View Full Version : New to the Nesty-Hen-Symdrome

02-22-2006, 02:49 PM
:eek: HELP!!! :eek:

Well, I asked for it and I got it - a nesty hen >o Nope, it's not my DaisyGirl, it's Olivia, who is only about 9 months old. She shreds like a pro, attacks me when she's hiding somewhere or at the bottom of the cage. Daisy only wishes she could shred like Olivia. What kind of toys can I give her that won't make her nestier? She's very bonded to Daisy so I'm lucky in that she won't let any of the boys near her. She's a holy terror, but she's so pretty and adorable, but WATCH OUT! :lol

02-22-2006, 03:07 PM
Jackie, I thought you were gonna take that bird back to Jeanette! :rofl:

Yep, you asked for it and you got it! I'll stick with the boys! :D Big Boi's (aka, Boi Toy) bites are nasty enough w/o adding the nesty hen behavior to the mix. No ma'am, no thank you! :whistle: She may be pretty and she may be my boys sister but we don't want her! :p

Buy A Paper Doll
02-22-2006, 03:13 PM
What kind of toys can I give her that won't make her nestier?
Melody - a feisty hen if ever there was one - has a toy which is made up of a bunch of plastic and wooden beads that hang loosely. She can't chew up the beads (they're round and she can't get her beak into them all that well), but she can grab it and just shake the heck out of it. She has been beating the tar out of that toy every day for months and months!

02-22-2006, 03:26 PM
Eventually, though, everything you give her will make her nesty. :omg: Then you can share her delight with a piece of paper to shred. You can also make sure she gets nice veggies to shred. A nesty hen is the easiest bird in the world to manipulate into eating new things. :lol

02-22-2006, 03:43 PM
You can also make sure she gets nice veggies to shred. A nesty hen is the easiest bird in the world to manipulate into eating new things. :lol

I don't know about that one. She thinks she's a "Princess". She takes two bites of something and runs and sits on my shoulder while the others eat. Then she waits for Daisy to come and feed her :rolleyes: So...What do you think of that one? :whistle:

Janie, I'm sure the boys would LOVE to have a visit from their sister - chicken!! :rofl:

02-22-2006, 04:09 PM
Janie, I'm sure the boys would LOVE to have a visit from their sister - chicken!!

You bet ya! We are all chickens here and have a big sign at the front door......NO HENS ALLOWED! I read my boys the same bed time story every single night...."Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a very wicked lovebird hen. She was always a little fiesty but when she went into nesty mode, every little lovie male in the Lovebird Kingdom flew for the hills"......:rofl:

Buy A Paper Doll
02-22-2006, 04:18 PM
I don't know about that one. She thinks she's a "Princess".
What do you mean, she "thinks" she's a princess? Of course she's a princess! All lovie hens are. Melody's alter ego is "Princess Pretty Girl." Her other alter ego is the wicked lovie hen in Janie's story. :rofl:

02-22-2006, 04:22 PM

Leather strips, lots and lots of leather strips:lol

Yep, I gotta a phone call last night from Piper after we hung up. He told me he just didn't think he could live in those henny penny conditions you have going on there, and that he was packin his stuff up and coming back home with me next weekend. I told him that was fine with me, so I'll make sure to bring a carrier with me when I come;)

As for Ms. Olivia???? You will just have to respect "HER MOMENT":rolleyes:

02-22-2006, 08:07 PM
Ok, y'all are no help! "I" need sympathy here and "I" am not getting any :cry: I've been attacked and bitten REALLY hard - *sniff-sniff*

I even got a call from Jeanette asking if I wanted her to take Olivia back. Of course I said "No, I'll keep the she-devil" :p Well, from one witch to another - cheers! :D

Buy A Paper Doll
02-22-2006, 09:11 PM
Ok, y'all are no help! "I" need sympathy here and "I" am not getting any :cry: I've been attacked and bitten REALLY hard - *sniff-sniff*
Tell you what. I'm just a few hours away. Pack up the birds and come on down. It's not hard to find my house, you can hear the lovebirds screaming from a block away. We'll have ourselves a big old pity party. We'll make popcorn for the birds, drinks for ourselves, and compare flesh wounds. If you want, we can invite other RLLHWTTAP owners (Rotten Little Lovie Hens Who Think They Are Princesses). But they'll have to bring their own liquor 'cause I've got just one bottle of Crown in the house and maybe a 6 month old can of beer. :whistle:

02-22-2006, 10:15 PM
(*sniff-sniff*, dries eyes)

Thank you Jennifer,

I'll be down this weekend. I might run late cause I'll have to stop at a couple of liquor stores on the way down. Oh, and band-aids too >o Maybe even stop at some pet stores. You know I always have to get something for my babies :D

02-22-2006, 10:46 PM
I have discovered that lovebirds are the "pitbulls" of the bird world but that doesn't stop me loving my Phoebe!!:happy:

02-23-2006, 09:10 AM

Oh yeah, I ratted you out! I told Jeanette you were gonna bring Olivia back, put her on the front porch and ......RUN! :rofl:

I have discovered that lovebirds are the "pitbulls" of the bird world but that doesn't stop me loving my Phoebe!


02-23-2006, 09:31 AM
I told Jeanette you were gonna bring Oliver back, put her on the front porch and ......RUN! :rofl:

Oliver? You getting rid of Oliver? :D

Yeah, Jeanette crank phone called me last night - it was a hoot! :lol

02-23-2006, 09:46 AM
i have 8 nasty nesting hens next door screaming right now. you should see my fingers and hands with bandages everywhere :eek:

02-23-2006, 03:20 PM
Jackie, what are you smokin'......:p :p :p

Buy A Paper Doll
02-23-2006, 03:27 PM
I'm fortunate that so far all my hens let me into their cages to clean etc without biting although I have noticed that sometimes I get hit on the head by a boing because one has jumped on it. Could be coincidence, could be target practice.:lol
How did you manage to get them to hold still while you clean their cages? Melody started attacking the cleaning service (uh, that would be me :rolleyes: ) since she was about 5 months old!

02-23-2006, 08:45 PM
Ditto is trying to rub the skin off my fingers with all the head skritching, does that count? :p :p :p

02-25-2006, 10:04 AM
Baggy was sweeter being a nesty hen then she is now:rofl: I can always clean birds cage right now. But knowing Baggy that might change soon.
