View Full Version : Peachface Lovebird Personality...

03-19-2006, 03:43 PM
Hello, Everyone.

I'm not a Peachy owner, but I'm in the consideration stage. I have lived with birds for a total of 17 years and know quite a bit about the lovebird in terms of what I've read from numerous sources. I know, however, that the stereotypes don't always fit; so I thought it best to consult with Peachy owners who can tell me their likes (and possible dislikes) about this species. I'd also like to hear from people who share living space with other humans as to how their Peachies interact with others. (Or do they really bond so strongly with one person as to attack all others?)

I currently have a whiteface cinnamon 'tiel, Joey, and a Maxi Pionus, Holly Moon. They are both relatively quiet, gentle birds, very sweet and loving. My thought on getting a third avian companion is that a more spunky/ parrot-like personality (than the 'tiel) who also tends to have a snuggly streak. (I know that a lovebird would not be allowed to interact with my other birds due to aggression issues.)

The biggest reason that I'm asking for such info. (besides wanting to be well-informed) is that I'm also considering the Parrotlet and the Lineolated Parakeet. (So I'll be sure to visit forums on those particular species, as well.)

Thank you for any info. that you can provide.


03-19-2006, 04:19 PM
I've had my lovie for about 3 weeks now and from the first day on, the main thing that I've noticed (compared to my budgie) is that she is very curious and active. Upside down, inside out, over, under, hanging..she's everywhere. Like a little monkey. Everything I put in her cage, she "tests" out. I don't consider her loud. She chirps whe you leave and chirps to herself quietly sometimes, but she never screams.

So far she seems scared of everyone else in the household, but me. However, I am the only one that's worked with her, so that's to be expected.

Can't think of any dislikes right now, since I've only had her for 3 weeks. :)

03-19-2006, 04:25 PM
I am owned by 3 lovebirds. Two are peachfaced lovebirds and one is a masked. My peachfaced are tame in their own terms..lol. They are very spunky and do cuddle. But on their terms only. Baggy is my 2yr old hen and she is strongly bonded to me. She is mommys baby and she does bite(even me at times. If she is out and my husband is home she will fly to him and bite him. She tolerates my sons and likes my daughter. My husband jokes that she hates men.lol. Whisper is Baggys 10 month old child. Whisper is a sweetheart and has been handled since 2wks old. She is bonded to me and my daughter both. Some here have birds that whole family can handle with no trouble. If you have more humans in house who you want to be able to handle bird the first step is making sure from moment bird comes to house that they also interact with the bird. My husband did not ever try because the birds are mine. My daughter does help me with them so they can handle her. But my 2 are mommys babies and they know it.lol. My masked lovebird says the jury is still out if I am nice.


03-19-2006, 04:46 PM
Hi Seeker and welcome! :)

I have three peachies and the first was totally by accident. I'd never had a bird so I have nothing to compare lovies to except for other lovies. My first boy, Oliver, is older and I adopted him over 2 1/2 years ago.....very spur of the moment, he needed a home and I had one! :D He was and remains very, very tame. Not playful and not curious but not knowing what formed his present personality makes me wonder why he is kind of fearful of toys. Probably had an accident with a toy somewhere a long time ago but I'll never really know. Anyway, he gets along well with all family members but definitely prefers me because I give him 90% of all the attention he gets. I added to more, DNA'd brothers, last July. They were handfed and also very tame. And active!!! So much fun and full of themselves and they love to play, climb and swing! They showed me how typical lovebirds behave but even the two of them have very different personalities. "Big Boi" is very loving (bites the crap out of me but is not mad when he does it) and "Shy" is kind of aloof but really the easiest of all my birds because while he likes to take a ride on my shoulder, he's also happy when he's not on me. Neither of them are friendly to my husband and two sons but that is because they haven't taken the time to play with and handle them. They aren't mean, I don't mean that but they are scared of most people other than me. The one time I did leave them with my husband for a couple of days, it went very well and they did step up for him so he was able to give them out of cage time, etc. while I was gone. I love and enjoy all of them and all of their differences.

I can't compare them to any other species since they are all I know but I will say that I'm very happy that I accidently ended up with Oliver and would always want lovies first. :D Good luck in your decision. I think you're going about making it in the right way! :)

03-19-2006, 06:37 PM
My little Ditto is a snugglebug. I think he's glued himself to me. :cool:

He loves to be the center of attention and will hang out with anyone and will sit on their fingers and let them give him head scratches. The only time he has a jealousy problem is if someone touches me. Only he's allowed to do that. :rofl:

03-19-2006, 07:48 PM
They are very distinct individuals. For instance, when our Gracie-girl first came to us and we started reading up about lovies, we were surprised to see them described as clowns, and very active. Now that we have more lovies, we know this is generally true.

Gracie, however, is very content to hang out on my shoulder. She also does not play favorites between my husband and I. She can be very sweet, but we are not allowed to touch her.

On the other hand, she is a characteristic lovie hen. She hates hands, especially when they are in her cage. She can be very territorial. When she has eggs, she is a pit viper when it comes to guarding them.

In general, all of our lovies are very fun to watch, and getting to know their personalities has been a real experience. There is a lot more depth than you would expect to see from such little birds. :)

Good luck in your quest,

03-20-2006, 02:54 PM
Just like people and other species of birds, lovebirds each have their own personalities. Personalities range from super sweet to posses ed. :lol I think along with personality, the level of tameness contributes to their character. In comparison to our Cockatiels...lovebirds are firecrackers! I find Tiels to be very docile, where as lovebirds are "in your face", energetic, big parrots in a tiny body. Nothing belongs to you when you have a lovebird (a tame one)...it all belongs to them and they let you use it. Our cockatiels are happy to just sit on your shoulder and sing or whistle a little. Our lovies are content to nibble on your ear, bite holes in your shirt, tunnel down into your shirt, eat your hair, bite your nose on the way by and explore every bit of you.
I have called lovies the "Jack Russell Terriers" of the bird world. :rofl: They are remarkable, intelligent little birds. Obviously, the tamer they are, the more attention they will want and need to stay that way. In pairs, they tend to not need as much attention, but if you want to keep them tame, you will need to work extra with them.
Lovebirds aren't for everyone. For me, I cannot imagine living without them.