View Full Version : GA People! Bird Fair plans this weekend?

02-27-2006, 08:40 AM
Just wondering what time everyone is planning to meet and where? This is my first time coming :)

02-27-2006, 09:09 AM
Heather, try as I (we, Lori, too! :D) will, it will probably be around 11:00 before I get there. It's a 40 mile drive from my house and I am a slow mover in the morning! :lol I don't know what Jeanette's plans are but she usually gets there at around 11:30 and Jackie......she'll be there when the doors open! :lol I will PM you with my cell #. I have found that the only way to find anyone once you get inside that huge building is by cell phone! :D

Example: "Hi Jackie, this is Janie, where are you?" and she usually says, "I'm standing right behind you, Janie!" :rofl: Ten minutes later, I'm making the same call or she's calling me. It is hard to keep up with your group at a bird fair. So easy to get distracted by all those BIRDS! :D

02-27-2006, 09:37 AM
Yep, I'll be there at 9 am! What time will I leave? Well, they close at 5pm, so we'll see :p

We need to do dinner afterwards for a girls night out or maybe Leslie might come and hang out with the women. He'd like that! Anyway, I can't wait :D

02-27-2006, 10:57 AM

I'll be there. It will take a little while for sure, as I have to get up, get a little coffee in me, play with Oliver, Big Boi and Shy, Oh, and shower too. In that order:lol

02-27-2006, 11:47 AM
my husband and daughter are coming... .I told him he best not rush me or im going by myself :)

02-28-2006, 02:29 AM
I am going also on Saturday. Going to try and be there by 11am. We are doing a change though. My sons are not going this time.lol. My 3yr old trying to grab everything makes me say no way this time. Myself,husband,and my daughter will be there though. I finally have enough money to get my third bird and new cage(husband does not know the new cage part yet..lol). I can not wait I am excited and it is only Tuesday.:lol Jaine your on my speed dial.;)
