View Full Version : Silly question

03-20-2006, 08:06 PM
As the topic says, I have a silly question. Can lovies tell whether or not we are male or female? If so, can this change how and IF they bond to us? For example, wouldn't a female lovebird bond a bit better to a male person (since they usually bond best with male lovies...)

03-20-2006, 08:37 PM
I don't think gender matters to them as far as people go. I think it's a matter of who they choose as their mate, or bonding person. I think from the response here the primary care giver is usually the one they bond to, but we do have some cage slaves that their lovies have bonded to someone else also. I guess it comes down to a personal preference:rolleyes:

Hen's can bond to either sex lovebird, there just may be problems when nesting time comes around. While a male/female or male/male pair may be better, there are many bonded hen couples also.

03-20-2006, 09:01 PM
As the topic says, I have a silly question. Can lovies tell whether or not we are male or female? If so, can this change how and IF they bond to us? For example, wouldn't a female lovebird bond a bit better to a male person (since they usually bond best with male lovies...)

My first lovrbird was a male and extreemely bonded to me. My second lovebird was a female. Amazingly bonded to me.
Blu, we don't know. I suspect she is a female. In the morning she is bonded to me. In the evenings, while making supper, she is like a piece of velcro to my husband. Later on, when it's play time, she's all over me again.

I would say that gender does not matter. It's all about how you treat them :happy:


03-20-2006, 09:08 PM
My first lovrbird was a male and extreemely bonded to me. My second lovebird was a female. Amazingly bonded to me.
Blu, we don't know. I suspect she is a female. In the morning she is bonded to me. In the evenings, while making supper, she is like a piece of velcro to my husband. Later on, when it's play time, she's all over me again.

I would say that gender does not matter. It's all about how you treat them :happy:


I agree. I'm almost 100 percent positive Ditto is male and he abandoned my ex-girlfriend, who was his first owner, for me. He was quite bonded to her until he came here. The last month she lived here he actually started to hate her. So I don't think gender matters to them one bit.

03-20-2006, 09:09 PM
I would say that gender does not matter. It's all about how you treat them :happy:

I completely agree. I only have experience with one lovie, but she is pretty much equally bonded with both me and my boyfriend, Sean. It is all in how you treat them. While Sean is not here all day, everyday he is a complete goof ball with her (they are a perfect match :lol ) so she absolutely adores him. Although i have been told that birds respond more positively to higher pitched (woman type) voices. I don't know exactly why that is but in our own experiments if Sean talks to Kameko in a higher pitched voice, Kameko will sing right back and get much more excited in comparison to his normal voice. Anyway, thats my :2cents:

03-20-2006, 11:05 PM
Generally, the person who spends the most time with the bird is the person who the bird will bond with more readily.

I've heard that male birds enjoy the voice of female (humans) and will mimick that as opposed to mimicking male humans. Same with female birds. They would tend to mimick male humans. But I believe that to be more of a myth. Birds will mimick certain people for other reasons, regardless of gender.

Since I'm really the only person who spends ample time with my birds, most are more bonded to me than any of my family members.

03-21-2006, 01:14 AM
I am female and my hen Baggy is bonded to me. Whisper who I think is female is bonded to me and my daughter both.


03-21-2006, 07:47 AM
Hmmmmm, I don't know. Oliver is bonded to me and Big Boi (male) is bonded to Oliver and his brother, Shy! :D

Seriously, like everyone has said, I don't think they care in the least if their special person or persons are male or female. Or, as in Shy's case, a purple birdie buddy! :rofl:

03-21-2006, 07:58 AM
Thanks for the replies! :D