View Full Version : College and companion animals

03-01-2006, 05:44 PM
Does anyone have any college experiences with pets in apartments? By now I'm quite sure that animals are prohibited in most dorms, so I'm leaning towards renting a one-roomed or studio apartment in college. Hopefully, if my income in the future would allow it, I would be able to house a mid-sized dog as well as a lovebird in my apartment.

03-01-2006, 05:50 PM
Birds are much more accepted in apartments than dogs. Apartments that allow dogs are generally much more expensive, although you may be able to find a regular apartment that, if you talk to the landlord, may allow you to keep a dog.

American Indian Dogs are MUCH too large for an apartment, and it would be cruel to house one in such conditions. Plus, I doubt you could find an apartment that would allow a dog of that size. You do realize how big they can get, don't you? They need lots of room to run and play outside. If you're looking for an aparment dog, stick to dogs that are generally thirty pounds and less.

03-01-2006, 05:53 PM

03-01-2006, 05:55 PM
Even that link you provided says 40-70lbs.


They can get very large. Even a 40lb dog in an apartment is not suitable, especially if they have higher energy levels.

03-01-2006, 05:56 PM
I would also give a dog in a small apartment a lot of thought before doing that and sometimes a large dog, i.e. a Great Dane, can be a great apartment dog while a small dog, like my 20 pound Sheltie, would be miserable in a small area. Some small dogs need more space and exercise than a large dog.

As to lovebirds in and apartment....I think that would be much easier and more doable! :D

03-01-2006, 05:57 PM

03-01-2006, 06:03 PM
"Moderate. Should have 2 short walks a day at a minimum. Must have a fenced in yard. Not good for apartment style of living."

Read it all, hun. ;)

Great Dane's can be all right, but I personally would not have one if I were living in an apartment.

Kumashe, do you not like smaller breeds?

03-01-2006, 06:07 PM

03-01-2006, 06:17 PM
I pretty much agree with everyone else so far. Living in an apartment is not fair to a dog over 30 pounds. The dog you have been showing links too would be very unhappy which would result in shredded furniture, peeing everywhere, etc. Even if you were home and you would take it out on walks, it is not fair. Would you be able to justfy keeping a lovebird in a shoe box if you are going to take it out and let it fly around a few times a day, i would hope not. My advice is getting a lovie for now and wait on the dog until you have a place that is larger and will allow a dog to have a yard to run around in (off a leash). I have had a little 12lb dog before and I find my bird is more entertaining, and my little dog was hilarious. You still get the love, misus the licking, and cleaning up a bird cage is much for pleasent than a baggy to pick up poop with. Don't get me wrong, dogs are amazing animals and i can't wait to get my golden retriever, but you have to think what will be fair to the dog and put it on hold until you are ready to properly accomidate one. Best of luck :D

03-01-2006, 06:18 PM
Then you haven't looked at very many breeds. Have you come across the Bichon Frise? They are excellent little dogs, and probably my favourite small breed. They are also active, but will do fine in an apartment. Also, they're hypoallergenic, which is always a plus.

03-01-2006, 06:26 PM
My Aunty has a Bichon Frise, awesome dogs!!! A little crazy at times (so it would keep you active), but are also happy even in small places. Plus they are adorable little fluff balls!!!!

03-01-2006, 06:27 PM
Eh, I guess... >o How big would an "appropriate" apartment dog be, then?

03-01-2006, 06:30 PM
My neighbour has one, and he's the sweetest little thing. He's hilarious, and extremely intelligent. We had three pupies at the petstore I work at a few months ago, and they were sooo adorable. Sad to see them go, but happy that they now have nice homes. :)

Golden Retrievers are my number one favourite breed, and I, too, can't wait until I move out and get one, along with more Border Collies and Alaskan Malamutes. :cool:

I've just come across a list of dog breeds that are more suited for apartment life: http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/apartment.htm

Although size does play a large role, you also have to take in energy level when choosing a dog for apartment life. Generally, smaller dogs don't need as much room to run around, but there are exceptions.

03-01-2006, 06:35 PM
From someone who just left living in apartments I will say that ones that allow dogs have rules and strict ones. Nothing over 40lbs,500 dollar pet deposits(that was lowest i found) and shot records are needed. Also many do not allow certain breeds. All dogs have bad and good points. Plus from what I can see they cost alot to get .lol. I would see if you can find a place you can afford first and be sure. Atleast here fewer palces are allowing dogs in apartments because even well behaved ones can damage things at times.


