View Full Version : OLIVER!!!

03-06-2006, 10:26 AM
Just when you think you know your bird.....you don't! :D My precious "senior" bird is learning how to be a love bird and it becomes him! I don't know exactly why but in the last couple of weeks, he is so happy in the bird room with Big Boi and Shy. This morning, he flew into the kitchen three times but then went right back out to be with them, flying from his cage to theirs, to the play gym to the table gym. I won't go so far as to say that he is especially fond of Shy but they do tolerate each other very well and Big Boi gets along with everyone. I'm sure that Oliver's flight which is much better than theirs since Jeanette just clipped them, has a lot to do with his confidence and feelings of security. I often find Oliver and Big Boi together on a perch (not snuggled up close but a few inches apart) or even inside Oliver's cage together. Shy kind of does his own thing but is still very bonded to Big Boi when they are locked inside their cage. They do play together and sleep together in their cozy. I swore that I would never let Oliver get fully flighted again but so far, so good (I will not take him outside, even for a second) and I really believe that he is happier than he's ever been. I loved having a velcro birdy but I like this even more. Plenty of time on my shoulder but equal time at this point with his new found friends! :D I wonder why it took so long for him to decide that being a love bird can be a good thing? :lol

I did buy scales at the bird fair and weighted all three (three times to be sure, :lol) and Big Boi comes in first at 51 grams, Shy is at 49 grams and Oliver is up to 45 grams which is 5 grams more than when I got him 2 1/2 years ago. He's eating so much better since I started feeding them the fresh foods on top of his cage and he'll even take a real bath with them sometimes. I really hope they will continue to get along but I am very careful to keep a close eye on them when all three are out together.

Thanks for indulging me.....I knew I could share this here w/o you all thinking I'm nuts! :D

03-06-2006, 10:34 AM
That's wonderful Janie :). I'm very fond of Oliver and I'm glad to hear that he's doing so well. I think having a bird that will interact with you is very special, but it's sooo great to see them interacting with their own kind. It gives you a whole new understanding for them and for the way they act.

I hope Oliver and his new friends continue to thrive together :). And of course no one here thinks you're nuts, at least not because of your love for your birdies ;).


03-06-2006, 10:49 AM
Janie that is wonderful! I'm sure that Oliver thinks he's a person and here were a couple of punks invading his turf. It just took him a while to warm up and remember his childhood days and how much fun having your own flock is. Very cool. And you know your birds so well.:cool:

03-06-2006, 10:55 AM
Oh Janie! I'm about ready to cry. You have given Oliver such an improvement in his life, in so many ways! What a blessing for that bird when he found your yard!!

03-06-2006, 11:28 AM
It's amazing huh? Molly is doing the samething Oliver is - being a real lovebird. I don't know what got into him, but it's really neat to see him interact with the others.

Maybe Oliver & Molly got tired of being the outcasts :lol

03-06-2006, 11:47 AM
That is just toooo cool Janie!!!!! 8) 8) I'm such a big Oliver fan and it's great to hear he is sooo happy with his new friends and antigonists:rofl: :rofl: . It must be the best thing ever to see Oliver so happy and active:D :D .

03-06-2006, 01:08 PM
I just knew that little buy would warm up to the younguns.

He will probably continue to build a bond with them, that will grow stronger every day.

Give that little guy a big kissy from me.

03-06-2006, 01:14 PM
Aww, I'm glad to hear that Oliver is getting along with his birdie buddies. It always warms the heart to see all your babies play and interact with each other nicely. Good boy, Oliver!

03-06-2006, 05:40 PM
Well if Oliver can get along with others maybe Ditto would get along with a conure buddy. :eek:

03-06-2006, 06:19 PM

It's true. I saw it with my own eyes, and what a sight it was. Oliver and Big Boi sitting on their new awesome play gym, soaking up the sunshine, and just hanging out in general. They even eat together, which is so awesome. Oliver is just so precious, you just wanna give him kisses all the time, and I'm afraid I hounded him a bit to do just that:lol