Its the same with the BSE outbreak it could have been PREVENTED. Like now there is a Big debate going on that the Vets want to start vaccinating the Poultry, At mo Goverment as said NO. Surely Prevention is better than Cure.
Lot of the Farmers when we had the BSE otubreak went bust. Do we want the Poultry Farmers to go the same way.!!!
Sometimes I despair of People reactions to cases like this. :roll:

02-22-2006, 07:35 AM
Cassy, this is terrible news! I can't believe that these bird owners are dumping their parrots and do not have correct information regarding pet birds. This is all just terrible......and I wonder how far it will go and how many birds will be discarded in the coming months. I do have future concerns about feeding my wild birds but I have read repeatedly that they are in no danger either. If that should change, I would take down all of my outside feeders but I would never dispose of my lovies. I can't even begin to imagine that! :mad:

02-22-2006, 07:43 AM
i have been feeding wild birds for 2 years now, i wear a different set of clothings and a pair of gloves when i am cleaning and refilling the feeders outside. ALWAYS WASH MY HANDS AT LEAST TWICE AFTER.
my lovies are my life and will never dispose them either.

02-22-2006, 07:51 AM

That is so sad. I think lack of education, or maybe it's better to say lack of information causes people to panic. Hopefully they will do a better job of informing the people on how to prevent their pets and themselves from contracting this flu, and that will decrease the panic some.

Poor Too, I do hope he will be alright. If they were really so worried about him, you'd think they wouldn't have just dumped him on the stoop:rolleyes:

02-22-2006, 01:35 PM
That's terrible. If people wouldn't make such rash decisions on the spot, the world would be a better place. My heart goes out to all of the birds that were abandoned.

02-22-2006, 11:24 PM
It is sad. If my birdies got sick and died of the flu, I would curl up and die right beside them before I would hand them over to a shelter for my own protection.

Just like with the initial terror over AIDS, what people don't understand is that knowledge is power. If the pandemic strikes, no one is safe, bird owners or otherwise. The healthier you are, the more likely you are to perish if you contract this illness.

02-23-2006, 01:56 AM
Its nearly 8am here, and have just read paper online.
The parrot panic is bigger than i thought. :cry:

I have pasted and copied the full report. Its so sad and it also makes me mad to. Here is the report.

Flu fear parrots dumped

PET lovers have dumped parrots worth up to £3,000 each because of bird flu fears, it emerged last night.

A sanctuary was given 23 of the unwanted birds in a week — FIVE times the usual number.

The pets, including lovebirds, budgies, a blue and gold macaw, two African greys and an Amazon parrot are worth £20,000.

One cockatoo was left outside with a message reading: “Please look after Barney. We have a little child and don’t want to get bird flu.”

More than 750 birds are cared for at the National Parrot Sanctuary in Friskney, Lincs.

Keeper Neil Jacklin, 39, fears the number of dumped birds could double in weeks to come.

He said: “People are worried about the threat of the disease. It’s all very sad.

"They are dropping off cages and driving off before we can even speak to them.”

The threat of the H5N1 strain of the disease hitting Britain increased last week after it reached France.

Worried UK farmers have accused the Government of “dereliction of duty” for not vaccinating poultry.

And the Soil Association called for “urgent action”.

It wants infected flocks culled, coupled with vaccination of birds in surrounding areas.

Environment Secretary Margaret Beckett fears the jabs — costing 10p per bird — would only mask the disease.

But European Union veterinary experts yesterday agreed France and the Netherlands COULD start vaccinating millions of birds — despite protests from other countries about its effectiveness.

What Price is 10p.

Lori will talk later. back up hossie again. :grouphug:

02-23-2006, 06:44 AM
I read a good article in one of the local papers within the past few weeks, in a nut shell it said you would have to be in direct contact with a bird infected with the virus to contract it yourself.
I'll take a look for it and scan it if I find it...I have been using newspaper for the bottom of my lovies cage so it may have been disposed of already :p

02-23-2006, 09:01 AM

I feel so bad for these fids. I know their owners are scared, but the poor birds are most likely terrified. I do hope things get under control soon.

If I know you, you are wanting to go to the rescue and take in all those birds. I wish you were in a position to do so, they would be some lucky birds to have you. Hopefully they will find someone to place them with that won't dump them in a panic.

You take care sweetie, and I'll catch ya later.

02-23-2006, 09:28 AM
If my birdies got sick and died of the flu, I would curl up and die right beside them before I would hand them over to a shelter for my own protection.

Shy, you took the words right out of my mouth!

02-23-2006, 12:22 PM
At this stage in the disease's progression, you practically have to eat the raw flesh of an infected bird to catch the illness yourself.

I feel so sorry for these birds and hopefully this ignorant knee-jerk reaction will not spread the world over, or we will all be adopting birds by the hundreds.