View Full Version : Melly's hissy fit!

Buy A Paper Doll
03-12-2006, 07:56 PM
My birds have some random wooden toy parts (blocks, beads) on the bottom of the cage. The other day, hubby reported that Melody was picking up a wooden bead in her beak and throwing it down on the cage floor repeatedly.

He made the mistake of laughing at her. Well! That ruffled her feathers. The next time, she carried the bead up the ladder before throwing it down on the cage floor. Throwing it from up high makes the bead rattle the cage bars more, you see. Then she'd hop down, pick up the bead, and climb up to do it again.

What a crazy little bird.

03-12-2006, 08:04 PM
When Ditto throws a hissy fit he usually bangs his treat cup. It's got a hoop that hangs on the bars and the cup fits inside that. Every once in a while he'll pick front up and slam it down and kep doing it until one of the hooks comes lose. Then he yells at me that his cup is crooked. :confused:

Of course the bells haning in the cage are always good for beating up in a hissy fit too.

03-12-2006, 08:22 PM
Jennifer....She was probably upset that she couldn't throw it in the floor and have somebody else pick it up for her.....you know, like little kids will throw something down and you pick it up....it's a game that children learn at a very young age.....now can you see her frustration of having to play both parts herself?:confused: Put all the little toy pieces in a food cup up high and see how much fun they will have throwing them down.

Dave....Jake does that when he wants something different in his cup to eat. Aren't lovies just wonderful?!......YES!!!!!!:D

03-12-2006, 09:16 PM
Lovie hissy fits are funny for the first little while then banging for 30 or 40 minutes straight makes the novelty wear off quite quickly. Kameko's famous hissy fit when she wants out is picking up and dropping her cage door. She usually picks up the one over top of her water dish so it makes a really loud bang every single time. Again... and agian... and again... etc :evil: . Now if she could just figure out that when she opens the door that she can just get out there would be no need for hissy fits ;) . I love how birds find their own unique way of expressing themselves.... no matter how loud it may be :D .

03-12-2006, 10:18 PM
Now Miss Melly, dear, you can't pretent that you are throwing that bead at daddy and make all that racket. *tsk, tsk, tsk* Bad girl (wait til he opens the cage door sweetie ;) )

03-13-2006, 09:05 AM
:lol Gotta love them hens. :lol

03-14-2006, 12:19 PM
My little Laharl will take his bell toy early in the morning and flip it all around the cage. He picks it up, throwing it up as high as he can. When it hits the cage floor, he runs over to it to do it again. Sometimes, I just have to take it away from him! (I DON'T appreicate him doing it at 6am :mad:) I still can't help but laugh, though.

Buy A Paper Doll
03-14-2006, 07:22 PM
Put all the little toy pieces in a food cup up high and see how much fun they will have throwing them down.

LOL! How do you think this little game started? They have a purple treat cup that Melody just LOVES to throw on the ground. Once it's on the bottom of the cage she picks it up in her beak and slams it down a few times just to make sure everyone knows she's mad at it. I don't put food in that one anymore; why bother, it's quicker to just dump it on the floor myself. Instead, I put toy parts in it, so she can still have the satisfaction of hearing it crash to the bottom of the cage and watch stuff go everywhere.

03-14-2006, 08:28 PM
[QUOTE=Buy A Paper Doll]LOL! How do you think this little game started? QUOTE]

LOL:lol :rofl: :lol Oh?.....I see...:D

03-18-2006, 06:17 PM
I hope mine doesn't make a loud ruckus, but I'm sure he will! lol