03-01-2006, 06:36 PM
Golden Retrievers are my number one favourite breed, and I, too, can't wait until I move out and get one, along with more Border Collies and Alaskan Malamutes. :cool:

I've just come across a list of dog breeds that are more suited for apartment life: http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/apartment.htm

Yeah, I've searched through there. Schipperkes and Papillons seem to be my favorites for the moment.

Do you have Border Collies and Malamutes? Ah, they are so awesome. I'll wait 'til I own a home to house either one though.... :D

03-01-2006, 06:47 PM
Yes, but I live out in the country. :) You can see photos of them here (http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=2108821508) as well as a few in my first post here (http://www.moa-aviary.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5). Both are part Husky, as well.

03-01-2006, 07:02 PM
Keep in mind too that while you are not at home, you will want to keep your dog and lovebirds separated. Dogs, cats & humans have a bacteria in the mouth that can be fatal to birds if it gets into their bloodstream. One bite is all it can take. So you will be limiting the space for each animal in your small apartment. I've lived in apartments and duplexes for over 20 yrs and one animal was enough for such a small place. I now own a house and it is a VERY BIG difference space and noise wise. I love animals too, but I would think twice before having too many animals in a small living space. :2cents:

03-01-2006, 07:02 PM
Aww... They're beautiful.

I've made a slght descision. If I decide to get any small dog it will most likely be a Jack Russel Terrier. I'd keep it far away from my lovie 'til its trained not to bother it.

03-01-2006, 07:15 PM
Jack Russells are extremely active, and it's better if someone is home more often for them, or they have a bigger living area. But like Jackie has said, don't be getting too many animals in an apartment. If someone notices, or the landlord doesn't like it, you could be in trouble.

Even if you've trained the dog not to bother your lovie, do NOT trust them together. Ever. This also mean not leaving them together in the same room when you're gone.

03-01-2006, 07:19 PM
Yeah, I know about JRT's energy levels. I'm okay with hyperness.

Is two pets too many? :confused: I will look at the pet leases for apartements to see how many/what type/how large pets are allowed to be. I don't plan on overcrowding my living space or bringing in pets without my landlords approval.

03-01-2006, 10:00 PM
[QUOTE=Kumashe] Truthfully, I think the smaller breeds are a bit too small for me. I'd feel horrible if somene accidentally stepped on my Chihuahua QUOTE]

Watch it now:mad: ....They really are very quick and get out of the way surprisingly fast...I've always said I'd never have a Chihuahua......I've had a beagle:D my faithful childhood dog, a border collie my loyal just married and have a pet of my own, a poodle/Lapso Apso or whatever its called mix a malnurished fleabag I rescued as a baby that was a great small dog, currently have a german shepherd that is really a horse more than a dog and now after much cussion and discussion I have the most precious, adorable, funny, sweet snuggle bunny Chihuahua and I must admit he is wonderful....NOW THAT HE'S POTTY TRAINED!!!.....and he's my buddy and has outgrown the hawk that was checking him out in Nov. when he was 3 mo. old thank goodness. I just had to drop in my :2cents: . Cause you're gonna get what ever you want anyway, right?

03-01-2006, 10:17 PM
Watch it now:mad: ....They really are very quick and get out of the way surprisingly fast...I've always said I'd never have a Chihuahua......I've had a beagle:D my faithful childhood dog, a border collie my loyal just married and have a pet of my own, a poodle/Lapso Apso or whatever its called mix a malnurished fleabag I rescued as a baby that was a great small dog, currently have a german shepherd that is really a horse more than a dog and now after much cussion and discussion I have the most precious, adorable, funny, sweet snuggle bunny Chihuahua and I must admit he is wonderful....NOW THAT HE'S POTTY TRAINED!!!.....and he's my buddy and has outgrown the hawk that was checking him out in Nov. when he was 3 mo. old thank goodness. I just had to drop in my :2cents: . Cause you're gonna get what ever you want anyway, right?

:omg: Hey, I never had anything against chihuahuas, they're just really small and I wouldn't want my siblings to mistake my own for something else. BTW, in your opinion, do you think a beagle would do well with small animals if trained properly?

