View Full Version : POOP . . . a universal problem!

03-10-2006, 04:31 PM
OK . . . I know I'm the new girl who doesn't own a lovie, only tiels and a CAG, but I'm sure everyone can relate to what I have to say! POOP . . . what to do :eek: ! I was just cleaning my living room, and had to take a break and come talk to my new friends about this. As I was fluffing the cushions in my couch, sure enough there was a BIG, fresh poop drop from my CAG . . . and let me tell ya . . . it ain't the same as the tiels poop :D ! Earlier this afternoon Lucky and I had a long play session on the couch. He just loves to hang off the pillows upside down and have me tickle him under his wings, and now he likes me to raise him up high, and then turn him upside down in the palm of my other hand . . . it's so FUN :happy: ! I love that he's letting me play with him like this! However, POOP is the problem. I take Lucky everywhere in the house, he moves around with me on his "go-cart" cage, and I try to keep birdie blankets down, but it isn't always easy. AND . . . my carpet is white! I spot clean from time to time with carpet cleaners, but not often because I'm afraid of the smell . . EVEN though I make sure shes in her cage in the birdroom and the glass doors are closed. And I've used the Rug Doctor a couple of times and it works GREAT . . . I make sure the doors are closed to the bird room because of the smell, which isn't that bad!! However, it still worries me. I've read about tragic stories in Bird Talk Magazine from teflon pan fumes that people can't smell, so I got rid of ALL my non-stick cookware. Question: COULD THIS HAPPEN FROM CLEANING THE CARPET AND FURNITURE?? Any input would be greatly appreciated!

03-10-2006, 07:23 PM
I suppose my biggest concern would be the type of cleaner you use in the Rug Doctor. Most of the chemical cleaners ARE harmful enough to cause respiratory distress in any pet bird, so be sure to purchase only natural cleaners ie: enzyme based such as "Nature's Miracle" or "Natural Chemistry" stain/odor removes. Both of these products can be used in rug cleaning machines and they both have directions for steamers on the directions. I'm sure someone else will have a few more suggestions to the brand name(s) that have worked for them.
As for the poop issue, I just let 'em dry up and flick 'em off the furniture and carpets LMAO Of course, a Grey might be different as their poopin's are a WEEEE Bit larger than a lovie's or a green cheek's LOL
Good Luck,

03-10-2006, 07:27 PM
As a bird owner with multiple birds, I know my living room can't ever be "picture perfect" . I have loveseat and couch covers (order from Sears every 2 years) and wash about every 3 weeks or so. This is the price we pay for our beloved companions. Just use as most natural cleaners as I can. :rofl:

03-10-2006, 07:52 PM

I rent a carpet cleaner from The Alergy Store. They have a carpet cleaner that is fume free there, and it does a wonderful job. I don't know if you have that store there, but there is most likely one like it. They sell air purifiers, air filters, etc....

I also have had chemdry come in and they also have a fragrance/fume free cleaner that they use, you just have to request it. I do this about twice a year, and then I clean them myself in between.

I do love the greys, and while I am a bit intimidated by the beak, I think the humongeous poops scare me more:lol

03-10-2006, 09:00 PM
I'm planning on getting new furniture in the near future and the couch is raspberry/white striped (cottage look). I can't stand the idea of poop on it, so I'm going to get a piece of fabric to place over it when the birds are out. I'm sure that a sheet would be too thin for what I want. I do sew and can make my own cover. My brother has the same problem as you, but he has a Blue & Gold Macaw. BIG, BIG POOP! :eek:

If you want to go this route, look for something at a GoodWill store or garage sale.

03-10-2006, 09:02 PM
I do love the greys, and while I am a bit intimidated by the beak, I think the humongeous poops scare me more
You haven't been pooped on until a macaw does it!!! I knew what I was doing when I got rid of all carpeting and put down laminate! :lol If Dao poops while he's on my shoulder, I have to change clothes.....

Have you tried Oxyclean? It's pretty good for a lot of things and I think a paste might work to clean carpeting. Would you believe that shaving cream does a pretty good job, too!

03-10-2006, 09:14 PM
You haven't been pooped on until a macaw does it!!! I knew what I was doing when I got rid of all carpeting and put down laminate! :lol If Dao poops while he's on my shoulder, I have to change clothes.....

Have you tried Oxyclean? It's pretty good for a lot of things and I think a paste might work to clean carpeting. Would you believe that shaving cream does a pretty good job, too!

Ahh yes, big birdy poops. The other reason I don't have one right now (money being the first). It took me a few weeks to get used to lovie poops. :rofl:

I cover the couch with an old flannel sheet when Ditto watches tv with me.

03-10-2006, 10:17 PM
Thanks for all the scoop on the poop :rofl: ! WOW . . . shaving cream? Who'd a thought?

Buy A Paper Doll
03-11-2006, 09:54 AM
My sister uses a steam cleaner with just plain water in it. As for my house, we did what Linda did - rip out the carpet and put in wood laminate. Wipes clean with a damp cloth. I took it a step further: Leather furniture wipes clean with a damp cloth, too.