View Full Version : i got him calm but still timid

02-26-2006, 08:17 PM
i got the youngster of my flock to calm down when i first took him away from his parrents he was high strung but today i decided to make a pet out of him

so first off i had my uncle clip his wings because i am used to macaws/cockatoos never done something this tiney before so i asked for help:blush:

then i held him till he calmed down and i could feel his breathing slow then i opened my hand and he prefered to try and burrow in my palm rather than jump away so i let him stay there as long as he wanted till he jumped to a fake plant on the counter so i let him chill there untill he calmed down again

when i saw him playing with the leaves i figured he was comfertable so i reached for him and he jumped away again. once i grabed him he climbed up to my collar and nestled under my chin that was about 45-50 mins ago. he has calmed down enough to sit on my shoulder and play with my callor and hes sitting there right now.

i know that he hasnt changed instantly but its a huge step twards taming him down to be a loving pet, >o instead of a loud ornamental bird.:cool:

02-26-2006, 08:28 PM
Try and offer him some millet to gain your trust. See if he will eat it from the palm of your hand. It's a big step for an untamed lovie. Hopefully with time, he will begin to accept you more and more. Good luck! :)