View Full Version : Charlie

03-23-2006, 06:41 AM
As I was visiting with Charlie he took off into the room. He doesn't like to mind very well,:mad: and I needed to go to a doctor's appointment. I thought, oh well, I will put him back in the cage with Pete when I return. Guess what, when I returned, :omg: Charlie had gotten back into the cage somehow. I cannot figure out how on earth he could have gotten back in. strange and wonderful little creatures. :happy: Joe

03-23-2006, 07:01 AM
Hi Joe,

Sounds like you have a sharp one in your hands :). Lovies will sometimes go back to their cages on their own, if they get hungry or tired for example, but I'm wondering if you left the door to the cage open? Because if you didn't and he still managed to get inside then that means that you'll have to figure out what he did or Charlie might decide to make a daily run for it now that he has found a way to get in and out of the cage, and from my experience with lovies, his excursions will probably occur at the most inconvenient time for you :rolleyes:. Could it be that someone else opened the door of the cage for him to let him in?


03-23-2006, 08:21 AM
Joe, Gloria has given you some very good advice. :) If he got back in, he can get back out. I know it's frustrating when you need to get one back in (quickly) because you have to leave and that is usually the time they decide to be the most stubborn but since our lovies need to be close to a food/water source every 15 to 30 minutes, it is important to get 'em back in or to have food water outside the cage where they have access to it. Unless the room where their cage is kept it "bird proof", it's never a good idea to leave them out, unattended, even if they can get to food outside the cage. Just like a two year old, they can get into so much trouble.....fast! :D

When I first got Oliver, I'd leave the room and come back in to find him sitting on top of his cage. When I left the room he was inside and the cage door was locked. :confused: Finally he made his escape with me watching him....lifted his food dish door and climbed right out! :D I added link locks after that....to all four doors! :D

03-23-2006, 09:18 AM
I'm sure no one put him back in, and I had the doors closed. The room is bird proof, that is,unless Charlie can figure out how to open a door.;) He has never got out of his cage unless I let him out, so go figure. I got a couple of smart cookies.:D I am here 95% of the time, so I will keep an eye on the little toot. ;) I'm no dummy either.:whistle: