View Full Version : Oh my God...

03-21-2006, 08:08 PM

03-21-2006, 08:29 PM
Kumashe.....don't look a gift horse in the mouth......you are very lucky that your mama stepped out and did that wonderful surprise for you. And you thought she didn't care.:p It will be fine.:D You are so lucky. Don't worry and enjoy. You can probably make some toys at home.

There isn't a smiley for jumping up and down...so just pretend (:happy: )
I am so Happy For YOU!

03-21-2006, 08:34 PM
Kumashe.....don't look a gift horse in the mouth......you are very lucky that your mama stepped out and did that wonderful surprise for you. And you thought she didn't care.:p It will be fine.:D You are so lucky. Don't worry and enjoy. You can probably make some toys at home.

There isn't a smiley for jumping up and down...so just pretend (:happy: )
I am so Happy For YOU!

It isn't that I'm not happy, I'm estatic! I just have no idea where to begin with taming the poor baby....

03-21-2006, 08:45 PM
Congratulations! You're a lovie owner!
Please settle down and allow a little while for both of you to get used to this idea. Set up the birdie in the cage if it's suitable, even if it is only a temporary one. Provide proper food (Preferably whatever the bird was eating at the shop), fresh water and a comfortable room environment with at least 1 wall against the cage. Don't try to handle the bird unless necessary for the next couple of days, merely sit beside the cage and get used to each other. No hands, no scary movements etc...Just talking, chirping and bonding.
Call a board certified avain vet asap to set up a well-bird exam. Take a white paper towel or plain sheet of paper with a fresh poop on it for testing. Write down any and all behaviours and activities you notice until then and also write down any questions you might have for your vet. Believe me, you'll forget what it is you wanna ask if you don't write it !
If your car is big enough, take the cage and bird as one to the vet. Otherwise, consider a small avian carrier for transportation. Cover the carrier or cage with a sheet or towel to keep the bird calm during the car ride. No food or water dishes in the carrier to prevent injury.
Your vet will take blood and analyze the stool sample, as well as give birdie a good physical going over. Have wings partially clipped and make sure there are no feather issues. Test results should be shortly after that. Hopefully, birdie is healthy and thriving!!
Go through all the threads in our forum and again, WELCOME !!!
Please let us know how everyone's doing in the next few days. I'm assuming your Mom knows that while this is "your" bird, seeing as you're a minor, any expenses for the bird will be her responsibility, but if you talk with her to work out how you can pay off the bills, she'll begin to see you're responsible about owning this bird. Let her know too, that she's welcome to visit with us here if she has any questions or concerns !
And of course, you had to know we'd ask for pics and a NAME??? LOL

Congrats, Kim

PS Taming can wait for a bit, what you need now is bonding and trust...go slowly and you'll be just fine !!

03-21-2006, 08:47 PM
Ok, here's some things you can do. First, take out the litter and replace it with black/white newspaper or paper towels. Be sure to change it everyday as smaller cages need this more often than larger ones. I have large cages and change the paper towels about twice a week (one bird per cage - spoiled birds :rolleyes: ). Next, call the store and see if you can find out what age the bird is and what seed they were feeding it (assuming the bird is weaned). Try and get some of that so that a complete change in seed is not stressful to the bird. Since the bird is not tamed, you will need to be patient and calm near the bird. Sit next to the cage and talk softly and in a few days offer him some millet through the cage bars. After a while you may be able to offer him millet from you hand. Let him be near you (in the cage) while you are doing your normal routine so he can see that you are not going to harm him. You want to earn his trust and it will take time. Other here can offer you some more advice, but start with this for now. Take a deep breath and enjoy you new baby. It will be worth it in the future :D

03-21-2006, 09:19 PM

Congrats on the new lovie. I know it seems there is so much to learn, but you have been reading I think, so you probably know more than you think, and of course we are all here to answer any questions you have.

