View Full Version : Lovebird Fun

03-18-2006, 06:14 PM
I am getting a lovebird - maybe tonight!:p - and I was wondering what kinds of tricks you can teach your birdie. The one I'm getting knows "step-up", but I think that's it. He's at a pet store. They carry him around and hand fed him as a babe so he's real used to humans (thank goodness!:happy: ). Thank you!

03-18-2006, 06:35 PM
Hi Kristen.....How exciting!....lovebirds are so much fun. You can teach them to whistle if they are fairly young and the females can learn to talk. Although my husband swears our male Jake would say "Sara" because I would say "Sara" all the time beacause she would get into things all around the room (Sara obviously was a male too). I had adopted them from a shelter and they were 4 or 5 years old and had been together for a very long time. They made all kinds of cute noises that I thought were lovebird noises (kissing, smacking, grunt or sigh, farting noises) and a whistle (reee oooo reeet) that meant they wanted to ride on your shoulder. They even had a noise they made when they were ticked off (booopp!) and another one for disgust (doo doot). I had no idea these were not natural noises until I got an untame pair that shreek, shrill and chirp. And then my tame pair quit making cute noises and started shrilling and chirping up a storm. I accidentally killed Sara when she was struggling with blood feathers and Jake wouldn't make the cute noises for a long time, but now that he's had babies with Hope (a breeder hen) he would make the cute noises to his babies and especially when I had them out of the cage he would do the come here whistle.....so cute. You are lucky to find a tame lovie at a pet store.

03-18-2006, 06:37 PM
Hi Kristen and welcome to the forum! :D

Gee, that is very exciting.....getting a lovie! :) I'm not sure about other members birds but my lovies don't do what I'd call "tricks." They do step up and that is a good thing and a safety issue and they love for me to swing them from a leather rope that hangs from the ceiling in their bird room but as far as some of the tricks that the larger parrots do, my lovies don't. They are load of fun and play, play and then play some more and they do seem to understand my lovebird language and respond to my calls. Check out the Lovebird Resource Library when you have a chance. Lots of very good advice and information for anyone getting a lovie for the first time and for those of us who already have a few. :)

I'll be interested to see if others here have lovies that do real tricks. :D

03-18-2006, 06:40 PM
Good luck with your new lovie!

My birds do a lot of entertaining things, but they seem to teach me more than I teach them. That's fun, too. :D

03-18-2006, 08:55 PM
Thank you guys! I didn't get to go tonight, but I'm going tomorrow!

03-24-2006, 03:47 PM
:cry: :cry: :cry: Oh, well, poo! They sold the lovie I was going to get!!!

Back to square 1... :mad:

03-24-2006, 08:22 PM
Check www.petfinder.com
They have lovebirds that need rescuing and I found a pair there who were wonderful. I know there are a few in TN and I look there often(just for fun 3 is enough for me for now).


03-25-2006, 10:20 AM
I checked out that site, Steph. Now I'm bugging my husband to get a dog, and he is not going for it. There's one listed that I've been wanting. Oh well... I'm also looking at other lovebirds too. That would be a lot easier to add to the household :)

03-25-2006, 10:21 AM
Good luck on getting that new lovebird, Kristen!

03-25-2006, 11:26 AM
I'm sorry to hear that you weren't able to get your lovie:( . Most petstores will hold a lovie at least 24 hours especially if you are able to put a deposit down. I don't know what part of Tennessee you are in, but Lori is from there and I know she's mentioned a couple of good breeders in the past. If possible, a GOOD breeder is the best way to go as the lovies are always in better health and often have a much better personality.

Good Luck:D

03-25-2006, 11:36 AM
Thank you guys so much. I am a frequent visitor of petfinder, but I'm not sure if I've actually checked for lovebirds. hmm.... Well, I'm off the petfinder.com! lol

03-25-2006, 08:07 PM
B.A. LOL I am bugging mine for a dog also. I went to a pet store today and was in there so long he was scared I was buying one.lol. There were no lovebirds in this store so he was safe from them.
