View Full Version : Taming a lovebird with a budgie around

03-05-2006, 09:24 AM
I have a budgie in the same room as my lovebird whom I'm trying to tame atm. They constantly chirp back and forth to eachother and I'm wondering if this will have an effect on taming my lovebird? Will she still bod to me even though she's always hearing my budgie? My budgie isn't tame either, but I got her when she was older, so taming her is going t take a lot longer.

03-05-2006, 09:50 AM
Hi Emery;

No, the chirping will not affect the taming process, but you will want to make sure they are out of each other's sight when you bring one or the other out for training. Birds naturally chirp to other birds, whether they are both in the same house or if one is outside.

Best wishes,