View Full Version : Hubby being sucked into the dark side ...

Buy A Paper Doll
05-20-2005, 09:36 PM
Conversation between hubby and me:

Hubby: So do you think Melody and Milo will ever be able to sleep together in the same cage at night?
Me: I don't know. Either way I don't want them to right now because I don't want them trying to mate. They're too young.
Hubby: But they would make pretty babies when they grow up.
Me: Yes, they would, but NO. What would we do with baby birds?
Hubby: They'd be cute. <makes chirping and peeping noises>
Me: NO. If they have babies you know I would not give away or sell a single one of them.
Hubby: Of course not, that would be cruel.
Me: So unless you want a house full of birds, there will be NOOOO BABIES.

Conversation ends with hubby continuing to make chirping and peeping noises. He has lost his mind.

05-20-2005, 09:38 PM

Sounds like someone has the "Empty Nest" syndrome :D

They would make gorgeous babies ya know ;)


05-20-2005, 09:41 PM
LOL Jennifer. My husband and I had a conversation about babies birds when our eggs showed up. He knows it will be hard for me to give any up also. He is doing plans this weekend for my porch on back of house. He is going to close and screen it off for me so my birds can get outside time.


05-20-2005, 09:51 PM
Having seen Miss Melody in person, I can tell you that photos don't do her justice! She's one gorgeous lovebird and oh yes, she and Milo would produce some beautiful offspring! :)

Buy A Paper Doll
05-20-2005, 10:04 PM
You guys are NO help at all... :eek:

05-20-2005, 11:54 PM
i remember...two whole months ago...when i first brought my baby home, i was thinkin, noooo i only need one, because i want her to bond with me and i will not want babies...too much heartbreak, a lot of work, a lot of space... and now, because of all my reading, because of posts like this......... :( I WANT BABY LOVIES! i saw some at a bird store yesterday.......... i wanted to CRY!

Joanie Noel
05-21-2005, 09:13 AM

How old are Milo and Melody? They have just gotsta have babies in their future. The babies would be so pretty! Come on, come on, come on. <feels like a little kid begging> LOL. I'm with hubby on this one. (Sorry!) :rolleyes:

~ Joanie

05-21-2005, 09:25 AM
Melody is way too young to even consider letting her breed!!! She was barely 8 weeks old when Jennifer got her in March (I think) so she's just gone through her first molt. Give her at least another 8 months and then maybe........

Joanie Noel
05-21-2005, 09:38 AM
Linda, I know that. :p That's why I said they should have babies in the future.

05-21-2005, 09:58 AM

you say: You guys are NO help at all...

Like, what did you expect from this bunch of lovienuts?


05-21-2005, 10:14 AM
I'm guessing that I have a male and a female since I've not had their DNA done. When I first got Daisy I worried about babies in the future. Now I know there's no fear of that happening. Molly HATES Daisy and Daisy HATES Molly. Oh well :(

Milo & Miss Melly would have gorgeous babies. Just think, they might run under the table where you can't catch them and swishy-swishy. :eek:

Buy A Paper Doll
05-21-2005, 11:08 AM
Molly HATES Daisy and Daisy HATES Molly.
My birds only like each other for about 15-30 minutes at a time. Then we have beak fencing, toe nipping, wing flapping, and in-your-face screaming matches.

05-21-2005, 07:15 PM
My birds only like each other for about 15-30 minutes at a time. Then we have beak fencing, toe nipping, wing flapping, and in-your-face screaming matches.

Ah, true love. :rolleyes:

I used to think that no babies was the way we had to go. Then I met Samson ... my heart swallowed my brain.

05-22-2005, 08:53 PM

fencing, toe nipping, wing flapping, and in-your-face screaming matches.

This sounds like a normal lovie relationship to me. You should see how CuddlyBunny treats Birdy Boots. It's not pretty but he just keeps comin' back for more :eek:.

