View Full Version : A few questions about bird fairs

03-02-2006, 04:19 AM
Forgive me if I asked this long ago of you all. My brain cells are dying. I am going to the bird fair this weekend and will be coming home with a new bird or two. If I get 2 birds from diffrent breeders do they need to be quarintined in 2 diffrent rooms? I know they can not be caged together. Just want to know if has to be diffrent rooms. Thank you.


03-02-2006, 04:47 AM
Personally, if you have the room to quarentine them in different rooms I think it would be a good idea. My thought on this is... if one of the new birdies is sick it doesnt mean the other one is and why risk having both end up sick!

03-02-2006, 07:47 AM

Yep, two different breeders would require two seperate rooms. Hopefully you can find one good breeder with the birds you want.

C-ya there:)

03-02-2006, 09:45 AM
I wish I could go. But yes, I agree with the others. It would be best to keep the two birds in separate rooms. Have fun!

03-02-2006, 10:02 AM
Hmmmmm......Well, I probably would not separate two new ones, just put them in the same room but different cages. My only reason for quarantine would be for the protection of my existing birds and because quarantine space would be an issue for me, I'd get both of them vet checked immediately but I would not use two rooms for quarantine with new birds. I'd hate to loose a new bird but it would not be as hard for me as loosing the three I already have. What I would do for sure is to try to find two, if you really want two, from the same breeder so that this would not be an issue.

03-03-2006, 05:42 PM
Thank you all for answering me. I have enough rooms if I needed to do them in 2 diffrent rooms I could. I am really hoping to find a masked tomarrow. We are also considering getting a cockatiel. So I wanted to be sure before we thought about it more. Hopefully I will find the bird or birds for me tomarrow.


03-03-2006, 09:32 PM
Fun....Fun....Fun.....Can't wait to see what you come home with.:p
You do need another parrot!