View Full Version : masked lovebirds

03-10-2006, 05:43 PM
We have a blue blackmasked lovebird and several peachfaced lovebirds, and we have never been able to let the masked out at the same time as any of our peachfaces because they always seem to get the masked cornered eventually and then start biting at the masked. We feel really bad for the masked as it doesn't want anything to do with us just keeps wanting to go visit the other lovebirds when out. So we have decided to try and find a friend for the masked. The blackmasked are hard to come by around our area, so we were wondering if we could find a green mutation black masked and they should happen to be a male and female, we don't know the sex of my bird, would the babies be hybrid? Or can two female black masked get along together in the same cage?


03-10-2006, 08:16 PM
Masked can be with other masked. Color does not matter much(unless the bird had a pervious mate of a certain color).They are a hybrid if a masked and a peach faced mixed in your homes case. There is no 100% way to know if they will get along though. Before you get another I would find out the masked gender. If it is a male then another male will work. Females do not as a norm like to share with other females. But there are some exceptions. My masked and peachfaced have not meet yet so I am not help much about that part. All I can say is if they are out together keep a very very close eye on them all.


03-10-2006, 09:02 PM
Hi Rhonda.....I don't think 2 females can get along in the same cage unless they were siblings and raised together and even then once hormones kick in there would probably still be problems. And you will have to indroduce a new bird in a separate cage side by side for a period of time, after quarantine, before ever putting them in the same cage. Introducing a new lovie is tricky and you will have to know the sex of your masked first and get the opposite sex. Hens can injure and even kill each other. Two males can live peacably, but you would still have to introduce slowly to make sure they accept each other. I'm not sure about your hybrid question as I don't know anything about masked except the green ones are so cute and the blue ones are really pretty.