View Full Version : Storms in the Ozarks last night

03-13-2006, 01:25 PM
We had some severe storms last night. My father in law called around 10pm to see if we were preparing? Preparing???...I was on the computer at this forum...so I went to tell my husband that his dad had called and he was already watching the weather information. He started rushing around and told me to get some blankets and pillows to throw down in the fraidy hole under the house. So I asked him if I should try to round up all the birds? He said get what you can.....:confused: get what I can? Frick and Frack....everybirdie will go or nobirdie will go. I just bought some cages on sale at Orscheln's farm store. Luckily I had gotten a few smallish cages that I was going to put budgies in for pairing before they are old enough to breed. I just finished making grates for them yesterday morning. Threw on my gloves and rustled all the tiels in one cage (6), all the lovie babies in one cage (8 birds), all the adult lovies (5), the 2 new green ones a tiny cage together, had all the budgie youngsters in one cage (9), and the older ones in one cage (10). Lost the single finch in the closet and took about 3 minutes to catch him, threw him in with the other pair....I almost forgot Wiggles (lovie baby) in the brooder, threw him in a tiny critter carrier. Yanked water bottles off cages and made sure every cage had one and at least one/two cups of food. Threw the cat in a pet carrier. Sheesh! Grabbed Bentley (chiahuahua). The big dog was already down.

The first storm had quarter sized hail about 5 quarters thick. It was so loud on the vinyl siding. After the first storm passed, I came up and fixed Wiggles some formula and got him a hot water container, he was so thankful.(I am so thankful for the discussion of the hot water containers for a travelling brooder in the handfeeding thread). Ended up having to separate the budgies into a couple more little cages and put one pair of tiels in their own cage. I brought down the coconuts for the lovies to snuggle in and that stopped all squabbling and they settled in better than everybirdie else. As an after thought I got some old towels and covered the cage backs and tops leaving the front open so they could still see out.

The second storm an hour later was not as bad at our house the hale was marble size, although people only a couple of miles to 6 miles away lost their homes again after just rebuilding and getting settled back in. Those poor people. By the time I got everybirdie back into their cages and left the lights on for a few minutes so they could eat, drink and setting down it was already 2am. We showered and crawled in bed. We heard sirens most all night.

I have discovered that I need some separate food ready to go, a first aid kit, extra food cups/water bottles. The birds were too scared to eat or drink, but If I hadn't taken food and water they would have had none if our house had blown away. I have been collecting pet carriers when I see them in good condition for a good price, but I only have 2 so far. Well I couldn't decide who would go in the two so I just used cages, but I think the pet carriers would have gone down the fraidy hole much easier and I know they would have been more secure if we really were in trouble. I'm going to make up a tote bag with essential items (food/water/first aid) that will just be ready to go on short notice. And I need some more pet carriers! So, anyway...just thougth I'd share.:2cents:

03-13-2006, 03:09 PM
Paulette, I'm so glad that the bad weather is past and that everyone is OK and especially that you were prepared. I'm not sure how I would handle getting more than three into my basement.

03-13-2006, 06:04 PM
That stuff is headed this way now. Fortunately they should poop out a bit before they get here.

Round 1 is about 50 miles west of here now. The nasties are still in Ohio and should come through later tonight.

Ditto loves thunderstorms. He likes to sit with me and watch the lightning.

03-13-2006, 07:30 PM

Glad everything turned out ok. I saw on the news that over 100 tornados touched down in MO & IL last night :eek: I know we're suppose to get some rain and storms too, but nothing like what y'all got. N. Ga near the Tenn. line will get more than we will. Hope everyone in tha path of these storms is alright. :) I need to figure out a plan for storms myself. I live in a one story house so the only room I feel safe in for a storm is the laundry room. My house plan is VERY open. I live next to City Hall and when the sirens go off - OMG!! It'll scare the life out of you if you've never heard them.

03-13-2006, 07:36 PM
Just had a nasty one roll through. It was 75 degrees when it hit. 10 minutes later it was 60. :eek:

Got about 6 hours or so before the nasty line comes through. Then it might even snow. Yep, it's March, 80 one day and snowing the next.

03-13-2006, 07:41 PM
Yep, it's March, 80 one day and snowing the next.

It's been 80 here too and after tonight it will drop down to freezing at night. I laughed when I saw everyone at HomeDepot buying pretty new flowers to plant in their yard this weekend. Little did they know about the temp drop. I wait on plants until April. :whistle:

03-13-2006, 07:55 PM
None of you can complain about the cold. I want spring... i still have a foot of snow in my yard and it was -17 this morning. We don't even have flowers in the stores (for good reason). But we also don't have tornados so i guess we have it pretty good. I hope everyone stays safe and sound with the storms. I don't know when tornado season is, but i hope nothing comes too close to anyone!!!

03-13-2006, 07:57 PM
Who's complaining. I love cold and snow!

03-13-2006, 08:27 PM
I don't mind the cold so much. It's a nice 3 month break from the heat and 90% humidity we get for the other 9 months of the year :p

03-13-2006, 09:54 PM
Yesterday it was 76 and beautiful....I wore crop pants and flip flops.
Today it was turtle neck with a jacket weather.....tennis shoe with socks.
They say if you don't like the weather in the ozarks, just wait 5 minutes.

03-13-2006, 10:54 PM
You like -50 cold? Come to Winnipeg, you'll love it here (except this past winter).

Paulette, I'm glad that you and everyone else is all right. It's always good to be prepared and have extra supplies ready. Hope everything stays all right.

03-13-2006, 11:39 PM
I'm so glad that you weathered the storm and that all is well with your family! My husband and I were in Atlanta this weekend, and it was indeed beautiful! We heard the tragic news about the tornados in the mid-west that claimed a couple and forged a path of destruction! Thanks for sharing about your situation . . . as it's got me to thinking that I need to have a plan in place in case of storms and hurricane season (we live in Florida, Tampa Bay area).

03-14-2006, 12:54 AM
I actually can't complain that much. As long as the sun is shining it is always a beautiful day. We have been really lucky. Even though the days are sometimes cold, the sky is blue and sun is shining. I don't mind the snow from November to Febuary, but after that i am ready for grass and flowers. The only way to cope this time of year is to roll the windows of the car down turn the music up and blast the heat :lol . If anyone wants to trade the southern US heat for a couple weeks of beautiful British Columbia winter... I will be up for that :p .

03-14-2006, 06:03 AM
Hello Paulette,

I'm glad to hear you and your family weathered the storm well. I can't think of anything more scary than nature when it chooses to remind us of how small we are.

In another note, whoa, do you have a lot of birds :eek:. I think it says a lot of your organisational skills and foresight that you managed to take every single one of them into the safety hole :).


03-14-2006, 09:12 AM
Hi Paulette,

I too am from Missouri, and we had a tornado go over us Sunday morning. Luckily all of our birds are already in the finished basement along with their food, so I didn't have to worry about them, but if I had to get everybirdie and everybody into the basement I would have been going crazy with the stress. I never gave it thought about what I would do if I had to move them all. Thanks for posting this and reminding me to have a plan on hand. Time I think to start looking for some more pet carriers.