03-01-2006, 11:03 PM
Nope, although you mean well, no doggies in apartments. When you are able to afford your own place, that is the time.

03-01-2006, 11:39 PM
:omg: Hey, I never had anything against chihuahuas, they're just really small and I wouldn't want my siblings to mistake my own for something else. BTW, in your opinion, do you think a beagle would do well with small animals if trained properly?

Although it depends moreso on each individual, beagles are hunters, generally following their noses, and when that happens they can't seem to remember that you exist.

When you keep asking whether or not a certain breed will get along with your bird, what exactly are you hoping for them to do? I would never leave your bird unattended in a cage alone with the dog. Definitely keep them separated. Even if the dog is mellow, I would still never allow a bird to associate with it. Too many things can turn ugly.

03-01-2006, 11:48 PM
When you keep asking whether or not a certain breed will get along with your bird, what exactly are you hoping for them to do? I would never leave your bird unattended in a cage alone with the dog. Definitely keep them separated. Even if the dog is mellow, I would still never allow a bird to associate with it. Too many things can turn ugly.

I would never leave a dog alone with a bird, no matter how much I trusted it. I simply wanted to know if a beagle would be more likely to go looking for it than another breed.

03-02-2006, 12:11 AM
All right, just checkin'. :)

Well, considering beagles live for sniffing out whatever they can find, I'm not entirely sure. They can be quite the little troublemakers.

03-02-2006, 03:25 AM
I would never leave a dog alone with a bird, no matter how much I trusted it. I simply wanted to know if a beagle would be more likely to go looking for it than another breed.

I would not put your cage anywhere that any animal could get to it.
Also, you need to remember that what is written on the internet about dogs is a "guide line" it is not the end all be all final word. As an example I have 2 mini schnauzer who are supposed to be bad with children according to most things written about them. They in fact love children and let them pull on their beards and rough house with them and they have never even nipped.

Beagles need a lot of excersize and are natural hunters, as such they will resent being cooped up inside. They also have one of the most annoying bark/howls of all dogs. Sorry I hope that does not offend any beagle owners but for an apartment that would probably not be tolerated well by your neighbors.

A JRT is very hyper and in my opinion not the dog for a first time pet owner.

I agree with the other posts on this board that suggest you put off getting a dog until you have more space. YOu may feel that you can handle the demands of owning the dog but you need to think about what would be fair and humane to the dog.

I can see that you are very enthusiastic about owning a pet and that is good but please remember that any relationship with any animal is a two way thing. They should be happy as well as you and that is just such a slim possiblility in a small apartment. A cat or a bird would be your best option but if you get both please be sure to keep your cage well out of ANY animals reach.

Cindy aka Finnysmommie (and now Evies Mommie to be).

03-02-2006, 11:53 AM
Dogs and cats by nature are hunters of prey. Keeping birds away from other pets who are trained or not is a situation asking for trouble and could result in a dead pet, most likely the bird. Personally, I would not have both (cat & bird or dog & bird) unless I had adequate space for separation a/k/a a big backyard! I agree with Cindy
I can see that you are very enthusiastic about owning a pet and that is good but please remember that any relationship with any animal is a two way thing. They should be happy as well as you and that is just such a slim possiblility in a small apartment.

03-02-2006, 12:12 PM
Great Dane's can be all right, but I personally would not have one if I were living in an apartment

Lisa, did you know that Danes are high on the list of dogs that do very well in apartments? Even small apartments? Yep, they are because they are couch potatoes! :D

Another dog that desires and requires very little activity is a Cavalier King Charles but last time I checked, they were in the $1000 range. And because the breed is relatively new (well, not really new but scarce), there are very few of them and no rescue sites that I know of.

While I would never recommend any of the small (or large) terriers for an apartment, there are many small breeds that would do well. Many dogs living in large homes are kenneled during the day when the owner is at work. I've never personally done that but many people do and swear to me that their dogs go straight to the kennel to sleep even when the door is left open. It is their "spot" and they are happy and content with it. :)

I lived in apartments from the time I was about 22 until I moved into a home at 33. I always had a dog. In my case, a miniature poodle.

03-03-2006, 11:00 PM
:omg: Hey, I never had anything against chihuahuas, they're just really small and I wouldn't want my siblings to mistake my own for something else. BTW, in your opinion, do you think a beagle would do well with small animals if trained properly?