05-23-2005, 11:38 AM
hubby being sucked in to the dark side

I thought I was going to be so good this past weekend. Rose City Exotic Brid Fair......We made it three hours and were leaving with nothing except the door prize we won ( a bag of seed mix and a toy) and two rolls of "Shredders". The hubby says, "Oh, that one booth that was so full of people before is empty now"...so we go over. BIG MISTAKE! :D :D
Needless to say, just as we finally have re-claimed our bedroom from the last three birds we got at the last fair (after a 45 day quarantine) we now have another 6 lovies in the bedroom. :D
Absolute madness I tell you!! One of the two vets we use was there at the fair and we had to see her because one of the lovies got a bleeding toe before we left and she just looked at us, laughed and said...how many is that now, 20? I shook my head and said no, 22! LOL
I'm home sick today (not really, just didn't want to work) and will get some pics up soon.

05-23-2005, 11:52 AM
:D :D :D :D

Ooooohhhhh girl!!!!! You got it baaaaaadddddd :D

Yep, pics please :)


05-23-2005, 12:45 PM
WOW MJ: Now I don't feel so bad having a mere 19 lovies. I took the day off today too. Maybe I'll go lovie shopping. I don't want you to get too far ahead of me:D.

05-23-2005, 03:30 PM
WOW MJ: Now I don't feel so bad having a mere 19 lovies. I took the day off today too. Maybe I'll go lovie shopping. I don't want you to get too far ahead of me:D.

I'm feeling positively "normal" at nine lovies, as opposed to one of those "wackos" that has more than 15... :p

...Paco needs a girlfriend; that'll round out the flock at ten Peachies. That sounds downright reasonable, doesn't it, MJ and Laura? :D

05-23-2005, 03:36 PM
Paco needs a girlfriend; that'll round out the flock at ten Peachies. That sounds downright reasonable, doesn't it, MJ and Laura?

You certainly don't want to ask me what's reasonable. :D :D We hit "10" last June and said, That's it! Now we are at 22 less than a year later...Yikes! At this pace, I'll be caughtup with Linda soon! :D :D

05-23-2005, 06:37 PM
Kel: Be careful what you say. One clutch of babies and your getting mighty close to us wackos :D.

05-23-2005, 08:26 PM
I'm feeling positively "normal" at nine lovies, as opposed to one of those "wackos" that has more than 15...

And just what, my dear, are you implying????HM??????
Don't you know, that with all your birdies, you're BOUND to have an abundance of lil squawky babies ??? Then who'll be the WACKO eh???EH???

05-23-2005, 10:14 PM
And just what, my dear, are you implying????HM??????
Don't you know, that with all your birdies, you're BOUND to have an abundance of lil squawky babies ??? Then who'll be the WACKO eh???EH???

Haha, you think so, eh? Well, I'll have you know that I have it all figured out. I've found out what causes baby lovies to show up, and I've taken steps to prevent it! To that end, I've put seperate water bottles in each of the cages, and I have very strictly told each of the hens that they are NOT ALLOWED to drink from the boy birdie's water; I even waggled my finger and shook my head at them when I told them. I have nothing but good girls, so I am WAAAAAAAAY ahead of you.

Uh-huh! See? Don't you feel silly now? :p

05-24-2005, 06:47 AM
Darn Eric!!!!!!

Why didn't you tell me this sooner. You mean all I need to do is go out and buy a boys water bottle?????? I am throwing on clothes now to rush out and get one, as Lacey is due an egg any moment :rolleyes:

Thanks for the biology lesson ;)


05-24-2005, 07:18 AM
No no, it's not the water. It's a law of physics: The number of lovies expands exponentially to fill the space of the home. MJ has more space now, so the number of lovies had to grow. :D

05-24-2005, 09:39 AM
The number of lovies expands exponentially to fill the space of the home. MJ has more space now, so the number of lovies had to grow.

Oh Barb, thats the best explanation so far!!! I just love it!!!
Thanks :)
I'm gonna meet with my realtor today and discuss bigger houses

Psssst...keltoth....it aint the water honey....but if you wanna THINK that, just fine by me :) *Waits until his house is overflowing with feathers n poopins*

05-27-2005, 11:59 AM
The darkside was calling me today too. I went to the petstore for more food for Ditto and what did I see?

3 blue indian rignecks. :eek: Still babies, they didn't even have their full adult colors yet. They were on the branches in the big play area with the B&G MacCaw just being cute.

Good thing I'm broke at the moment or it would be really loud in here. :D