View Full Version : I think Ditto is misnamed....

03-06-2006, 06:45 PM
He should be named Boomerang because thats how he flies. Away from me and then loops around and comes right back. :cool:

Although tonight he's decided to try some mischief. Twice he flew out to the kitchen and looped around and came back just before I could get out there. I think he just wants me to get up and follow him around. :rofl: I'm not complaining though, he needs to fly more and build up that scrawny chest of his.

03-06-2006, 07:41 PM

I call Bela "Zippy DoDa" when he flies like that. When he gets too zippity, I call Dr. B. for a little wing alteration;)

03-06-2006, 07:44 PM

I call Bela "Zippy DoDa" when he flies like that. When he gets too zippity, I call Dr. B. for a little wing alteration;)

No clips for the Dittobird unless he becomes unruly or a danger to himself. Don't want him having flashbacks to his last chop job. Plus he always comes right back. :cool: Unlike when I throw a real boomerang.

Most of the time his flying consists of flying back to his cage for a snack and back to me. :cool: Except when I make him chase me on cage cleaning day. He's gotta watch what I'm doing with his stuff and get his shower in my hand under the tub faucet. :happy:

03-06-2006, 07:49 PM
:happy: Sounds like you guys have fun together!:lol

03-06-2006, 09:58 PM
Although tonight he's decided to try some mischief. Twice he flew out to the kitchen and looped around and came back just before I could get out there. I think he just wants me to get up and follow him around.


Ditto sounds like he's having lots of fun, tormenting you. ;)

03-07-2006, 07:02 AM
Ditto sounds like a complex character who likes to keep his slave Dave hopping!;)

I call Tango "Turkey" because whenever I have him out alone I "stuff like a turkey". Gypsy is always chasing him from their food dishes so whenever I let tango out I feed him lots and lots of treats, seeds and veggies:p

03-07-2006, 08:39 AM
Hmmmmmmm.........Dave, I was just thinking yesterday that you haven't posted any new Ditto photos in a long time! How 'bout it????

I am enjoying Oliver's new found flight, too and as long as he behaves, he'll keep those long wing feathers! :D Big Boi and Shy??? No way! :lol

03-07-2006, 08:43 AM
:( I had to give Molly a wing trim this morning and left him sulking in his cage. I feel terrible. He just got out of control and I felt it was needed. Why do I feel sooooo horrible when I know it's for his own good? *sigh*

03-07-2006, 09:07 AM
I'll have to see what I can do about some more pics.

After his little flying escapades he decided it was time to go home and eat. He spent the next 20 minutes hopping from bowl to bowl stuffing his face. :happy:

03-07-2006, 12:40 PM
most of my birds would fly to me when i clap my hands and then fly away and come back again. sometimes a few of them would fly to me at the same time and of course some wrestling, biting and screaming follow.
even my "james dean" ,fluffy, tried that today for the first time :eek:

03-07-2006, 04:47 PM
:( I had to give Molly a wing trim this morning and left him sulking in his cage. I feel terrible. He just got out of control and I felt it was needed. Why do I feel sooooo horrible when I know it's for his own good? *sigh*

Having just gone through that with Finny for the first time a couple of weeks ago I can relate. I felt terrble and vowed never to do it again. As time has passed though I am sure I will have him clipped again when it is needed. I feel he is safer with limited flight.

I can't tell you not to feel bad as that would make me a hypocrite (I was actually crying when he would not talk or come to me). But, know that you are a good lovie mommy because you did the right thing for them even though it hurts you too.

Kinda reminds you of the old days when your parents would spank you and say "this hurts me more than it hurts you".. lol I guess we can all relate now.


03-07-2006, 08:03 PM
Having just gone through that with Finny for the first time a couple of weeks ago I can relate. I felt terrble and vowed never to do it again. As time has passed though I am sure I will have him clipped again when it is needed. I feel he is safer with limited flight.

Kinda reminds you of the old days when your parents would spank you and say "this hurts me more than it hurts you".. lol I guess we can all relate now.


i know how you feel. the first time which was the only time when their wings were clipped i felt so bad seeing them kept falling they were so mad at me for at least a week and they refused to eat >: i explained to them why i did it and i said i was sorry, i swear i would not do it again unless it's really necessary :(

03-07-2006, 09:51 PM
You guys are not giving me much confidence. The time will soon be here when Kameko will need her first wing clip since she was a baby. From the sounds of it i will be crying and more upset than her. Luckily i have a big strong Sean to do it for me but still... it will be like watching your baby get its first needle. You hurt when they do. Even if the hurt is just emotional. Sean ahs already said he will have to waer a gardening glove or something because she hates to be confined in hands and HATES her wings or feathers played with and will definately chew her way to freedom. I hope everyone doesn't have horrible experiences.

03-07-2006, 10:08 PM
Well Ditto had his fill of flying last night. Now he probably won't do it again for awhile. Unless I run from him. I can only do that about 3 times before he starts yelling at me as he chases me down.

Now he's back to just flying around me and back to his cage for a snack.

He has been wound up all week though. It's almost like he's been sneaking a pot of coffee before I get home. :eek:

03-08-2006, 10:15 AM
Having just gone through that with Finny for the first time a couple of weeks ago I can relate. I felt terrble and vowed never to do it again. As time has passed though I am sure I will have him clipped again when it is needed. I feel he is safer with limited flight.

I can't tell you not to feel bad as that would make me a hypocrite (I was actually crying when he would not talk or come to me). But, know that you are a good lovie mommy because you did the right thing for them even though it hurts you too.

Kinda reminds you of the old days when your parents would spank you and say "this hurts me more than it hurts you".. lol I guess we can all relate now.


Well, Molly was fine when I got home last night. He's acting like he can't fly, but I know he just needs to strengthen his muscles in his wings. We've been through this before, but it's never easy. Just takes time and a little encouragement on my end. :) Thanks for the understanding. I'll dry my eyes now >o