Taming/bonding is a slow process, but with time, love and patience, you and your little one will achieve a wonderful relationship. You want your new little one to see you as part of his/her flock, and trust is what you are looking to earn. It will take some time, but all you do to care for him/her everyday will lead to that trust. Talk to him/her as much as you can, and when s/he calls out, call back in kind as close as you can, ie when s/he cheeps, you cheep back:)

I am assuming you have some food by now, but make a list of things you need to get. I will list a few that lovies need for you, and for a seed mix, you need a good quality with no preservatives, look specifically for one called ethyoxquine(spelling?), this one is not good for birds. You will need a ladder, a swing, and a few different type perches. All birds love comfy perches, and they need a variety to exercise their feet, so also get a manzanita perch, and a good conditioning perch for him/her to keep the nails and beak trimmed. I use the website www.drfostersmith.com for alot of my things, but it's also a good reference site to find what you are looking for.

Watch to make sure he/she is eating, drinking and that his/her poops are a good solid consistency with a greenish/gray color and a little white(urates) in the center. Consistently runny poops is a sign of illness, so poop watching is what we do alot of around here;) Make that well bird checkup as soon as possible, and please ask as many questions as you need, that's what we are here for:)

03-22-2006, 12:16 AM
This is the cage that my mom got for me:

http://www.petsmart.com/global/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=84552444180 8445&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302025466&ASSORTMENT%3C%3East_id=2534374302023691&CONTENT%3C%3Ecnt_id=10134198673332936&bmUID=1143006957027&itemNo=8&In=Bird&N=2025466&Ne=2
Dimensions: 24x18x24


My lovie gave me a scare a while ago. It was my fault though. I was trying to get it to step up onto this dowel and it freaked out! It fluttered out of the cage and sarted running away from me on the floor. Luckily, I learned about toweling while I was researching parrots. I threw a towel over 'im and gently got him back into the cage. He got me with his nails though (so sharp!)

The lovie was clipped before she brought him home but the Petsmart people did a show clip on him, so its first primaries are not clipped. I'm slightly worried that those feathers will be broken or something when I'm not around.
I have school from 8-3 on weekdays and then I have track practice til 5. What can I do to entertain him while I'm away?

Is it ok to leave water for him in his food bowl? How can I coax him into bathing while I'm around?
From what the Petsmart people said, he is about 7 months old aand parent raised.

03-22-2006, 12:41 AM
That is and ok cage for one lovebird for right now. I have that same cage and my lovebird did fine in it. I would let the bird stay in the cage for about 2 days before trying to take it out. Then start talking to the bird and if you can eating next to it. Were is your birds cage right now? I would have the cage some were you spend alot of time. Like maybe your bedroom if you can. My birds eat Kaytee and Hartz brand cockatiel mix. I got a nice size cup from PetCo that I use for my birds water. My birds will drink and then they bath in their water. Be sure to change the birds water 2 times a day or as you see it is dirty. I change my birds water first thing in morning,afternoon,and I check before bed. As for the vet do you get allowance? if so start saving it to pay for the vet bills. Also maybe if you bring your mom to this site and show her some of the posts and info it will help. I know it is hard getting someone to belive birds need vet care. My husband was the same way. I would be sure there are atleast 2 toys in the cage that will help. Be sure to talk to your bird often and when you hear it whistle or chirp do it back.Just remember we are here for you.


03-22-2006, 07:57 AM

As you learn you can also educate your Mom on good, responsible bird care. As far a food is concerned, a well fed bird is a healthier bird, and that actually will save money in the long run, so you can explain that. There are many good sites that you can order from to get a good quality seed mix, but you might also check around your area for a breeder that sells seed, treats etc.....This will save you money, and depending on the breeder, be a better quality seed mix.

The size of the cage is fine, but the bar spacing is too wide. You need a 1/2 inch and no more than 5/8 inch bar spacing for a lovebird so that there is no possiblity of them getting their head stuck between the bars. I personally feel that PetSmart should be aware of this, and if you chose to take the cage back and exchange it that they should honor that. They should be responsible for selling a product not suitible for the bird that you bought. For a mask, I think the 1/2 inch is more suitable, as I believe they are a bit smaller than a peachface lovie, but that is my personal choice. I like being comfortable when I leave my birds alone.

It may take a little while, but I think you can also educate your Mom on good bird care. She obviously heard how much you wanted the bird, now she just needs to know that you are willing to do what it takes to make sure he is taken care of properly. To me, that's called responsible and that's what we strive to teach our children, so she will be proud of that, even if she doesn't quiet understand at first:)

03-22-2006, 09:38 AM
Congratulations! I am surprised that your mom surprised you after reading your posts on how she felt about pets :)

Everyone is already giving you good advice, so I don't have much else to offer.

I've had Milly for about a month now, and I hated how scared he was of me & my family at first too. But, to encourage you, it didn't take long at all for him to start getting curious enough to overcome his fear. Now he's not scared of us at all. I'm sure you will get there quickly too.

I just found out the PetSmart near me has an avian vet. there part of the week. Nice to know for emergencies. You might want to check that out if it's close to you too. I've already seen another vet., and she was wonderful, but almost an hour away from me.

Congrats again!

03-22-2006, 09:56 AM
While you're school during the day, you can leave a radio on for your lovie. I leave mine on during the day & even on the weekends. I chose a calm music station and the volume is on slightly so they can take a nap during the day without blasting music. My lovies take 2 or 3 naps during the day and are ready to go when I get home from work - very excited to see me :D :2cents:

03-22-2006, 10:00 AM
Like BettyAnn said, you've been given good advice already! :D Congratulations on your new bird....what a big surprise! That's what we mothers love to do....surprise our kids and keep them guessing! :lol

Lori's advice, as always, is very good. I'm glad that she noticed the cage bar space, that is so important. PetSmart sales people are mostly clueless on the right type cage for a particular species of bird and they definitely need to take that cage back and sell you one with the correct bar spacing.

As far as the Kaytee seed.....that is exactly what my lovie was fed before I adopted him and he is around 10 years old now so that seed was obviously OK. I did switch to one that I liked better, Sunscription Vita Tiel, but what you are using is just fine. Do your best to get him started on fresh veggies. It might take some time but if you keep at it, you usually can get them to try the good stuff. I started with broccoli, raw, and did have success, even with my older bird who had never eaten anything but seed. It took 3 weeks but it was worth it. Try the same thing, every single day for at least 2 weeks. You can offer it raw, cooked, etc. but keep to one thing and after a couple of weeks, try another new veggie. Carrot strips are a big hit with all three of mine. :D

Give him some time to settle in and try to be patient. Imagine how confused he is....everything is new to him and he needs some time to adjust. Talk to him as often as you can so that he'll get used to you and your voice. Good luck and keep us posted! :)

03-22-2006, 08:54 PM
I would like to know if leaving him unattened with water was a good idea. It doesn't look like he wants to drink anything. How can I convince him to drink? Will turning on a vacuum scare him alot?

03-22-2006, 09:03 PM
He should always have food and clean water in his cage. They don't drink alot at once but they do need to drink frequently. Usually just one or 2 sips at a time.

As for the vacuum, some birds get scared. Ditto however, loves to sit on my shoulder while I vacuum. Sometimes he gets into a shouting match with it to see who's louder. And when he's on my shoulder....... He is! :eek:

03-22-2006, 09:04 PM
Your bird should ALWAYS have access to fresh water. Never deny him that. He'll drink when he wants to. If you don't think he is drinking, at all, you can lightly mist him with warm water. I've brought home brand new birds who will not move, eat, or drink, for the first day or two. Sometimes, you have to help them out a bit.

The vacuum may very well scare him, especially since he is not used to his surroundings, and has never heard the sound a vacuum makes before. If you are trying to vacuum his cage area and he gets overly frightened, just move him into a separate room until you are finished.

And what do you have against Kaytee? It's actually one of the more decent brands.

Congrats on your new lovie. Others have all ready given you lots of good advice, but you'd do well to read over older threads around the board. Good luck.

03-22-2006, 09:06 PM
And what do you have against Kaytee? It's actually one of the more decent brands.

I have nothing against Kaytee, its only that from most of the opinions I've read on bird sites i isn't recommeded. Am I wrong?

03-22-2006, 09:19 PM
I would not recommend misting your bird for him to drink water. Since he still new to your home, this may frighten him and you don't want the added stress of misting - yet. Birds will drink when they are thirsty and you may not see him do it very much, but you can bet he does. I have 4 lovies and I rarely see them drink when I'm around. You will be able to tell by his poops. What you see that is white/clear/yellowish is part of the urinate. Just keep track of what's on the paper under him.

