View Full Version : Heiney and clipping question

03-02-2006, 06:54 AM
Hello all! I just wanted to give a little update on my newest addition, Heiney :)

He's very sweet and not affraid of humans at all. He actually comes to the side of the cage for me to pet him and give head scratches. I want to start working with him outside of the cage, since he seems like he'd rather be with human attention. But I have a question on this since he is fully flighted.

I clip all of my lovies, but they don't bite when I do it. Since Heiney has only been with me for a week or two now, I dont know how he will react to being held for a quick wing clip. I just tested to see if he would bite if I held him in my hand and I quickly grabbed him in the cage and he didnt bite at all but I could also tell he wasn't happy with being held like that as he quickly wriggled away. Do you all clip with bare handed holding? Should I just try holding him outside the cage and clipping and just deal with the bites if I get any? I also dont want to tick him off too much and make him affraid but its for his safety that I want to clip him and bring him out for playtime. Just looking for general clipping advice since I dont know how he will react.


03-02-2006, 07:15 AM
well I went ahead and clipped him, I just couldnt wait once I held him in my hand with no biting from him. wow was he ever the sweetest and most gengle lovie I have EVER clipped!!! He wanted to get away but NO biting and NO struggling at all! Even when I had to keep testing his flight he was fine with me holding him over and over to clip more!

I am in shock though, how many feathers is average to clip on a seagreen? Geez on my small masked lovies I only clip 3-4 feathers but this big guy could get lift stright up to the top of my closet with 4 feathers clipped!!

He's back in his cage now with a huge sprig of millet as a reward and I hope he's not too mad at me! After I clipped him he ran right up to my shoulder and hid in my hair. What a sweeeeeetie! And he definietely needs to learn the up command he has no clue what my finger is but doesnt struggle at all when I cup him in my hands.

I am so thrilled and my hubby will be too.. He says that Heiney is HIS bird because he could pet him through the bars with no problems. Just wait until he comes home to find out that I held him, clipped him, and he's sweet to me too lol

03-02-2006, 07:41 AM

It sounds like all went well. If I clipped wings, I too would have clipped him. It is for his safety, so even though they tend to pout sometimes, better a little pouting than to have them fly full flighted into something.

I have four flights clipped on Lacey, but on Bela I have to have five clipped, he's a stronger flier. They are still pretty well flighted, but they don't have what I call the "Zippity speed". Each bird may differ a bit, and if you feel Heiney is still too flighted, clip one more. Some birds are stronger fliers than others.

I'm glad Heiney took it well. He sure sounds like a sweetie:)

03-02-2006, 07:46 AM
I put a bird bath in his cage afterward (first time experiment) and as I was pouring water into it with a cup he was dipping into the stream of water! So cute! My other 2 will only bathe in their water dishes hehehehe. I think in the end I clipped 6 feathers on each wing, he can still fly out but not get much lift anymore. Boy is he a strong flyer!

Now he's sitting in partial sun preening after his bath. I can't believe how sweet and unafraid this guy is and so unlike my 2 under 6 month masks lol

I dont think poor Heiney has ever been outside of his cage, right now he's sitting on top and not moving ONE single inch and preening his wet feathers. by the way he smells a bit like a wet dog what the heck???

03-02-2006, 08:02 AM

Wet birdies "stank" as we say here in the South:lol

03-02-2006, 08:11 AM
I am in shock though, how many feathers is average to clip on a seagreen? Geez on my small masked lovies I only clip 3-4 feathers but this big guy could get lift stright up to the top of my closet with 4 feathers clipped!!

I clipped 4 feathers on each side with Blu and she too can still lift up. What you will notice is Heiney will not go as far as if she had all flight feathers AND you will be able to watch her fly by. She will have to flap those wings 4 times harder and still go 3 times slower compared to fully flighted.

You still did the right thing. Your bird IS able to get out of dangerous situations if need be but is still limited as to how far it can go, giving you an opportunity to intefere if necessary.


03-02-2006, 08:40 AM

Wet birdies "stank" as we say here in the South:lol

hahaha thanks for the confirmation. I smelled that wet bird smell and though "boy you need a bath MORE often!" hehehehe :rofl: