View Full Version : 2clip? or not

03-02-2006, 04:44 PM
hello everyone!
i have my frist clutch just flying on there own!!!!!
they all have new homes to go to april 10th or so.
my question is ...
they are parent raised,,with about an hour a day playing with me.
they all fly well,,but i havent got them to get any basics like step up, should i clip their wings(to glide/fly down--but not up and away) so i can work with them longer without chasing them or use food to lure them to me to play??
(their about 6 weeks old--am i to late? )
thanks alot
i look forward to your opions

03-02-2006, 05:13 PM
hi there!

Tough call for me. I usually let my babies fly unclipped until they are about8-10 weeks old, but they usually do step-up when they start flying. I like to let them have full flight to gain muscle tone and strength before clipping. With that said; how long have your little ones been flying? If it's already been a couple of weeks and they are starting to do crazy aerial maneuvers around your head; give them a minor clip, 2-4 flights and then they cannot get too much lift. It might also be easier for you to work with one at a time right now, on stepping up. Take one in another room and work on the training there...away from the influence of all the other little featherbutts! ;)

good luck!

03-02-2006, 05:52 PM
they have been flying aweek or so ,
i guess one at a time is a good idea,,they seem to be showing off for their sibblings
thank you

03-02-2006, 06:50 PM
Yep, a group of little lovies is nothing but trouble! :lol They seem to encourage each other to disobey...LOL

Try one at a time for a bit, lots of treats and rewards for doing good too.

03-02-2006, 07:14 PM
hi there!
If it's already been a couple of weeks and they are starting to do crazy aerial maneuvers around your head; give them a minor clip, 2-4 flights and then they cannot get too much lift. good luck!

Don't worry, you'll know a crazy ariel when you see one. It usually entails several twists and turns and they will go to the highest point in the room, dive down to like 1/2 from the floor and back up before they turn around and come back. And that's a beginner move:rofl: :rofl: .

I'm with MJ and I usually let my babies fly til' about 8 to 10 weeks. To be honest though, an hour a day may not be enough time with the babies and a modified wing clip may help. It's a personal opinion but I like all my babies, handfed or parent raised, to be able to step up before they leave my house. I figure it's rough enough for my lovies to make their way out in the big bad world without having to be grabbed by big scary humans because they don't know how to step up. If they know how to step up, their new families don't have to grab at them so much.

Good luck and let us know how it goes:D