I don't use Kaytee products just because I really don't care for them. I don't think they as clean of a seed mix as I can get from other brands. I buy everything I feed my birds at birdfairs or my breeder. I use Volkman, Higgins & Goldenfeast brands. They are clean seed mixes and when you are able to run your fingers through them you can feel the difference compared to seed you buy at chain pet stores. I also buy individual seeds and mix them together for my own mix. :2cents:

Also, when I vaccum, I talk to my birds like I would talk to a child. It seems to calm them a bit. If you vaccum, move your bird to another room for a few weeks until he gets use to hearing all the sounds of his new home. He will still be able to hear the vaccum cleaner even in another room, but it won't be ear piercing.

03-22-2006, 09:25 PM
I would not recommend misting your bird for him to drink water. Birds will drink when they are thirsty and you may not see him do it very much, but you can bet he does.

When I brought home Sunny, he would not eat nor drink for two days. Luckily, he was not scared of fingers, so I was able to offer him seeds and droplets of water on my hand which he finally ate. I was scared that I was going to lose him, as I'm quite positive that he hadn't touched his water, and I know he hadn't eaten any food during that time.

Kumashe, I have used Kaytee seed and pellets before, and thought that they were pretty good. But I use Tropican now. I haven't heard anything bad about Kaytee, so I was just curious why you didn't like it much, is all.

03-22-2006, 09:29 PM
When I brought home Sunny, he would not eat nor drink for two days. Luckily, he was not scared of fingers, so I was able to offer him seeds and droplets of water on my hand which he finally ate. I was scared that I was going to lose him, as I'm quite positive that he hadn't touched his water, and I know he hadn't eaten any food during that time.

All birds are different, but the most common action with new birds is to make everything around them less stressful. If you are concerned about eating and drinking, the truth will always be in the poop as are most/some illnesses.

03-22-2006, 09:33 PM
True. But it was only a suggestion meant to be used as a last resort. I guess I should have been more clear.

03-22-2006, 09:37 PM
He's eating in my presence! I'm so happy, the trust thing is going up a bit. Or maybe he's just desperate and hungry... I'm happy either way. I've been playing music for him whenever I'm around.

He doen't make any noise unless I put my hand into the cage. Is this normal for a newcomer? How do I clean the grate w/o making him try to escape? Is Saturday too early to start training him? I was thinking of giving it a week or two to settle in before trying plus his beak and nails are seriously in need of being trimmed. Should I leave his cage uncovered for now? My mom won't let me use anything to cover him up....

03-22-2006, 09:39 PM
That's great! What kind of music have you been playing? Mine really enjoy Enya. :cool: Or anything nature-ish or that has bird tweets, really. :)

03-22-2006, 09:50 PM
I just put on the radio (no boom boxes for me :( ). Is an R&B and Jazz station that won't blast unexpectedly.

03-22-2006, 09:52 PM
He doen't make any noise unless I put my hand into the cage. Is this normal for a newcomer? How do I clean the grate w/o making him try to escape? Is Saturday too early to start training him? I was thinking of giving it a week or two to settle in before trying plus his beak and nails are seriously in need of being trimmed. Should I leave his cage uncovered for now? My mom won't let me use anything to cover him up....

Please don't put your hand in his cage unless you need to change food/water. Your bird will see it as an invasion of his territory and you'll never get him to trust you. You can remove the top part of the cage and place it somewhere flat while you take apart the base and the grate.
Yes, saturday is MUCH too early to start training. He needs to learn who you are and he has no trust in you right now, so training won't be successful. You can trim nails, but unless there is a medical reason, DO NOT trim the beak. There are thin veins throughout the mandible and these can be damaged by clipping the beak.
It's best to begin a routine asap, and that should include cage covering to ensure your bird gets a minimum of 12 hrs of darkness a night. A sleepy bird is a grumpy bird, and lovies DO need lots of sleep. Ask Mom if you can use an old sheet over the cage.
Best of Luck

03-22-2006, 10:37 PM
A dark sheet will work fine as a cage cover. That's what I've always used on Oliver's cage. A dark blue sheet. If you don't have one, you can buy one and it would not be expensive.

