View Full Version : I feel like crying...

03-09-2006, 09:40 PM

03-09-2006, 10:02 PM

03-09-2006, 10:03 PM
Ahhh, I know how you feel, but for me it's cats. I've always had a cat in the house untill I moved in with my fiance. He's very allergic to, well, everything and I had to leave my senior cat and rabbit at my mom's. It's taken alot of adjustments to get used to living without a cat, but I think that I may have way to deal. I'm going to volunteer at a shelter for cats. That way I can give some needy cats affection when they don't have their own home and I get my cat time. I know that it's hard to take the idea that your mom may not want any animals in the house, but you are not there forever. One day you can fill up your own house with many animals.

In the meantime, try to expose her a little to what birds are like. They are certainly not a cat or dog that will be running amok in her living room and peeing in corners. Maybe let her have some conditions that restrict the bird to your room and it's wings clipped so it won't fly loose in the house. Some cages come with a poop gaurd at the base to prevent splatter on the floor or I have a plastic sheet done under Cooper's cage. Hope your mom comes around.

ps: I read your other post. If you will be living in residence on campus, really look into the guidelines regarding animals. Lovebirds can be a bit loud and in a small dorm room this may drive roomates nuts.

03-09-2006, 10:12 PM
In the meantime, try to expose her a little to what birds are like. They are certainly not a cat or dog that will be running amok in her living room and peeing in corners. Maybe let her have some conditions that restrict the bird to your room and it's wings clipped so it won't fly loose in the house. Some cages come with a poop gaurd at the base to prevent splatter on the floor or I have a plastic sheet done under Cooper's cage. Hope your mom comes around.

This is what I've been trying to make clear to her, but it's like talking to a wall. :roll: She won't tolerate anything. I think the word "pet" makes her shiver...

ps: I read your other post. If you will be living in residence on campus, really look into the guidelines regarding animals. Lovebirds can be a bit loud and in a small dorm room this may drive roomates nuts.

I've researched on apartments that allow pets and found a couple nice ones, this one especially:


I haven't asked the about birds yet, but if they approve of cats and dogs with barely any restrictions on breed, this shouldn't be a problem...

03-09-2006, 10:25 PM
I'm sure this is a very frustrating and depressing situation as you seem to have got your hopes up, but not have a bird now does not mean you can never have one. Having both your parents on board with the bird is essential as even birds can get expensive and if you had a bird your parents would have to agree to take it to the vet if it got sick. While you've researched apartments and pets, which I commend you for, things may still work out where you would be unable to take your bird with you. The last thing you want is to get a bird and not have your family support or have the possibility of taking it with you. I suggest you look for a rescue or a wild bird rehabber where you can help and be a part of a bird's life without having one in your house.

Good luck and don't let this get you down. You have a long life ahead of you and there are plenty of animals in your future. I know because I didn't get my first bird until I was 30 years old.

:D :D

03-09-2006, 10:50 PM
Just a quick note about bird vets and possible future visits. I've been back and forth with Cooper to a vet 3 times this year so far. First visit was $120 for check and xrays on a sore foot. Nothing came up so I had to check back in three weeks. Visit two was $53 for recheck and bird anti imflammatories as there was little difference in the sore foot. Visit three was $42 for another recheck (foot) and wing clip. I haven't even taken Cooper for her annual exam because all this came up. The last year (well-bird exam) was around $140 and that didn't include a take-home poop test (fill a vial with fresh poop and take back to vet for testing, yum). I may still face another recheck and possibly another xray if her foot doesn't show improvement. Plus a car is needed for transport as a vet visit can be stressful enough.

Whatever comes of this I hope it works out. It's hard not to impatient when you want something so badly, but the best things take work and time. Like becoming a vet, that sounds like a very rewarding career. Good Luck!

03-09-2006, 11:35 PM
If a bird is what you really want maybe find someone who has them as pets. Maybe if your mom can visit and see she might think more. My parents were same way when I talked about getting a bird. I wanted a lovebird when I was 16 and it took til I was 26 to get one. Heck even my husband thought they were dirty things. But I did research and showed him about them. Maybe if you approch your mom to atleast read a few things it might help. I wish you great luck.


03-10-2006, 12:22 AM
I'm sorry you are feeling so down right now. I know this must be a difficult thing to go through. I understand that you just want that little birdie so much . . . to have it love you unconditionally and depend on you for everything! When I've felt down, my birds have brought a smile to my face and joy to my heart. I can tell from your posts that you are wise beyond your years . . . and so you must know that one day you WILL have that little lovebird to bring joy to your heart! Just hang in there and take one day at a time, and maybe your Mom will come around. Hugs and Prayers :) !

