View Full Version : Green Cheek Conure

03-01-2006, 10:20 PM
I will be getting a GCC fairly soon, and was reading that these birds enjoy having a nestbox in their cage at all times for sleeping purposes. Now, I know a few of you have a GCC, and I was wondering if you used a nestbox for their sleepy bed? If you don't use a nestbox, what do you use, if anything? All of my budgies and lovies have swings, which they LOVE. Even though I'm only getting one green cheek (sex unknown), I'm leery of leaving a nestbox in all of the time, mainly because I'm afraid that s/he will become overly protective of it, and if it's a hen, it may encourage her to lay eggs. I know I can always just try out the swing and see if s/he likes it, but hearing what you guys have to say would be appreciated.

03-01-2006, 10:40 PM
Hi Lisa :)
Our GCC, Abbey is a DNA'ed female and she's 8 months old. I've never heard of them needing a nestbox at all times and I won't dare give her one LOL
Abbey gets her Fleece Cozy at night to sleep in and we take it out in the morning when brekky is served. She's very content and comfy in it.
GCC's are hilarious social birds and you'll want to be sure to establish that your birdie must listen to you. Abbey sometimes tries to refuse to 'step-up' and runs away from my hand. If I let her have her way, I've taught her that refusal is acceptable. I always always always make sure that I follow through on my step-up command, and once she's stepped up, she gets safflower as her reward. She's a little too smart for me LOL
Good Luck with your GCC, you'll be pleased, I'm sure !

03-01-2006, 10:45 PM
Taking the cozy out for the remainder of the day and putting it in at night sounds like a good idea. I didn't think keeping a nestbox in at all times was such a great idea, either.

I'm getting a baby, actually from a breeder near you. Do you know Darlene Johnson? www.mylittledarlings.com? Where did you get Abby from? I can't find a breeder in Manitoba, so I'm having a baby shipped from her to me.

Heheh, I've heard that they're pretty smart. If you'd like to share more stories etc. with me of her, that'd be great. :)

03-02-2006, 08:00 AM
Hey Lisa,

Welcome to the GCC club. I just know you are going to love this little one, they are sooooo amusing:)

I also use a fleece cozy for Cappie. I do have a male though, so I do leave mine in 24/7. Cappie is not territorial of his tent at all, so that is why I just leave it in. He loves to sit on top of it during the day, but for the most part, he sits on the perch closest to the window and yells at the outside birds. Oh, and he ADORES bells. He has one toy that he picks the bell up with his foot and talks inside of it like a megaphone, TOO CUTE!!!!

I did order stainless steel bells and made the toy. I had my hubby spot weld the clacker inside so that it can not come off. I mention this, cause my lovie Bela got his beak stuck inside one of these bells as a baby, but then again, his thing was to try and get the clacker off:rolleyes:

03-02-2006, 09:44 AM
Poor Bela. :( Cappie sounds like a gem. I may have to make a cozy for mine, although I'm surprised Cappie isn't territorial. He must be a really good birdie. :cool:

You should show me a picture of the bell toy that you made.

03-02-2006, 11:46 AM

I don't have a pic of the toy, but it was really easy to make. I took a big wooden ball, had hubby drill two holes on two sides, ran some rope through them and attached the bells. They hang down about two inches or so, and he rings them, talks to them, snuggles with them, etc.... Like I said, he adores that toy:lol

I'll try and get a pic of it when I get back from GA. I have to warn ya though, I take pics all the time, but it takes me forever to actually get them downloaded and posted:rolleyes:

03-02-2006, 10:30 PM
Heheh, I look forward to them. :)

03-10-2006, 11:00 AM
Well, I (or my mother) will be picking up my baby GCC tonight. Be sure to look for pictures within the next couple days!

03-15-2006, 05:36 PM
I can't believe how smart my little (still nameless:() guy is. I've all ready begun teaching him a few tricks, and once he's done the trick two-four times, he pretty much has it down pat! He can now step up and down, 'hop' from one hand/finger to my other hand/finger, and 'speak' on command. He is so darn cute. And EXTREMELY cuddly. I still can't get over how trusting he is. Also, if I walk away from him and he's out, he'll fly back onto me. He doesn't enjoy going back into his cage, either. Once I've gotten him in, he crawls over to the side closest to me, sticks his beak on the bars, and looks at me with his sad, little puppy dog face. Breaks my heart.

I'm really enjoying him, though. :D I'll have to take some vids of him doing his tricks.

03-15-2006, 06:05 PM

I'm glad you are enjoying your GCC and vice-versa.

Does your cage have a playtop? If not, you might want to look into one. Cappie will sit on his cage top forever, and be quiet content to do so. Of course he'd rather be on me, but he's happy to just be out of the cage.

Looking forward to those pics and video:)

03-15-2006, 09:04 PM
No, this cage isn't designed to have a playpen on top. I'm looking into getting (or possibly making) a tree-like playstand for all the birds to enjoy. I'll have to collect tree branches (and bake them) as well as construct some sort of base. Then I would like to make a 'tree' out of the branches (safe ones, of course) in which I can hang all sorts of toys...It'll be quite the project.

03-16-2006, 07:48 AM

It does sound like a project. I do not have a creative bone in my body, so I have to rely on those who do. Thank God for those who do, as my poor fids would have nothing without them:lol

03-16-2006, 01:04 PM