03-22-2006, 10:56 PM
Uh oh, the poor birdie fell down. I covered his cage for the night and he diecided he would still stay awake. The bar spacing is too big for him, he couldn't get back up from where he fell. If this should happen again, should I towel him and help him up? I as able to guide him into getting back to his perch with the towel.

03-22-2006, 11:04 PM
I would offer a low perch for him so if he gets to floor he can get up higher. I would keep and eye on him and if he continues to fall off perches a vet visit would be advised. For the nails and beak get him a diffrent tectured perch and be sure the cuttle bone is were the bird can get it. Cutting nails is not something to try and do without seeing it done by a vet. Maybe were you motehr got the bird has a avian vet.When I cover my birds I use a bed sheet that is dark and only cover 3 sides. The bed sheet I use is washed in hot water with no fabric softer added.


03-22-2006, 11:52 PM
I'm going to slice up apples and such for my lovie tomorrow. Should I just put it in the bowl with its seeds?

03-23-2006, 12:07 AM
Kumashe: You are sooooooo lucky!!!! Your mom totally heard everything you were saying and got you what you wanted most: A LOVEBIRD!!!!!!!!!! Lovebirds are NOT EASY and they aren't always the pets we invisioned, but they are always the BEST!!! My first lovebird, which I didn't even want, was a cobalt blue masked lovebird. We named him Zimberhoffen and he was as wild as wild as could be. He would dive bomb off high shelves and curtains just to stop from being touched, and after six years he still hates hands, but he has been the bestest of all best friends. I can't imagine life without him.....You've gotten some great advise, I just wanted to add that you should just CHILL OUT and take your time. Your lovie will be with you for years and years and years so you have plenty of time to build a great relationship with him. My relationship with Zimber (lovie in avatar), my blue masked lovie, is the best. I can't pet him or give him scritches, but he is the sweetest most playful bird ever and I wouldn't give him up for the tamest cuddliest lovie in the world....Who cares if your mom got you Kaytee. Yeah, it's not the most politically correct food in the world, but it will keep your little guy up and runnin'. You can also feed him veggies and fruits your family has in the fridge. Yeah, vet care is the best and something I do, but if your mom says no you have two choices: Let him not get vet care or get a job, save money and get him the care he needs and deserves. It's no longer about what your mom will do or not do, it's about what your willing to do now that you have the thing you said you wanted most in life. LOVEBIRDS ROCK!!!!!! They are not easy and they do not always live up to our expectations but they are always entertaining and loving if you give them the chance.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I say let the little guy out of his cage to go crazy in your room whenever possible. You seem like a smart young person who has done lots of research. Nothing is perfect and it's no longer about your mom, but about you and your dream lovie. In fact, I think your mom is too cool to move beyond her own stuff to make you happy!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy!!!!!!!!! And remember, we are here for you and your new friend so let us know how things are going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

03-23-2006, 12:13 AM
I'm going to slice up apples and such for my lovie tomorrow. Should I just put it in the bowl with its seeds?

I always give my lovies their fresh fruits and veggies in a separate bowel because it can sour and spoil their seeds if left in them. You can clip the apple to the cage, buy a $1.49 food dish for the cage or offer in a small bowel. Most my lovies love apple but I hear here on the board that not all lovies like fruit. Keep trying no matter what!! This whole thing takes time and you are young so you have plenty of it8) 8) 8) 8) 8) .

I would also try corn, brocoli and egg. These are favorites of most lovies. Remember the two week rule.

:D :D

03-23-2006, 12:55 AM
I noticed alot of you have Tinker Toy play gyms. How much would a pack of 100 or so pieces cost? Where could I get them?