03-10-2006, 07:21 AM
I am so sorry to hear this Kumashe! My mother was also a non animal person but fortunately, my daddy loved all animals and my mother loved my daddy so we always had them. My mom was actually afraid of cats but I had three over the years while I was living at home. She would go out of her way to keep from walking by the cat(s) but she still allowed me to have them. I don't remember ever being told "no" when it came to getting a pet. BUT....both my parents helped care for all of our pets, mine, my sisters or my dads. My mom cleaned up after them and they both made sure they were fed and always taken to the vets if that was necessary. Truly, without that support, you are better off waiting to get a lovebird when you can take care of it w/o help from you parents. I've had dogs and cats during my lifetime and in my opinion, birds require more care then either of those. Maybe not if you put them in a cage with no interaction and do not provide vet care but otherwise, cared for properly, they do require time and money.

I have a young neighbor, 11 years old, who really wanted a love bird after he met Oliver. He is very good with animals (had a beta fish that lived 5 years!) and does have supportive parents but his mother knew that he'd be off to college during the lovebirds life span and she really did not want to deal with that and I do understand her decision. We talked about it several times and while I told "Trent" that I knew he was responsible enough for a lovie, I agreed with his mother that he should wait till he gets to a place in his life where his bird could live where he lives so he has decided that he'll get a lovie or some kind of parrot as soon as he's living in his own apartment, maybe his second year of college. I'm pretty sure I could have talked her into getting him a bird but I had to be honest with her, telling her about the cost of a cage, the mess of the seed, and the expense of good vet care not to mention toys, etc. Much as I wanted him to have a little lovie, I do think he's better off waiting so they got him a Guinea Pig instead because of the 5 to 6 year life span.

Hang in there! I know it's very sad for you and that you would be a very responsible and loving lovie owner but right now, and w/o the support of your parents it's something that you are probably going to have to look forward to in a few more years.

03-10-2006, 07:57 AM

I am sorry to hear that your Mother is so set against a lovebird. As already suggested, you could ask her to go with you to look at some lovies, or if you know someone who has one, let her meet that lovie if she would agree. She does however sound as if she truly is not an animal person, and some people are just like that. It's not really a fault, she just know herself. I believe she is missing out on what pets bring into our lives, but it is a personal choice.

I know at 16 I felt like time took forever to pass, but in truth, time does fly and you will be out on your own in no time. I can tell how much you truly want a lovie in your life, and know that you will eventually have one. In the meantime you just have more time to prepare for that moment. You can start saving now for a cage, all the toys, vet visit, etc... that come with owning a lovebird, and when the time does come, you will be fully prepared to give that lovie the best home possible.

In the meantime, please feel free to pop in anytime. From experience we all know that there is more to learn about caring for birds than any of us ever knew going into it, and having the knowledge up front will ensure that you know exactly how to care for your future lovie.

((((HUGS)))) Sweetie. You WILL have that lovie in no time, and that lovie will be very fortunate to have you:)

03-10-2006, 10:58 AM
Kumashe, I'm so sorry to hear this. Just keep in mind that someday, you'll be able to have as many lovies and other animals as you'd like. I know that doesn't help you now, but if your mother is truly set against not having any animals in the house, working at a shelter/vet clinic/petstore will help ease the pain a little. This way, as Lori has said, you can start saving up enough to take care of a little birdie, as they are quite expensive. They sure are sucking up all of my money! Just keep your hopes up, as hard as that can be.

03-10-2006, 07:43 PM
So sorry about your troubles, it could be me a few dozen years ago. Perhaps your parents are concerned that they will be left with the bird when you leave the nest (so to speak). And then there are the vet costs. Maybe best that you wait a few years until you are fully established and have the room and resources to support a pet. I had to wait until I was into my 30's until I could get a dog, you will get your LOVEY someday down the road, chin up.:happy:

03-12-2006, 10:01 PM
Kumashe....there is a bird shelter in your area:


they may have a lovebird for adoption that is tame, or :D has already had a well bird exam and I'm sure they can give you some information on a good vet in your area.
Good Luck.....and disreguard my previous post (the one where I asked how many siblings you have and if you have any pets at home).

02-14-2008, 01:30 PM
I got a lovebird for my birthday! But my mom loves birds.