Kumache....:p I was just giving you a hard time because some of these other members were being so serious with you. Personally I would not get a dog for a small apartment. I do know someone who also got a chihuahua at the same time we did and locks it up in a crate for 8 to 12 hours every day (cough....my son's girlfriend...clearing my throat) and when they bring it over it's bouncing off the walls because it was contained all day.....I only got a couple of words for that.....stupid and crazy and cruel....well that was 3....without cussing. Dogs need a yard to run, play and lay in the sun in. And like I already said, you're going to do what ever You want to do anyway.:D When there is a bird commotion going on my dogs and the cat are running over each other to get in here and see if they can get in on the game.:omg:

Audi's Mum
03-04-2006, 03:03 PM
It would be incredibly cruel in my opinion to keep a jack russell in an apartment. Yes, they are small in size but they need as much room to run and play as a labrador, if not more! Terriers are also VERY interested in chasing small things that move quickly so even if well trained I would never fully trust them ignoring their instincts.

03-04-2006, 09:38 PM
It would be incredibly cruel in my opinion to keep a jack russell in an apartment. Yes, they are small in size but they need as much room to run and play as a labrador, if not more! Terriers are also VERY interested in chasing small things that move quickly so even if well trained I would never fully trust them ignoring their instincts.

...yeah, I kinda realize that now...

03-06-2006, 05:38 PM
Every college has different rules regarding pets in dormitories and/or campus apartments. Mine, for example, had a "fins and feathers" rule: birds and fish were OK. Truth be told I knew of folks who had all manners of small critters: lizards, rats, ferrets, rabbits... but those with dogs or cats usually got caught.

Off campus living means that you would have to abide by the rules of apartment complexes. And while many complexes allow dogs I'd have to say that many dogs (not all, of course) make poor apartment pets.

You have to take the noise factor into consideration, just like you would with larger birds. Sure, dogs can and will be quiet, even if their owners are away from the apartment. However some dogs will just bark and bark and bark and bark and growl and whine and bark and bark and growl and whine and scratch and bark and bark... What happens if neighbors repeatedly complain? You can lose your lease over a barking dog. Where would you go from there?

In any case, I applaud you for thinking ahead. I wish you the best.


03-11-2006, 05:25 PM
Perhaps you may want to try the first year of college with no pet and see how that goes. Living on your own and balancing schoolwork with everything else (work, social life, etc) can be quite time comsuming. See how it goes and how easily it would be to fit in the demands of another life into the equation. Trying to balance too much can just wear you down to nothing.

03-11-2006, 07:03 PM
I stand strong with my opinion. As much as I would have liked to have pet when I was in university, I knew it just wasn't possible due to housing situations, and the time and social factor, hey, I know you love them but don't you want to go out pubbing and dancing and that would involve leaving them alone once again, enjoy this time of your life. I had a 4.5 lb Yorkshire Terrier for almost 15 years and if you think he was a lap dog, forget it. He was a muscular, macho man and chased squirrels, birds, rabbits in the back yard and dug up and killed moles and cornered mice. He was the most precious little thing and an apartment would have really cramped his style. I understand your need for pets but not at this stage in your life.

03-11-2006, 08:20 PM
I didn't read this whole thread but I'm just putting in my two cents here since I'm currently living in an apartment with 4 lovebirds.

It was really tough finding a place around here that was reasonable enough to allow birds.

Most apartments that say 'pet friendly' ONLY mean cats! I don't understand, cats can be more of a problem then a lot of other animals.

Let's just say be prepared to make sacrifices. I turned down a cheaper apartment (about a hundred dollars cheaper) that was a 1-bedroom for my babies. But you see, I live in my expensive studio apartment very happily, cuz I refuse to leave them behind. :) ! I've lived here since December 3 with no complaints, no problems. Good luck!!

03-12-2006, 08:48 PM
Yes, as much as you love pets, you can't find time to take care of them and YOU during your college experience. Most places won't accept them and even if you can find a good place, you won't be around all that much! (second lecture on my part). Wait until you graduate, get a job and get a place and I am sure you will be the greatest pet owner around!!

03-12-2006, 09:06 PM
Kumashe???....How's it going? you haven't posted in a while. You must come from a big family if you have siblings that will be visiting you while you're away at school. What kind of pets did you have at home? Do you already have a lovebird? I just wondered how your pet search was going. See you around.