View Full Version : Mommy, I know you have to go to work...

03-09-2006, 08:20 AM
... and I WILL make you feel guilty about it too! Until it's that time, I will NOT leave you alone. Don't bother putting me back on my cage or try to entice me to eat my breakfast. There is plenty of time for that once you leave me all by myself all day.
Until you leave, I will stick to you like glue. I will demand kisses and interupt your reading by jumping on your book and start chewing the corners of the pages. I will jump on your shoulder and start chewing holes in your clothes. I will climb on your hands so you don't have a choice but pay attention to me.
If that doesn't work, I will hop on your head and climb down your glasses and kiss the tip on your nose. The other purpose to that is when you get to work and see the lovebirdie kisses in your glasses you will think of me.
If you ignore me, I will chirp like a canary and wake up the dead. Then I will jump on your shoulder and gently say in your ear "pretty pretty Blu" I KNOW you can't resist that! :rofl:
When comes the time for you to put me back in my cage, I will give you that sideway look and start chirping, hoping that for once in your life you call in sick.
And as you walk out the door, I will chirp and chirp until you respond to me. As you walk down the hallway, you will still hear me calling you. I know that you will be sad to leave me home. Thats why I do it. I want to make sure you come back home as soon as possible so I can cuddle and play with you some more. Cause I miss you all day:grouphug:



03-09-2006, 09:42 AM
Elle, are you trying to make me cry???? :cry: That is so sweet and probably so true! When Jackie and I were recently at our favorite bird store we went to the back room (sneaked in, I should say, :D) to see the birds that were being boarded there and there was an Eclectus there and he was a real talker. When we left and told him goodbye, he said right back, "Bye, bye, gotta go to work!" One of the girls working there told us that he says that because his owner says that to him every day when she leaves for work. :)

03-09-2006, 12:31 PM

The avarium boards birds?

03-09-2006, 12:33 PM
Yep, they sure do. I they had about 7 or 8 when we were there last week sometime. They had a couple of macaws, greys, Eclectus, tiels, and a lovebird. They were pretty cool!

03-09-2006, 12:43 PM
I will have to keep that in mind...although that could get mighty expensive for my flock hehe..

03-09-2006, 01:31 PM
Heather, I think they told me they charge $4. a day. My guess is that it would be per cage instead of per bird but I'm not sure about that and they may have gone up since I last asked. Come to think about it, I think I was told $2.00 per day. I will say that the cages were clean, food dishes filled and water clean in every cage but one and I'm sure that particular bird, a Grey, had made birdie soup! :D The cages had labels with type of seed, etc.

03-09-2006, 01:38 PM

I feel the same way every morning I go to work. I take each baby out and kiss him/her and tell them to be good. In fact, I feel sooooo guilty that I usually give them all a treat just about everyday. >o When I come home and they hear the garage door go up, I can hear them all the way to the street when I get the mail. Makes you feel good that they are so excited to see you again. :happy:

03-09-2006, 02:08 PM
Just more proof how much our lovebirds affect us. Reminds me of the Trixie Bunny waaay to much ! Isnt it amazing how much live such a small creature can give, and even more amazing how much we are enamoured with our lovies?

Thanks for the post. It made my day :)

03-09-2006, 06:20 PM
In the winter I leave before the sun comes up so Ditto is still in his happy hut. But he does wake up and chirp good morning. I wait for that before I uncover his cage and give him fresh water. I do say bye bye and see 'ya later when I leave. He usually has his head poking out of the happy hut until I leave. In the summer he pops out of the hut but goes back in as I'm going out the door. Lucky little dude gets to sleep in. :happy:

When I get home I hear him cheeping as soon as I step out of the car. He actually starts as soon as my car turns the corner. When I get in, it's hello and veggie time!

03-09-2006, 07:05 PM
Blu sure can email a tear jerker :cry: ! This email really hit home with me . . . it reminds me how blessed I am to be at home with my babies! I haven't always felt that way, as I had to resign from a job that I loved two years ago, in part so that I could help take care of my mom who was battling cancer at the time. I spent many a days in tears because I missed my co-workers and my responsibilities . . . however, now I would cry if I had to go back to work! I hate to leave my babies just to do errands, or to take my Mom to the doctor. As soon as they hear the garage door open, they start whistling :whistle: ! My CAG is only 15 months, but she already knows a handful of words. Whenever she sees me, she starts saying "Hey Lucky"! We've said that so much to her, I believe she thinks that's my name and not hers. I'm anxiously awaiting that day when I hear HEY MOMMY for the first time :happy: !!!!! Then it really will be a tear jerker when I go to leave and hear DON'T GO MOMMY!!!!!