03-23-2006, 03:52 AM
Hi Kumashe and congrats on your new blue mask :). I currently have four green masks myself, and I love them all very much. Masks are really active, playful and curious, and they're a lot of fun to see, but I do think based on what I've read here on peachies and my own observations about my masks behaviour, they can be more high strung and a bit more aloof than peachies. Not all lovies are the same, of course, and it could be that your mask becomes a "velcro birdie" in a short time, but I think you do have to be prepared to be very patient and also prepare for the eventuality that your birdie might never really like hands. None of my masks so far do, but I have a couple that have no problems being on me, and one that even likes to snuggle and get scritches, on her terms that is :). My third mask was a wild breeder, but even he has tamed down considerably and he has taken to land on me, if the other birdies are there, and if I stay as still as a statue, which I do no matter how uncomfortable the position I'm in, for his sake :rolleyes:. I guess what I mean is that the love, care, time and patience you spend in your birdie will repay itself, you'll see.

About your question on tinker toys, I think there's a couple of recent threads in the "Housing and Toys" section of the Lovebird Care forum where you could get some tips about where to get tinker toys and how to go about making the gyms. I seem to remember e-bay was suggested, but I'm not sure about the prices.

Once again, good luck!


03-23-2006, 09:36 AM
You can find Tinker Toys at Toys r Us and Wal-mart. I think they run about $20-$35 per set. I got mine for christmas from my family. :D

Remember, when you put fresh food in the cage to not leave it in there for more than few hours as bacteria can grow. I usually give fresh foods when I'm at home.

03-23-2006, 09:56 PM

Hello and congratulations on your new member. Just a little info on Mask...they are a little more timid than a peachface, so it might take it a little longer to get use to you. You have years to enjoy your pet, so take the first steps slowly, because you have to remember it was purchased from a pet store, so it has had a lot of people poking and prodding, and thumping on the cage or glass that it was living in for how ever long. So it might take a little longer for it to trust you.

Lori is right about the cage spacing. It is very important to have the right housing for your bird, just as it is important to have age appropriate toys for children. I’m sure your mom spent good money on the cage, but you can look for an affordable cage on e-bay or on-line. And if you have a bird fair in your area and you can talk your mom in letting you go, you can find very affordable cages and toys. Explain to your mother that you are very grateful for the surprise, and that you only want to do what is best for it, as well as what is safe for it.

Don’t push your mom into doing what you want, but have a reasonable talk with her, and explain that you are trying to do what is best for your bird, as she always tries to do the best for you and your siblings. If you don’t have a lot of toys and extra things for your bird at the moment, don’t worry as time goes on you will be able to get plenty of toys and things to keep your bird busy as you educate yourself on what is best for your bird. There are sites on the internet with wonderful information on making toys for your bird. As my 13 year old makes a lot of toys for her bird as well as the baby birds we always have around the house:) . Leather straps are great fun for birds and you can get that at Wal-Mart or any craft store and you can tie knots in it and even put a couple of pony beads on it. You can also find some plastic links at Wal-Mart in the infant section for under a dollar ;). My birds love playing and hanging on them.

When my daughter is in school, she tends to leave the radio or TV on for her bird so that it gets some back ground noise. I have radios in the birdie rooms, and if I have to leave the house I normally turn the TV on for the birds in the Family Room.

Good luck on the new member.
Breeder of Peachfaces, Masks, Black Cheeks lovebirds, as well as Green Cheeks Conures, and Sun Conures. :happy:

03-23-2006, 11:15 PM
Petsmart said they'd exchange my lovies cage for a better one if I wanted. This is one that seems slightly better:

http://www.petsmart.com/global/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=84552444177 9392&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302025466&ASSORTMENT%3C%3East_id=2534374302023691&bmUID=1143172399942&itemNo=12&Nao=12&In=Bird&N=2025466&Ne=2

03-24-2006, 06:51 AM
Yes, that one is better. Topwing makes a good product. I have a Topwing cage that Molly uses as his night-night cage. It was actually his very first "big" boy cage. Now he has one like this http://www.getbirdstuff.com/59/284.htm?578 , but I only paid $80 for it at a birdfair. All my birds have this same cage just different colors. So see, one day in the future you can upgrade, but for now the cage you have chosen is good. :)

03-24-2006, 07:36 AM

This is wonderful news. And like Jackie said you can upgrade the cage down the road later. :D It’s better to have a cage with the right spacing now, instead of an empty cage later.

Your heart is in the right place, and I’m glad this little guy found it’s way home to you. I believe in time the little guy will know how much you love him, and will come around to be a good companion soon enough.

Best of Luck to you,