View Full Version : Is this good or bad for my hen

02-25-2006, 04:36 PM
I have a female peachface. She is an egg layer. So for the first time i did this, gave her fake eggs so she doesnt keep laying them and left her nest alone. It has been 2 months and she hasnt abanded the nest(first time its been this long). On the bright side she isnt laying eggs month after month but is there a downside to this? She will come out and play with me but when i leave she goes right back to her nest. Every time i would take her nest away she would wait a month sometimes 2 and more eggs. What ideas does anyone have. Should i just take everything away and move her or wait till she leaves it alone. If iam doing nothing that will hurt her i could leave it be. Thanks for any advise


02-25-2006, 04:41 PM
Some of my hens are chronic layers, nestbox or no nestbox, the floor is just fine with them. Switching around the cage, toys, location, add new toys, no shredding materials, no rope swings etc can sometimes help deter a hen. Don't provide a cozy or happy hut, don't provide anything she can shred like paper, rope etc and keep her daylight hours to around 10/day.
With one of my girls if she starts laying, I simply remove her eggs as she lays, and after the 2 or 3rd egg she stops laying. Then I get in, give her new toys, perches, move the cage, or give her a different cage altogether. As a last resort, you can have your avian vet give her a hormone shot to deter her laying.
When you have a layer as yours, PLEASE supply her with a fresh constant supply of non-dairy calcium. Most common is cuttlebone, but you can also use broccoli and kale and collard greens if she'll eat veggies. Birdie bread is easiest to add calcium to, just scrape a ton of cuttlebone powder into the batter and cook, ditto for veggies.
Good Luck