View Full Version : Basil's first bathtime

03-20-2006, 11:00 PM
I think I've decided on 'Basil' for the little GCC. I just can't really find a name to suite him.

Anyhow, I've been putting a large bowl of water in his cage every day or so, hoping that he would finally have a bath. Well, yesterday, he did, and quite thoroughly enjoyed himself! He'd stick his whole head in the water, dip his chest in, until finally he just jumped right in. If the bowl had been longer, I swear he would have taken a little swim. He was right in the bowl, flapping around, having a grand time. By the end, he was literally drenched, so I towl dried him so he wouldn't catch a cold. He's quite the character. :)

03-21-2006, 08:27 AM
So Lisa....where are the photos???? :D I love wet birdie photos and from what I've heard from Lori, those GCC's really know how to take a real bath! :lol I love that name....Basil! :)

03-21-2006, 10:38 AM
:D I only have photos from his bath on my phone, as that was the closest thing to me, and I have no idea where the digicam disappeared to! Next time, though, I'll be more prepared. :)

03-21-2006, 11:29 AM

They do love their bath. I though Bela and Lacey enjoyed theirs until I saw Cappie bathe, now that's a bath:lol

Cappie likes to bathe in my hands. Whenever I'm in the kitchen and turn the water on, watch out, and be prepared, cause he is going in. Bela likes to bathe in my hands too, difference is, when Cappie bathes, you bathe also. I have tried to get pics of this, but as soon as my hubby enters the room, Cappie jumps up and chews him out. Evidently bath time is a private affair:lol

03-21-2006, 06:16 PM

Cappie likes to bathe in my hands. Whenever I'm in the kitchen and turn the water on, watch out, and be prepared, cause he is going in.

Ditto does that too. Of course he has to bite the water stream first. :rofl:

03-22-2006, 11:09 AM
I like the name :) Is it sticking?

As far as baths go... has Basil tried it again? Milly took his first real bath a few days ago by accident, when he was watching me splash in a bowl of water. He was really curious and was just starting to play too, when he fell in! And now doesn't want to do it again. But I keep showing him the water bowl. Not interested.

03-22-2006, 11:25 AM
Three of mine take a bath on a dinner plate http://www.pfaltzgraff.com/ecomm/Itemdetail.asp?CODIV=0107&T1=00200400&UID=2006032212194446

Not too deep and they flap allover. Olivia showed them how to do this and they love it. It's so funny to watch. Molly takes a bath in my hands in the kitchen sink and Piper sometimes gets dunked when he's a stinky bird :lol

03-22-2006, 11:52 AM
Heheh. My english budgie, Buddy, used to take showers until our house was flooded, and we were told that it was possible that e. coli could be found in our water.

Yep, I think I'm stickin' with Basil. I like it a lot, too. :)

That dinner plate is sold out, Jackie! But I can probably find something kicking around the house here.

03-22-2006, 11:58 AM
Yeah Jackie! How rude! Giving us a link of a SOLD OUT product! You know that just makes us want it more! :D

03-22-2006, 12:24 PM

Here's what mine like to bathe in. Don't tell my company, or they will never eat ham or turkey at my house again:lol

http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-MIKASA-FRENCH-COUNTRYSIDE-OVAL-PLATTER-18_W0QQitemZ4448377839QQcategoryZ45503QQssPageName ZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

03-22-2006, 01:24 PM
Oooo, Lori, I like that PLATTER :rofl: I'll have to remember that if I ever visit and you serve turkey.

Ladies, my dinnerware is probably 24 yrs old and looks new - I never cook. You can find it at most large department stores. Macy's, Kohls and most outlet malls too. Since I don't cook at least I found another use for it :rofl:

03-22-2006, 01:52 PM

03-22-2006, 02:41 PM
So you guys are saying I need to buy better quality chinaware for Milly to take a bath? haha:lol

03-23-2006, 02:13 AM
Finny is still a dirty bird... But Evie jumped right into a loaf pan I had ready for finny to take a bath in... I had it half full of luke warm water and just stopped into her room to check on her..she did not act scared of me (for a change) so I said hmmmm... let see if she wants this. She came out of her cage, flew to the pan and started acting like she was drinking then just jumped right in. I wanted to record it so I could show Finny how to do it.. :rofl:

Finny has started to try and bathe in his water dish. It is really quite funny. I did make a recording of this and even put music on it (splish splash) of course. As soon as I have the time I will ftp it to one of my sites and share, as image station is too slow and takes away from the fun of it.

Wet birdie's sure are cute...
