View Full Version : Lovebirds and Cat balls.

03-16-2006, 02:41 PM
I was wondering if anyone of ya out there let your lovies or other parrots play with the plastic balls sold for cats. Mikey's been spending a lot of time on the cage bottom with his ball. It's cute when he throws it and lately he's been climbing up his cage with it in his beak. I think he's also been "dating" it every now and then. >o

Luckys mom
03-16-2006, 02:58 PM
Lucky loves playing with those balls. She will pick it up and throw it in the air and then sqwack like crazy. Pretty cute to watch!

03-16-2006, 03:11 PM
Kameko loves her cats balls. She picks them up and throws them all over the place. They seem to be a pretty popular toy across the board. Its hilarious to watch when Kameko really gets into it, she flaps and squacks, and runs around and around :lol . Her latest is to dump them in her water dish, what a goof :) .

03-16-2006, 05:11 PM
i have a lovebird that play fetch with me, that is she will throw the ball to me and I FETCH :blush:

03-16-2006, 07:00 PM
i have a lovebird that play fetch with me, that is she will throw the ball to me and I FETCH :blush:

Ditto does that too! But he tends to throw it all the way across the room. Who'd guess a little bird could toss one of those suckers 10 feet. :eek:

A couple times he actually chased after it, picked it up in his beak and flew back to the couch and dropped it on me as he flew over. :cool: But he won't do that any more since he finally decided to listen to me when I say birdies don't belong on the floor.

03-16-2006, 07:17 PM
I hate to be the party pooper but those cat balls freak me out:eek: . I got some that had a plastic bell in the middle and when Mijo (CAG) ripped one apart there was a funky little metal piece in the middle. While most lovies will not bust these open I still don't trust funky metal so close to my birds.

03-16-2006, 07:26 PM
I hate to be the party pooper but those cat balls freak me out:eek: . I got some that had a plastic bell in the middle and when Mijo (CAG) ripped one apart there was a funky little metal piece in the middle. While most lovies will not bust these open I still don't trust funky metal so close to my birds.

The Ditto has have little slits in them (I didn't buy them the ex did) so he can chew the bell things. So I took them out and yep, inside the bells, little metal bits.

He doesn't get them unsupervised even without the bells in them since his beak fits inside the slits. Don't want to come home and find him with one stuck on his chopper!

03-16-2006, 08:34 PM
The one's i have have just little stars and arrows on them so she can't get her beak inside them so matter how ard she tries. I haven't busted these ones open but i would have to try very very hard and i look at the one in her cage all the time to check for wear. So i think it will be ok.
Balls they can toss around are great i find. They allow the bird to get any frustrations they have out on something that can't feel pain. They are especially great for Kameko because i have a slightly sexually frustrated (>o ) bird who has a lot of resentment when she has no one to mate with or place to nest. I recommend them to most lovies as long as they are carefully supervised.

03-16-2006, 11:20 PM
I have toys that are cylindrical (bars run all around) with a bell in the middle. I don't really like leaving them in the cages all of the time, so I usually just do so while I'm home. They would have a hard time breaking it, though, but I feel much safer not taking any chances.

03-17-2006, 10:27 PM
The bird store I go to sells those cat balls, but these are very sturdy. Tough plastic with only little holes. Cooper likes to make us fetch too.

03-18-2006, 11:54 AM
I have some of those cat balls with the plastic bars around and they do eventually chew through (especially budgies), some have metal bell, the last ones I got have a plastic bell (probably not much better). You can use the whiffle balls (golf practice balls that are white with holes all over) they don't have anything in side (I have one budgie that loves hers). I did get some really hard balls for ferrets/ferret section at the pet store last time they have the circle and star shapped openings and an emblem of a ferret, but the outer plastic is really hard and thick, they do have a jingle inside but I don't know what it is. They were a little more expensive, but I think the pkg came with 3 and for small birds they would last forever.

Correction the ferret balls have paw print openings and several plastic beads inside.:)

03-18-2006, 02:28 PM
I did get some really hard balls for ferrets/ferret section at the pet store last time they have the circle and star shapped openings and an emblem of a ferret, but the outer plastic is really hard and thick, they do have a jingle inside but I don't know what it is. They were a little more expensive, but I think the pkg came with 3 and for small birds they would last forever.
That's a really good idea actually. If a toy is ferret proof i think a lovie will be quite safe. I never thought to look in that section, maybe i will check that out next time.

03-18-2006, 04:53 PM
That's a really good idea actually. If a toy is ferret proof i think a lovie will be quite safe. I never thought to look in that section, maybe i will check that out next time.

Mandy....I like to take my time and look at everything....sometimes you have time and sometimes you don't....and if you have a teenager sometimes they call you and you have to leave.....but I look at all the pet toys to see if there is anything similar, less expensive or more fun.....sometimes the food dishes in different departments are cheaper and sometimes not......but I gotta look!....it's just who I am....I want a broad view before I choose.....sadly I'm that person carrying stuff all over the store and then I find something better and have to put stuff back.:rolleyes:

I got Jake and Hope a little corner thingie (plastic) for gerbils or some small animal because their food dishes are at the front of the cage and that is where they choose to spend a lot of their time (in the front top corner) so they can keep an eye on those that are higher. And constantly pooping in the food cups! It was a very nice solution, although the twistie tie that came with it didn't last long so I made it a permanent wire hanger so I can remove it when it gets dirty. One pet store sold them for about 5.00, but another sold them for 2.00. I hate to say it, but I have to shop around too.

I got a barrel of monkeys yesterday....and the young lovies are having a ball unhooking them from each other and throwing them on the floor. So look all around there are toys everywhere.:D