View Full Version : STEP-UP NOW WHAT?

03-14-2006, 08:00 AM
We recently got a hand raised baby, it steps up pretty well and once in hand she (I really don't know) doesn't mind sitting in your hand but prefers climbing - then poof* gone, she flys away. With several cats in the house, this isn't a good idea. She is real active and doesn't like to sit for long, but its not really that safe to be on her own. So what are some other ideas that I can do with her so far we pet and place upside down on her back in hand and then she gets too hyper as she wants to climb, she gets placed back in her cage. This is very frustrating for her and me!

Also we have a ton of windows and while we try to be careful, would it be better for safty sake to take her out at night, or do they still think that it is "open air".

Thanks in advance

03-14-2006, 08:12 AM
I have two suggestions. First, the cats should definitely be locked away in another room anytime the bird is out, no exceptions. Second, if the baby hasn't had some kind of modified wing clip, I would also suggest that as long as you are sure that he is fully flighted. Babies should have full flight before the first wing clip. Now, if you do have his wings clipped, he will become easy prey for the cats so again, they need to be in another room, door closed, whenever the lovie is out. Your lovie should always be supervised when out of the cage and you're right, they do not like to sit still for long.....not part of their personality. Very active and playful little parrots who need toys to keep them busy and a safe place to play. Cats are natural predators and it's unfair to trust them to in the same room with a bird.

03-14-2006, 12:16 PM
Janie's right. NEVER let your bird and cats be in the same room. Ever. They should not be allowed to interact, at all.

How old is this baby? If she has all ready learned to fly, and has been doing so for a little while, you can give her flights a trim. Doing so will help prevent her from flying so quickly into windows, and so she won't be getting into any other trouble.

03-14-2006, 02:57 PM
Cats ARE out of the room when bird is out. She is an October baby and believe her wings are clipped. Wondered about the window thing as every room in our house has a ton of windows - so wondered if they would fly at a black window. She does like our Easter egg tree with plastic eggs on string (great idea for a bird to play on), but again she is a little ADD and quickly wants to flutter some place else. Bathroom has hidy places and windows, closet has clothes, and mud room has windows. Living room has 6 windows and set of sliders so you see what I am up against. She eats out of hand well, and wondered what games I could teach her.

I guess what I am asking is "What do you DO with your birds when they are out and about? How do you keep them from fluttering under the couch? And what do you let them do while they are out?

03-14-2006, 03:13 PM
My lovie Kameko likes to fly around all over the place too. It is just part of a bird's personality, they like to explore and play. My first piece of advice is to cover the windows when your bird is out. The trouble with being out at night, unless your room is really well lit is that lovies have a hard time seeing at night, and i know that Kameko gets a little nervous when she can't see very well and she doesn't quite know where she is flying. As for playing, lovies have a very short attention span but, Kameko loooves to chew on and play with highlighters and highlighter lids, pen lids, paper clips, and things like that. That will keep her attention for a little while, but then she will also fly away and explore then come back and see what i am up to. Good luck :p

03-14-2006, 04:48 PM
My birds do fly towards windows day or night. I have a special sheet I hang over window when they are out in bird room.When I have them in living room they can not even see windows through my curtains.
