View Full Version : A Company of Parrots

02-24-2006, 08:53 AM
I asked under my "stop and smell the roses" thread what a flock of parrots was called, I found out that they are called a "company".
Aparently there many names for flocks of differnent species of birds, here is a link if anyone else is interested


I didn't know that flock of crows was called a "murder" :lol

Buy A Paper Doll
02-24-2006, 09:01 AM

Makes you wonder where on earth they came up with some of these! Like a rafter of turkeys? I've heard of having lovies to the rafters but not turkeys.

02-24-2006, 09:26 AM
That is a great link!!!!!! I enjoyed finding out what the official flock names are for many of my back yard birds! Thanks! :D

02-24-2006, 09:43 AM
I've always loved the term "gaggle of geese". I guess I'm sucker for alliteration :D.

Thanks for the link! I now know that I have a minor company of parrots whichs sounds very professional.


02-24-2006, 01:37 PM
Heh, I've heard a few of the different terms. Some of them are silly sounding: "a flamboyance of flamingos".

02-24-2006, 10:19 PM
Cool site, thanks!

I didn't know that flock of crows was called a "murder"

Why does that sound so appropriate? :lol

02-24-2006, 10:19 PM
But you know what, after volunteering at a Wildlife Rescue for over 10 years, crows, yes baby crows, are the easiest to feed, stay in one place and only yell when they are hungry!! The other birds can clamp their beaks or go all over the place. My favourite moment was when somebody brought in a small mallard duckling and I put him in with some babies about a week older and they madly attacked him!! I was really busy and put him in with a baby crow until I could get him a proper cage setup and they fell asleep, cuddling with each other! Wish I had a camera at that moment. So they may be "murders" in a group but as babies they are just wonderful!!:D